Behavioral Ethics
Recent papers in Behavioral Ethics
El rol del gerente implica tomar decisiones —desde las más estratégicas hasta las más rutinarias— en condiciones de incertidumbre. Esa incertidumbre atañe tanto a los posibles "estados de la naturaleza" como a las implicaciones éticas de... more
Asimetrik enformasyon, rekabetçi denge modellerinin öngördüğü etkin piyasa sonuçlarına ulaşılmasını engelleyebilen hatta piyasaların çözülerek işlevini yitirmesine yol açabilen piyasa kusurlarındandır. Günlük piyasa pratiklerinde çeşitli... more
We explore the relationship between norm-uncertainty and lying. Lies are ubiquitous, and people often lie for their own bene t or for the bene t of others. Research in environments in which social norms are clearly de ned and... more
Experimental evidence on pre-play communication supports a “focusing function of communication” hypothesis. Relevant communication facilitates cooperative, pro-social behavior because it causes a shift in individuals’ focus towards... more
El rol del gerente implica tomar decisiones —desde las más estratégicas hasta las más rutinarias— en condiciones de incertidumbre. Esa incertidumbre atañe tanto a los posibles "estados de la naturaleza" como a las implicaciones éticas de... more
Behavioral ethics has expanded dramatically in the last half century, but as a purely descriptive field it suffers from the lack of an actual definition of ethics. Little interaction exists between it and the normative fields of theology... more
The focus of this book is on how governments may effectively use recent advances in the understanding of human behavior to guide their efforts to modify people’s behavior. To date, the insights of behavioral ethics that have completely... more
How should ethics educators respond to the picture of moral functioning that has emerged from the cognitive sciences of morality? A critical case study of an instance of knowledge transfer from social and cognitive psychology to the... more
This article is about the relationship between business and ethics in academic research. The purpose of this investigation is to examine the status of the separation and the integration theses. In the course of this article, I defend the... more
Abstract This study explored a way of assessing the impact of business education on students' ethical orientations, by comparing MBA students' entry-exit responses to two different instruments. Results showed significant... more
Hypocrisy is the act of claiming moral standards to which one’s own behavior does not conform. Instances of hypocrisy, such as the supposedly green furnishing group IKEA’s selling of furniture made from illegally felled wood, are... more
In an increasingly globalized world, business ethics continues to gain importance as a field of study. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the essential concepts of business ethics related to the economy as a whole, as well as... more
Hoy los venezolanos viven aterrados por la acción de bandas criminales, en casi cualquier ámbito de la sociedad, y presencian el cuadro dantesco que ofrecen las cárceles del país. ¿Qué lleva a tantas personas a cometer actos propios de... more
A study was conducted concerning Chinese engineering students’ knowledge of and opinions about contents and concepts related to engineering ethics. The study was motivated by concerns regarding 1. the ethical standards of Chinese... more
Diversas perspectivas y experiencias pedagógicas permiten apreciar la pertinencia de aplicar el conocimiento de la ética conductual a la enseñanza de la ética en la gerencia; sobre todo, en vista de la insuficiencia reconocida del enfoque... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether, and under what conditions, an individual’s punitive intent in response to ethical misconduct is shaped by their perceived forgiveness climate, which is their perception of how... more
La ética comportamental es un nuevo campo de investigación científico-social. Nueva entrega de la alianza de EL NUEVO SIGLO y la Procuraduría General de la Nación Behavioral ethics is a new field of scientific-social research. New... more
Der Verhaltensökonomik wird das Potenzial zugeschrieben, Erkenntnisse über moralisches Verhalten und Gerechtigkeitsvorstellungen durch Berücksichtigung von psychologischen und verhaltenswissenschaftlichen Faktoren in wirtschaftlichen,... more