Brazilian Fashion
Recent papers in Brazilian Fashion
Versão em português do meu artigo publicado no número 1 da International Journal of Fashion Studies.
Since its beginnings in the middle of the 19th century, fashion has been narrated through multiple media, both visual and verbal, and for such different purposes as marketing and advertising, art, costume history, social research and... more
Essa pesquisa busca compreender as negociações entre o costureiro Dener Pamplona de Abreu e a mídia, na criação de sua imagem enquanto costureiro-artista nos periódicos "Veja", "O Cruzeiro", "Manchete", "Intervalo", "Jornal do Brasil", "A... more
AIn the present work I look at the influence of architecture in Brazilian and Portuguese fashion from the collections of some Brazilian stylists and a Portuguese stylist. To do so, I give a brief history of the social dress of fashion and... more
Alexandra Karentzos: “Traveling Fashion: Exoticism and Tropicalism”, in: Elke Gaugele Monica Titton (Hg.): Fashion and Postcolonial Critique. Berlin: Sternberg Press 2019, S. 230-245.
The article discusses the historical relevance for initiative and costumes related to the Brazilian modernist fashion, in to the pioneer Instituto de Arte Contemporânea from the Museu de Arte de São Paulo – IAC-Masp – in the context of... more
In this study we examined the important work of the graphic artist Alceu Penna (1915-1980) through the analysis of articles, illustrations and texts created by him for the fashion section of the magazine O Cruzeiro between 1939-1947, as... more
Resumo: No Brasil dos anos 1950, elegante era vestir-se à moda da alta-costura parisiense. O comércio de moda e a indústria têxtil nacional, geralmente vendiam e produziam artefatos que reproduziam tais modas. A identidade nacional na... more
Most studies of fashion in the West emerge from theories that have taken shape and have been formulated in a European and North American context, because these theories have been given an impetus in geographic places where fashion has... more
The construction of an exoticism associated with diverse elements of Brazilian cultural identities is a subject that has been widely investigated in several studies. Although much of what one sees and does in Brazilian fashion is... more
In this study we examined the important work of the graphic artist Alceu Penna through the analysis of articles, illustrations and texts created by him for the fashion section of the magazine O Cruzeiro between 1939-1947, as well as his... more
Brezilya’nın kolonileştirilmesi sürecinden bu yana, neredeyse dünyanın her yerinden pek çok farklı topluluk ülkenin çeşitli yerlerine yerleşmiştir. Bu topluluklar kendi kültürlerine ait unsurları da şüphesiz beraberinde getirmiş ve... more
A la moda brasileña, a pesar de su innegable alineamiento con el sistema global, le es exigida una originalidad expresiva que la vincule a su posición geográfica. Si en términos discursivos esa perspectiva parece reverenciar atributos de... more
In this study we examined the important work of the graphic artist Alceu Penna (1915-1980) through the analysis of articles, illustrations and texts created by him for the fashion section of the magazine O Cruzeiro between 1939-1947, as... more
In this study we examined the important work of the graphic artist Alceu Penna through the analysis of articles, illustrations and texts created by him for the fashion section of the magazine O Cruzeiro between 1939-1947, as well as his... more
The present research deals with fashion exhibitions, specifically those presented in the city of Sao Paulo between the beginning of the 1980s and the year 2018, with the purpose of analysing the development of fashion exhibition practices... more