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In una fase storica nella quale sembra che i Paesi europei si impegnino a mettere un punto alle tragedie che decenni addietro si sono consumate nei manicomi, La prima verità di Simona Vinci invita a non dimenticare quanto accaduto in... more
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      AsylumAutofictionLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporaneaLetteratura italiana
Seminario di avvio del "Progetto per la ricostruzione e la pubblica riproposta dei processi di autoriforma e superamento dell’istituto manicomiale nella Provincia di Perugia (1960-1980)". Contiene una lezione magistrale di Ferruccio... more
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      AsylumStoria della psichiatria e psicologia sociale
Europe is currently experiencing a "refugee crisis", demonstrated by millions of displaced people unseen since World War II. This book examines the interface between the EU's response to irregular flows, in particular the main... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean LawHuman Rights Law
Jacques Derrida nos convida a refletir sobre a Universidade Incondicional que não existe, mas pode ser inventada como um lugar de resistência e crítica, com a capacidade desafiadora de transformar questões apropriadas por saberes... more
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      Philosophy Of LawAsylumHospitalityRefugees
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      MigrationRisk and VulnerabilityAsylumInternational Migration
States have increasingly moved away from refugee protection, intensifying the vulnerability of refugees and asylum-seekers. Drawing on theories of norm dynamics within International Relations (IR), this article argues that departures from... more
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      International RelationsHuman Rights LawInternational LawHuman Rights
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      Human RightsNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)AsylumMigration Studies
Voluntary returns of asylum seekers from Europe have increased in past years. Iraqi refugees appear to be one of the largest groups, which have sought asylum, and appear to be one of the largest groups of people, which return voluntarily... more
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      AsylumInternational Refugee LawAsylum seekersInternational Migration and Immigration Policy
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      MigrationAfghanistanAsylumMigration Studies
This chapter explores patterns of success and failure of anti-deportation protests. Based on 15 qualitative case studies from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, the authors identify four relevant mechanisms that may explain successful... more
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      AsylumProtestProtest MovementsDeportation
Resumen: En este trabajo se analiza la existencia de un derecho a solicitar asilo tanto en el territorio del Estado como en frontera. Para ello se toman en consideración la normativa internacional sobre la materia, y la normativa de la... more
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      Refugee StudiesAsylum LawAsylumEuropean Immigration and Asylum Law
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      AsylumAsylum seekersAsylum and refugees studies, migration and integration
In summary, our research shows that US Border Patrol agents and other CBP officers abuse migrants, physically and verbally, with significant frequency. In addition, many resent immigrants in general, and display racism toward Mexicans and... more
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      Border StudiesImmigrationImmigration StudiesAsylum Law
Starting from the analysis of data on asylum applications between 2011 and 2017, this article seeks to identify the actors and processes that influenced the implementation of Italian asylum policy, and rates of success of asylum... more
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      MigrationAsylumItalyCommon European Asylum System
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      PsychiatryPharmacyAsylumXIXe siècle
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      AsylumPTSDImpunityBattered Women
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      LawRhetoricAsylumGender Discourse
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      MigrationAsylumEuropeUS-Mexico border
Against a backdrop of rising unemployment and increased deprivation, this FRA Annual report closely examines the situation of those, such as children, who are vulnerable to budget cuts, impacting important fields such as education,... more
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      Information SocietyAccess to JusticeMigrationAsylum
The purpose of this retrospective, learning-focused evaluation is to assess Asylum Access’s progress against its national-level theory of change to document its successes, understand its strategies that are working well, and identify... more
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    • Asylum
Der 'III. Weg' ist eine elitäre und straff organisierte Neonazi-Vereinigung, die 2013 gegründet wurde.
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsRefugee StudiesMigrationAntisemitism (Prejudice)
(Special Issue editorial) Erving Goffman’s “Asylums” is a key text in the development of contemporary, community-orientated mental health practice. It has survived as a trenchant critique of the asylum as total institution, and its... more
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      Critical TheoryHomelessnessAsylumSocial Exclusion
The situation in Europe in 2015 and 2016 has raised many questions about state responses to what has been called “the refugee crisis”, and how these responses correspond with claims of upholding respect for the principle of asylum, and of... more
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      Asylum LawMigration LawAsylumEuropean Immigration and Asylum Law
Mit Entsetzen, wenn auch nicht mit Überraschung, habe ich am Mittwoch das „ZiB 2"-Interview mit Österreichs Außenminister Alexander Schallenberg anlässlich des Brandes im Flüchtlingscamp Moria angesehen. „Wenn es Bedarf an Decken und... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologyPolitical Philosophy
Il contributo analizza gli effetti psicopatologici della Grande Guerra sul vissuto soggettivo dei soldati traumatizzati, le categorie utilizzate dalla psichiatria per fronteggiare il fenomeno e le politiche di trattamento adottate.
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      Contemporary HistoryAsylumHistory Of Madness And PsychiatryTrauma and shell shock First World War
Una città che nasce dalla mescolanza. Un amalgama di elementi etnici eterogenei, un aggregato di culture diverse. L’Asilo aperto a tutti, persino a schiavi e a fuggitivi, sulla cima del Campidoglio divenne per i romani non solo... more
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      Roman HistoryAsylumAnthropology of the Ancient WorldRoman Myth
The chapter aims at exploring the European Court of Justice (ECJ) case-law concerning the relationship between the Dublin system and the solidarity principle enshrined in Article 80 of the TFEU. Starting from a legal analysis of Article... more
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      Refugee StudiesAsylum LawMigrationAsylum
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      Political ScienceAsylumSecond World WarModern Jewish History
This contribution interprets the east-central European post-liberal governments’ recent anti-immigrant, anti-refugee and anti-human-rights hysteria in the context of the increasing dependence of the region’s societies for livelihood on... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEuropean HistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
In recent years, British refugee organisations have built up a substantial body of evidence that the United Kingdom’s procedure for refugee status determination (RSD) suffers from a ‘culture of disbelief’ which has led to the unjust... more
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      SociologyHuman RightsRefugee StudiesAsylum
[English abstract]Since the establishment of the PRC in 1949, film and television was the domain of the state. But the first documentary made by an individual appeared in 1990. From this unexpected starting point, an independent cinema... more
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      Cultural StudiesFilm StudiesDocumentary (Film Studies)Discourse
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      MigrationAsylumProtest MovementsDeportation
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      Modern HistoryGerman StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
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      ViolenceAsylumEl SalvadorPrisons
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      German HistoryContemporary HistoryMigrationAsylum
The OHB of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies - edited by Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Gil Loescher, Katy Long and Nando Sigona - has now been published in paperback and is available to purchase with a 30% discount with the code on this... more
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      Migration mobilitiesRefugee StudiesAsylum LawMigration
[EN] Translation from German to Spanish of Jürgen Habermas' Article "Die Asydebatte" [ES] Este artículo de Habermas fue publicado originalmente, con el título de “Die Asyldebatte”, en su libro 'Vergangenheit als Zunkunft', Múnich:... more
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      Asylum LawJurgen HabermasAsylumEuropean Immigration and Asylum Law
Whereas the Visegrad Group is frequently seen as one unified coalition on the question of migration in the European Union, the intensity with which each country has addressed the issue during the European Migrant crisis, is different and... more
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      Asylum LawIrregular MigrationAsylumEuropean Immigration and Asylum Law
Introduction to Raccontare il manicomio. La macchina narrativa di Basaglia fra parole e immagini
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      Comparative LiteratureMedia and Cultural StudiesAsylumHistory Of Madness And Psychiatry
This article critically assesses the amended European Union asylum detention framework. It traces the tension reflected in the regime between protection provision and administrative imperatives, such as migration management. The research... more
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      European LawHuman Rights LawHuman RightsAsylum Law
Forced migration moves in and out of the public sphere, with political, media, and civil society attention ebbing and flowing across time and space. However, while displacement is increasingly common—“one in every 122 humans is now either... more
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      European StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsMiddle East StudiesRefugee Studies
In this first of a two-part contribution, I describe the case of Maribel Trujillo-Diaz. Maribel is a long-time resident of Fairfield, Ohio, United States. She is a worker in a local candy factory, and the married mother of four dependent... more
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      Refugee StudiesImmigrationImmigration StudiesAsylum Law
A review of the externalisation of asylum policy within the EU, with a focus on the key points of the strategy of the EU, the basics of EU asylum Law and the presentation of a few pratical examples.
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      European LawAsylum LawMigrationAsylum
This paper discusses certain mechanisms of exclusion practiced by a number of European states and the costs associated with them, before posing a question that is being raised more and more across Europe – what price are we prepared to... more
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      SociologyAsylumAsylum seekers
How have European asylum policies developed during the COVID-19 pandemic, from the perspective of the long-term political trajectory of the European asylum regime? When the pandemic broke out, EU member states had for three decades been... more
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      AsylumRefugeesPandemicsCouncil of the European Union
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      International RelationsInternational LawHuman RightsAsylum Law
in: Dirk Mathias Dalberg (ed.): Asyl und Migration. (= Rothenburger Beiträge. Polizeiwissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe, Bd. 85), Rothenburg/OL: Eigenverlag der Hochschule der Sächsischen Polizei, 2016, S. 25-68. Der Beitrag setzt sich mit... more
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      MigrationLabor MigrationAsylumMigration Studies
Denken Sie jetzt nicht an 2015!
Ukraine. Traurig, wie ausschließend die Solidarität von offizieller Seite ist: Sie soll nur jenen gelten, die Teil der „europäischen Familie“ sind.
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      NationalismAsylumMigration StudiesAnti-Racism
Against the background of the recent migratory crisis in Europe, this Delmi report aims at examining and taking stock of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). It asks what has been achieved and what has failed, focusing on two of the... more
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      AsylumEuropean UnionCommon European Asylum SystemAsylum Seekers, Asylum Case, Refugee Determination Procedure
Il volume ricostruisce la biografia di Carlo Livi (1823-1877) focalizzandosi sulla sua opera medico-psichiatrica e sul suo percorso di uomo e di intellettuale vissuto durante il Risorgimento. Livi fu una figura chiave della psichiatria... more
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      Modern HistoryCultural HistoryForensic AnthropologyHistory of Education