Recent papers in Biosciences
Firefly luciferase bioluminescence (FLB) is a highly sensitive and specific method for the analysis of adenosine-5-triphosphate (ATP) in biological samples. Earlier attempts to modify the FLB test for enhanced sensitivity have been... more
The inhibitory effects of aflatoxin B 1 were found to be related to the gram character in procaryotes, used in this study. Ethylene diamine tetra chloroacetic acid (0·05 % w/v) or Tween-80 (0·05 % v/v) addition accentuated the aflatoxin B... more
It has been estimated that 10 11 -10 12 cells, primarily of haematogenous origin, die in the adult human body daily, and a similar number is regenerated to maintain homeostasis. Despite the presence of an efficient scavenging system for... more
There are several methods to introduce purified DNA into mammalian cells. These include microinjection into the nuclei of the recipient cells and complexing the DNA with facilitating agents such as calcium-phosphate. After it enters the... more
Theoretical investigations, using semi-empirical potential functions have been carried out to predict the favoured conformations of the terminal dissaccharide fragments of various sialyloligosaccharides. The proposed conformational... more
The present work concerns a quantitative analysis of parameters that affect apparent blood viscosity at different low shear rates, i.e, between 1 s−1 and, 100 s−1. Viscosity profile of a large number of blood samples from thromboembolic... more
Present work illustrates a scheme of quantitative description of the shape of the skull outlines of temnospondyl amphibians using bilaterally symmetric closed Fourier curves. Some special points have been identified on the Fourier fits of... more
Mustard is a natural and multifunctional additive with valuable health benefits. Because of its strong hot flavor its application in food stuffs may be limited. Response surface methodology was used to design 21 different deheating... more
We develop a new technique to analyse microarray data which uses a combination of principal components analysis and consensus ensemble k-clustering to find robust clusters and gene markers in the data. We apply our method to a public... more
A Concanavalin A-β-galactosidase conjugate was prepared using glutaraldehyde as the crosslmking reagent. The conjugate bound to Sephadex G-50 beads was more thermostable and hydrolyzed lactose faster than the free enzyme. The immobilized... more
Amalaki Rasayana (AR) is a common Ayurvedic herbal formulation of Phyllanthus emblica fruits and other ingredients and is used for general good health and healthy aging. We earlier reported it to improve life history traits and to... more
A number of factors that are known to influence genetic transformation were evaluated to optimizeAgrobacterium-mediated transformation of hypocotyl explants of cauliflower variety Pusa Snowball K-1. The binary vector p35SGUSINT mobilized... more
American psychology association describes that the relationship between the depression and inadequate lactation are not clear. This articles provides an overview of breast feeding practices, newborn care and lack of maternal and newborn... more
Agrobacterium rhizogenes transfers a segment of its plasmid to the plant genome. The transferred DNA contains genes which are involved in the synthesis of plant hormones. These genes express in the plant cell and give rise to rooty-tumors... more
Wolbachia are symbiotic endobacteria that infect the majority of filarial nematodes, including Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi and Onchocerca volvulus. Recent studies have suggested that Wolbachia are necessary for the reproduction... more
Bacteriallipases are commercially more important mainly because of the ease of their cultivation and optimization to obtain higher yield. The industrial demand of new sources of lipases with different catalytic characteristics stimulated... more
We investigate the polytypism of MoS2 via first-principles crystal structure prediction approach. In particular, we combine the random searching method, AIRSS, for crystal structure prediction, and total energy calculations, based on... more
Centella asiatica or "gotu kola" has been used since long time ago as an ethno-pharmacological plant and supposed to be a potent medicinal plant for its various pharmacological effects favorable for human health. Many studies described... more
1. Daniel Bernoulli's reputation An historian of science or physicist would probably say this about Daniel Bernoulli: "Ah, Daniel Bernoulli, one of the three great Basel Bernoullis, Johann's second son, Jakob's nephew; born in 1700. He... more
Knowledge of the chemical composition of seagrass is important both for the assessment of the nutritional value of marine invertebrate or vertebrate herbivores and for the evaluation of potential sources of protein, carbohydrates, and... more
Fuel ethanol is an important renewable and sustainable fuel, produced in China by fermentation of mostly corn, wheat and cassava feedstock. Fermentation produces an ethanol-lean broth (10 to 12 vol%). Ethanol is recovered by distillation,... more
U. P. (India). The genotypes were grown in simple augmented block design and data were collected on fifteen morpho-agronomic characters. Analysis of observed data showed that the mean squares due to treatments for all the traits in both... more
Metal corrosion is brought about by the oxidation of atoms on the surface, resulting in irreversible damage to structures at staggering costs. Hence, the search for efficient and cost-effective corrosion inhibitors is relevant. Waste... more
Pedro Otacílio de Figueiredo airportislocated in Vitória da Conquista – Bahia. It has several flights to different states and has a Fire Department of the Military Fire Department.The objective of this paper is to present the Airport Fire... more
Study of morphological and anatomical responses to waterlogging stress can help to identify mechanisms of waterlogging tolerance. A pot experiment was conducted in the Agricultural Research Station, Ahvaz-branch University, during... more
Forensic Entomology is the scientific methods used by entomologist to calculate the time of an organism death through insect communities as a biological indicator. In the present study, insect fauna identification in dead dog, Canis... more
Polished rice usually lacks essential elements. Cultivation for increased yield with high nutritional value is thus a challenge. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the effects of nanofertilizer application on the yield,... more
Escherichia coli (abbreviated as E. coli) is a common bacterium both in daily life and scientific researches. In order to demonstrate the biophysical properties of Escherichia coli, the 3D model and simulation of E. coli are built based... more
Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is most adapted subtropical fruit crop, which was introduced in India during 15th century from the Mediterranean region. India is largest grower, producer and exporter of pomegranate since last decade. Among... more
Background: The synergism is a new concept in developing agents for antimicrobial therapy. The new approach is combination therapy i. e. combination of different plant extracts with antibiotics against resistant microorganisms which may... more
Mycological examination of 48 samples of sorghum grains obtained from farmers’ households in two districts (Dawa Chefa and Kemise) of Northeastern Ethiopia resulted in 1087 fungal isolates separated into 55 morphotaxa (3 of which... more
The 2004 Nobel Prize in chemistry for the discovery of protein ubiquitination has led to the recognition of cellular proteolysis as a central area of research in biology. Eukaryotic proteins targeted for degradation by this pathway are... more
This study aims to propose the promotion of cashew meal as a source of protein in poultry feed. To do this, the zootechnical parameters, the physical characteristics of the egg and the financial profitability of the management of the hens... more
Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) is a group of hereditary recessive disorder recognized as a loss of pigmentation. OCA can derive from mutations in different genes that produce melanin. These mutations cause disturbances to get a standard... more
This article provides guidance for the selection of disinfectants to be used for the bio-contamination control of cleanrooms and controlled environments. Control is important for product and patient safety. The article focuses on factors... more
Marcotting may be employed as a micro-propagation technique to enhance the rapid multiplication of tall, highyielding breadfruit (Atrocarpus altilis) and transform it into short-statured, early maturing breadfruit varieties. In this... more
Nutrient solution concentration is one of the most practical and effective ways of controlling and improving the yield and nutritional quality of crops for human consumption. The study was conducted to determine the effect of natural... more
La alteración del paisaje en Acapulco, Guerrero es alarmante. El objetivo fue explicar las causas y consecuencias de la degración ambiental en el área en estudio. El método aplicado fue geográfico. Los resultados fueron: Pérdida de la... more
Human colonization in India encompasses a span of at least half-a-million years and is divided into two broad periods, namely the prehistoric (before the emergence of writing) and the historic (after writing). The prehistoric period is... more
Neurodegeneration is a general term for the progressive loss of structure and/ or function of neurons, gives rise to dysfunction or death of neurons. Neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer´s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD),... more
International Journal on Bioinformatics & Biosciences (IJBB) is a Quarterly peer-reviewed and refereed open access journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Bioinformatics & Biosciences.... more
The present investigation is an attempt to an ethnomedicinal plants survey carried out in Sirumalai Hills of Eastern Ghats, Dindigul district of Tamilnadu. The indigenous information of the village dwellers, tribal people, village... more
International Journal on Bioinformatics & Biosciences (IJBB) is a Quarterly peer-reviewed and refereed open access journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Bioinformatics & Biosciences.... more