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International migration is a historical phenomenon, which only recently has gained increasing importance, representing a focal point on the political agenda in most countries. One of the reasons is the deep transformation occurring in... more
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      Knowledge SocietyInternational MigrationHuman CapitalSkilled migration (International Studies)
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      NeuroscienceNeurologyTraumatic Brain InjuryEnergy Metabolism
Science policies emphasizing the advanced qualification of human resources, together with democratizing access to science and internationalizing the science base, are shown to help build the conditions needed to drive brain gain over... more
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      Science PolicyHigher EducationHuman CapitalHigher Education Policy
People suffering from migraines, sleep apnea, glaucoma, memory loss, stroke, ADHD, and even impotence may benefit from new sleep research, which has discovered how sleep position impacts brain and head circulation, and can create many... more
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      NeuroscienceMedical AnthropologyComplementary and Alternative MedicineNaturopathic Medicine
Return migration has been an important topic in Nigeria as the country has a very large and highly skilled diaspora spread out worldwide with particular concentrations in the United Kingdom and the USA. There has been particular interest... more
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      West AfricaReturn MigrationNigeriaBrain Circulation
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      MigrationBrain CirculationBrain DrainBrains Gain
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      MigrationBrain CirculationBrain DrainBrains Gain
For a long time, one of my dreams was to describe the nature of uncertainty axiomatically, and it looks like I've finally done it in my co∼eventum mechanics! Now it remains for me to explain to everyone the co∼eventum mechanics in the... more
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      Mathematical StatisticsProbability TheoryQuantum ComputingArtificial Intelligence
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      NeuroscienceNeurologyNeurovascularBrain Circulation
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      International MigrationInternational Migration and Immigration PolicyBrain CirculationBrain Drain
A detailed account of the theory of consciousness has been presented that firstly examines the 3D Earth mainstream science theories of consciousness based upon the notion that consciousness is created in, and is process by, the brain. It... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMetaphysics of ConsciousnessEnlightenmentSelf Consciousness
Published on 27 Sep 2014 http://youtu.be/Z9zWUZB7hAQ We invited our listeners to take the inclined bed therapy challenge 3 months ago after Andrew’s first interview. What were the results? Listen to this interview to find out and... more
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      HistoryPhysiologyHuman PhysiologyPhysics
What does lying down in bed for about 1/3 of your life do to your body and brain? Are your sleep habits making you sick? We show how common sleep positions can cause migraines, glaucoma, stroke, sleep apnea, sinus congestion, ear... more
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      PhysiologyCultural StudiesHealth SciencesNursing
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      GeographyInternational MigrationMigration StudiesDiaspora Studies
Beyinde hem interstisyel hem de hücre dışı sıvının drenajındaki beynin yolları hakkında bilgiler içerir. Beyin ödemi, kafa travması, nöropati, Alzeihmer, drenajın hastalıklarla yakın ilişkisini içeren bir derlemedir. ( It includes... more
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      NanoparticlesBrain CirculationIn Vivo Imaging
The aim of this study is to provide quantitative and qualitative evidence on the territorial patterns of employment dynamics within European countries and regions, highlighting the key trends and main drivers (territorial conditions and... more
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      Spatial AnalysisSociology of KnowledgeKnowledge EconomyLondon
New evidence supports the idea that consciousness may be operating through an optical network system using biophotons, light “packets” emitted by living cells, a phenomenon that was first discovered in 1923. It is quite feasible that... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyNeuroscienceSociologyPolitical Sociology
The article collates and presents a wide range of data on the international circulation of doctoral students and researchers belonging to the Brazilian historiographical community funded by the Brazilian Federal Agency for the Support and... more
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      HistoriographyStudent MobilityBrain CirculationCirculations Internationales
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      Higher EducationMigrationPoverty Reduction StrategiesHuman Security
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      MigrationBrain CirculationBrain DrainBrains Gain
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      TransnationalismReturn MigrationBrain CirculationHyderabad
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      GlobalizationMigrationBrain CirculationBrain Drain
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      MigrationBrain CirculationBrain DrainManaging Human Resources As an Approach to Curbing Brain Drain and the Migration of Qualified Persons in Lebanon, (in Arabic), by Guita Hourani, National Defense Magazine, No 62, October, 10, 2007, pp. 52-82.
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      MigrationBrain Circulation
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      Software IndustryIndustrial ClustersBrain CirculationBusiness Process Outsourcing and offshoring
Дисертація присвячена дослідженню актуальної проблеми фізіології – індивідуальним особливостям змін центральної та церебральної гемодинаміки, варіабельності серцевого ритму при гіпокапнії гіпервентиляції. У дисертаційній роботі доведено,... more
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      Carbon DioxideHeart rate variabilityBrain CirculationCirculation
Background Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and spinal cord injury (SCI) are increasingly recognised as global health priorities in view of the preventability of most injuries and the complex and expensive medical care they necessitate. We... more
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      EpidemiologyDisability StudiesTraumatic Brain InjuryClinical Epidemiology
El objetivo general de este libro es analizar las tendencias contemporáneas de la emigración de recursos humanos calificados con origen en países de ALC. Específicamente interesa identificar los países y regiones de ALC más afectados por... more
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      MigrationSkilled migration (Human Resource Management)Brain CirculationSkilled Migration
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      Higher EducationMigrationPoverty Reduction StrategiesHuman Security
The purpose of the essay is to outline the situation in Sardinia in terms of unemployment and emigration of young people. The time bound framed in the research is 2004 – 2017. The 2004 has been the starting year of “Master and Back”, a... more
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      Political SociologyInternational RelationsPolitical EconomyStatistics
This study is devoted to the ways and means to justify a ‘more’ cosmopolitan realization of certain policy implications, in the case of immigration. The raison d’être of this study is the idea that the contemporary debate over open... more
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      MigrationCosmopolitanismGlobal JusticeBrain Circulation
Highly skilled labor migration (HSLM) from Turkey cannot be easily isolatedfrom its historical background and the shifting patterns of interdependence inthe world system. As in any other sending country study, there are a number of... more
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      SociologyEducationMigrationOttoman Studies
הקדמה: מסמך מן הגנזך האישי והמאובק -- מכתב תמיכה במאבק הסגל הזוטר שכתבתי אי אז. בזמנו העדפתי לכתוב אותו בעילום שם וכנראה בצדק שכן הוא זכה לתגובות כועסות מצד הטוקבקיסטים (ותודה מיוחדת לטוקבקיסט שהכתירני בתואר פוץ שעדיף שיישאר... more
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      MigrationBrain CirculationBrain Drainhigher eduction in Israel
The emigration of professionals from Greece is a phenomenon that predates the current crisis. It is historically attributed to the low demand for highly skilled work in the Greek labour market and to related structural malfunctions of the... more
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      Intra-European MigrationKnowledge TransferModern GreeceGreece
Con la presencia y profundización del capital transnacional en Argentina, la transnacionalización de los recursos humanos se hace presente en un determinado grupo de sujetos que posee ciertas competencias, experiencia y conocimiento. Esta... more
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      Transnational Labour MigrationGestión de Recursos HumanosBrain CirculationMigraciones Internacionales
This article has a double rationale. It aims at: i) re-calling a summary review of the main features of the young Italians migration flows towards France during the second half of the twentieth century; and then ii) focusing on the coming... more
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      Labor MigrationInternational MigrationMigration StudiesFrance
Traditional immigration countries such as United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand give preference to migrants with higher education, skills, and professional training that they can transfer to their countries. However, it is not... more
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      MigrationBrain CirculationHigh Skilled MigrationBrain Drain
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      MigrationPoverty Reduction StrategiesHuman SecurityInternational Economic Relations
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      EducationInternational DevelopmentMigrationRomanian Politics
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      NeuroscienceNeurologyMetabolismMagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
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      NeuroscienceNeurologyEnzyme InhibitorsWestern blotting
This article is based on an empirical comparative analysis of South Koreans studying at institutions of higher education in Japan and China. Focusing on the phenomenon of ‘regionalization of higher education,’ the study examines South... more
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      International StudentsStudy AbroadBrain CirculationSouth Korean university students
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      European integrationMigrationDemocratizationPolitical Elites
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      EpidemiologyDisability StudiesTraumatic Brain InjuryGlobal Health
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      Education PolicyEconomyBrain CirculationBrain Drain
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      NeuroscienceNeurologyMagnetic Resonance SpectroscopyAdolescent
Vessel occlusion is the most frequent cause for impairment of local blood flow within the brain resulting in neuronal damage and is a leading cause of disability and death worldwide. Polyunsaturated fatty acids and especially 􏰁-linolenic... more
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      NutraceuticalsStrokeBrain CirculationOmega-3 fatty acids
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      EpidemiologyDisability StudiesTraumatic Brain InjuryGlobal Health
The last decades has been characterized at both global and local level by deep transformations of scientific-technological, political-cultural and socio-economical system. In this evolution knowledge and innovation have become two crucial... more
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      Sociology of KnowledgeMigrationImmigration And Integration In EuropeKnowledge-based Economy
In this study, the relationships between brain drain, brain circulation and development phenomena are tried to be analyzed theoretically through various samples. One of the main problems of low-welfare societies is that people with high... more
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      Regional Planning/DevelopmentRegional developmentImmigration and EmmigrationMigrant and Diasporic Literature