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      BerlinArquitecturaNeoclassicismNeoclassical architecture
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      History of CollectionsCourt historyPorcelainMeissen Porcelain
Сжатый очерк русско-бранденбургских отношений в период, охваченный Посольской книгой по связям России и Бранденбургско-Прусского государства 1649-1671 гг.
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      Diplomatic HistoryXVII centuryearly modern Russia (Muscovy)XVII век
Grabunsbericht zur archäologischen Begleitung des Bauvorhabens „Errichtung eines Speiseraums mit Toilettenanlage als Anbau am Haus Josua“ auf dem Grundstück Dorfstraße 8 der Gemarkung Zagelsdorf (Dahme/Mark)
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyVillage StudiesMedieval Archaeology
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      German Literature20th Century German LiteraturePoeticsTheodor Fontane
Luther und die Fürsten? – Die Fürsten und Luther! Die Hohenzollern zählten zu den mächtigsten Reichsfürsten der Frühen Neuzeit. Wie reagierten sie, als Luther, Zwingli und Calvin sie an den Kreuzweg führten und ihnen die alles... more
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      Reformation HistoryElectorate of BrandenburgBrandenburg-PrussiaKonfessionalisierung
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      Diplomatic History17th century EuropeHistory of MuscovyBrandenburg-Prussia
This paper discusses how Jews fit into the economic policies of Brandenburg-Prussia in the later 16th century. From Frederick William’s decree in 1671 to allow fifty Jewish families to settle in Brandenburg-Prussia to these families and... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
This paper discusses how Jews fit into the economic policies of Brandenburg-Prussia in the later 16th century. From Frederick William’s decree in 1671 to allow fifty Jewish families to settle in Brandenburg-Prussia to these families and... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
Diplomatic relations between Russia and Brandenburg-Prussia from the Peace of Oliva (1660) to the Truce of Andrusovo (1667).
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      Russian History17th century EuropeHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthBrandenburg-Prussia
The article introduces the history of contacts between the Muslim community and Prussia in the modern age to the Napoleonic era, when the Prussian-Brandenburg state permanently lost land inhabited by Lithuanian Tatars. It shows the role... more
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      Military HistoryMuslim settlementsBrandenburg-PrussiaPolish-Lithuanian Tatars
Herrschaftsausübung - so die Ausgangsthese des Workshops - wird als dynastische Teamleistung gedeutet und dem Nachwuchs wird hierbei eine entscheidende Rolle zugesprochen. Die Nachfolger wurden instrumentalisiert und als politisches... more
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      Cultural HistoryEarly Modern History17th century EuropeDynastic Politics
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      International Relations17th-Century Studiesearly modern Russia (Muscovy)Brandenburg-Prussia
Ernst Opgenoorth ist tot. Die deutsche Geschichtswissenschaft verliert mit ihm einen der profiliertesten Kenner der brandenburg-preußischen Geschichte, die Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn einen überaus engagierten... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of HistoriographyPrussian HistoryBrandenburg-Prussia
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      Early Modern HistoryDynastic PoliticsBrandenburg-PrussiaGiftgiving
Die Studie untersucht die Folgen des politischen Regimewechsels in der Republik der Vereinigten Niederlande in den Jahren 1650/51 für den Kurfürsten Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg. Anhand der diplomatischen Berichterstattung wird der... more
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      Diplomatic History17th Century Dutch RepublicBrandenburg-PrussiaFriedrich Wilhelm Von Brandenburg (1620 1688)
Analysis, publication and translation (into Russian) of a Brandenburgian diplomat's report on his visit to Russia during the revolts in Novgorod and Pskov in 1650. Анализ и публикация с переводом на русский язык донесения бранденбургского... more
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      Diplomatic Historyearly modern Russia (Muscovy)Novgorod the GreatInformation Exchange
The book locates the composite state of Brandenburg-Prussia in its historical, political, religious and economic context, from the demise of the Teutonic Knights in the fifteenth century to the Napoleonic crisis. Synthesising debates in... more
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      Prussian Historyhistory of PolandBrandenburg-PrussiaHistory of Eearly Modern Europe
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      Eighteenth Century HistoryMissionary HistoryMissionaries in the Ottoman EmpireDiaspora Studies
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      Political RepresentationSelf RepresentationElectorate of BrandenburgBrandenburg-Prussia
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      Diplomatic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryBook HistoryMedia History
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      17th Dutch and Flemish Paintings and PrintsBrandenburg-Prussia