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      Computer VisionPattern RecognitionSegmentationCalibration
In this paper, we investigate camera calibration in soccer field using a field model defined according to FIFA standards. The proposed algorithm searches for homographic transform matrix for best correspondence between world coordinate... more
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      SpanishSimulated AnnealingSportCalibration
Colour is the first attribute subject to consumer perception in determining food quality and, in many cases, this is the only possible mean to qualify product at purchase. For this reason, the description of colour by analytical methods... more
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      Machine LearningMeasurement and EvaluationNeural NetworksNeural Network
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceComputer VisionCalibration
Illumination invariance remains the most researched, yet the most challenging aspect of automatic face recognition. In this paper we investigate the discriminative power of colour-based invariants in the presence of large illumination... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringComputer Science
Color-based object recognition is typically concerned with building statistical descriptions from pixels that correspond to an object class and then using these models to detect pixels that belong to previously seen objects. Specific... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer VisionStatistical AnalysisImage Retrieval
This paper presents a novel automatic and dynamic camera calibration algorithm based on traffic visual surveillance. The algorithm can automatically calibrate the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of camera, and offer enough guarantee to... more
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      Image ProcessingVehicle DynamicsIntelligent Transportation SystemsIntelligent Transport System
An autonomous robot will have to detect the moving obstacles on-line, before it can plan its collision-free path, while navigating in a dynamic environment. The robot collects information of the environment with the help of a camera and... more
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      EngineeringImage ProcessingImage AnalysisGenetic Algorithm
In order to calibrate cameras in an accurate manner, lens distortion models have to be included in the calibration procedure. Usually, the lens distortion models used in camera calibration depend on radial functions of image pixel... more
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      Applied MathematicsCamera CalibrationLens Distortion
Modelling from images is a cost-effective means of obtaining virtual cultural heritage models. These models can be effectively constructed from classical Structure from Motion algorithm. However, itïs too difficult to reconstruct whole... more
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      Cognitive ScienceCultural HeritageStructure from MotionCamera Calibration
La relazione tra individuo e tecnologia sarà un argomento molto importante e centrale per le future infrastrutture nelle Smart-city. Lo studio che vorrei qui esporre è costituito dalle mie ricerche fatte per la tesi del Master 1. La prima... more
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      Urban StudiesUrban Technology & SustainabilityUrban SociologyCamera Calibration
Camera calibration has been studied extensively in computer vision and photogrammetry and the proposed techniques in the literature include those using 3D apparatus (two or three planes orthogonal to each other or a plane undergoing a... more
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      Information SystemsAlgorithmsComputer VisionPhotogrammetry
While the study of geometry has mainly concentrated on single viewpoint (SVP) cameras, there is growing attention to more general non-SVP systems. Here, we study an important class of systems that inherently have a non-SVP: a perspective... more
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      Information SystemsComputer VisionMicroscopyAtmospheric Modeling
Radial and decentring distortion parameters have long been reported as fundamental elements in camera calibration, especially in digital close range photogrammetry. This paper reports on an investigation for the determination of both... more
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      Camera CalibrationGeomatic EngineeringLens Distortion
The 𝐀𝐗 = 𝐘𝐁 sensor calibration problem is very important in multiple fields such as robotics, computer vision or machine vision. In this type of problem, 𝐀 and 𝐁 are parameterizations of rigid body motions, while 𝐗 and 𝐘 is an unknown’s... more
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      RoboticsSensors and SensingMechatronicsModel Calibration
This paper addresses the problem of compensating for lateral chromatic aberration in digital images through colour plane realignment. Two main contributions are made: the derivation of a model for lateral chromatic aberration in images,... more
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      Cognitive ScienceImage ProcessingAlgorithmImage Quality
Measurement of body dimensions of carnivores usually requires the chemical immobilization of subjects. This process can be dangerous, costly and potentially harmful to the target individuals. Development of an alternative, inexpensive,... more
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      Geometric MorphometricsAfricaTropical EcologyCarnivore Ecology
The CAFADIS camera project has consisted in building a camera to measure wave-front phases and distances under different scenarios (from microns to kilometres), using highly specialised electronic technology, namely Graphics Processing... more
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      Adaptive OpticsCamera CalibrationField Programmable Gate ArrayThree Dimensional
We address the problem of estimating three-dimensional motion, and structure from motion with an uncalibrated moving camera. We show that point correspondences between three images, and the fundamental matrices computed from these point... more
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      Computer VisionCamera CalibrationThree DimensionalEuclidean Geometry
In situ gamma-ray spectrometry determines the quantities of radionuclides in some medium with a portable detector. The main limitation of in situ gamma-ray spectrometry lies in determining the depth distribution of radionuclides. This... more
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      GeologyComputed TomographyRadiation PhysicsRadiation Dosimetry
A new paradigm, Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC), for fitting a model to experimental data is introduced. RANSAC is capable of interpreting/ smoothing data containing a significant percentage of gross errors, and is thus ideally suited... more
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      Image AnalysisCamera CalibrationRandom samplingExperimental Data
We discorvered a systematic bias in the camera model: The titled axis assumption. It biases every camera parameter in the model. We replaced the internal camera model for a full 3D perspective representation allowing the recreation of a... more
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    • Camera Calibration
Vision-based automatic traffic monitoring systems require a calibrated camera in order to measure the speeds of tracked vehicles. Typically this calibration is done by hand. We present an automatic technique to calibrate the camera for... more
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      Civil EngineeringUrban And Regional PlanningCamera CalibrationTraffic Monitoring
This paper presents an empirical study investigating the effects of training dataquantity, measurement error, pixel coordinate noise, and the choice of camera model, oncamera calibration accuracy, based on three publicly available... more
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      Cognitive ScienceCamera CalibrationMeasurement ErrorEmpirical Study
3DTV production of live sports events presents a challenging problem involving conflicting requirements of maintaining broadcast stereo picture quality with practical problems in developing robust systems for cost effective deployment. In... more
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      Image segmentationImage ReconstructionCamera CalibrationCost effectiveness
... Camera calibration is the first step towards computational computer vision. ... light emitter) permits crossing both optical rays to get the metric position of the 3D points [ 4 , 5 ... If these measurements are stored, a temporal... more
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      Computer VisionPattern RecognitionParameter estimationCamera Calibration
We address the problem of estimating three-dimensional motion, and structure from motion with an uncalibrated moving camera. We show that point correspondences between three images, and the fundamental matrices computed from these point... more
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      Computer VisionCamera CalibrationThree DimensionalEuclidean Geometry
Most projector-based immersive displays have numerous problems relating to complexity, space, and cost. We present a technique for rendering perspectively correct images using a casual arrangement of a projector, a mirror and a display... more
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      Computer VisionGeometryHardwareCalibration
Infrared thermal cameras have applications in a range of fields including security, agriculture, inspection, and health. In this paper, we are interested in their sensing properties, where we model and estimate the camera parameters... more
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      Camera CalibrationRadiometryThermal Camera
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      Camera NetworksCamera ObscuraCamera LucidaSurveillance, personal data, social sorting, privacy, camera surveillance, identification systems, internet surveillance, biometrics
Stereo vision has emerged as an effective approach for contactless 3-D measurements. This paper presents a methodology for the propagation of the measurement uncertainty through stereo-vision calibration and measurement algorithms,... more
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      Monte CarloStandard DeviationCamera CalibrationUncertainty Estimation
The report focuses on two main calibration tools, i.e., single camera and setreo vision system calibration. The goal of the report is to show how one of the most known techniques for camera calibration can be used to calibrate any given... more
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      3D ReconstructionStereo Vision (Computer Vision)Camera Calibration3D Computer Vision
Bitcoin is currently the leading global provider of cryptocurrency which has recently received a lot of attention from the public. In while facilitating services and product deals. The factors that affect the Bitcoin price and the... more
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      Protein Structure PredictionForecasting and Prediction ToolsNoise and Vibration Control and PredictionFood Prices
Camera calibration is a primary crucial step in many computer vision tasks. In this paper we present a new neural approach for camera c alibration. Unlike some existing neural approaches, our calibrating network can tell the... more
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      Computer VisionNeural NetworkCamera CalibrationPerspective Projection
—In the traditional camera calibration method, one of the core parameters affecting the calibration quality is the mapping matrices in the x-and y-direction. In this study, we first calculate the mapping matrices using the traditional... more
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      Camera CalibrationParticle Swamp Optimization (PSO)
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      Camera CalibrationDepth CamerasCameraWorkSinematografi
Depth cameras are widely accepted in computer graphics. Many classical applications are using depth cameras for 3D object scanning, image reconstruction, image segmentation, user pose estimation. The key function of these kind of systems... more
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      Camera CalibrationDepth Cameras
We propose a flexible new technique to easily calibrate a camera. It only requires the camera to observe a planar pattern shown at a few (at least two) different orientations. Either the camera or the planar pattern can be freely moved.... more
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      Motion AnalysisComputer SimulationMaximum LikelihoodCamera Calibration
In this article a new method for the calibration of a vision system which consists of two (or more) cameras is presented. The proposed method, which uses simple properties of vanishing points, is divided into two steps. In the first step,... more
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      Computer VisionMachine VisionStereopsisAlgorithm
AbstractÐWe propose a flexible new technique to easily calibrate a camera. It only requires the camera to observe a planar pattern shown at a few (at least two) different orientations. Either the camera or the planar pattern can be freely... more
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      Information SystemsComputer VisionGeometryComputer Simulation
Most of us cannot afford to invest huge amount of money in buying the best-in-the-segment camera and lens, that’s when one can get a dslr camera for rent.
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      Camera CalibrationCameraCameraWork
This paper presents a method of camera calibration of stereo pair for stereo vision application. The method is using Jean-Yves Bouguet tool which produces the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of stereo pair. The data of calibration will... more
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      Computer VisionStereo Vision (Computer Vision)Camera CalibrationEpipolar Geometry
A new technique for three-dimensional (3D) camera calibration for machine vision metrology using off-the-shelf TV cameras and lenses is described. The two-stage technique is aimed at efficient computation of camera external position and... more
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      Robot VisionTVMachine VisionMetrology
We have developed an app, named Sunpass, able to convert every smartphone into a solar compass. Sunpass uses input data from the smartphone sensors, calculates the Sun position, and elaborates data to give the desired information. The... more
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      Reliability (Measurement and Evaluation)SmartphonesGPS AccuracyOrientation
Development of the technology in the area of the cameras, computers and algorithms for 3D the reconstruction of the objects from the images resulted in the increased popularity of the photogrammetry. Algorithms for the 3D model... more
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      Computer Vision3D ReconstructionClose-range PhotogrammetryOpenCv or Computer Vision
We present a novel technique for calibrating a zooming camera based on the invariance properties of the Normalised Image of the Absolute Conic (NIAC). We show that the camera parameters independent of position, orientation and zooming are... more
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      Pattern RecognitionCamera CalibrationInvariantsElectrical And Electronic Engineering
In this paper an extension of the classical attitude Wahba's problem to a new problem that involves both position and attitude is presented. This new problem is illustrated in the dual algebra of orthogonal dual tensors. Our approach... more
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      Parameter estimationKinematicsCalibrationCamera Calibration
This paper demonstrates the value of historical aerial photographs for assessing long-term landslide evolution. The study focused on two case histories, the Mam Tor and East Pentwyn landslides. In both case histories we explored the... more
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      PhotogrammetryLandslidesDigital Elevation ModelsGeomorphological Mapping
Inspired by the astonishing and unprecedented speed and scale of uptakes of the camera, this study seeks to unravel the behavioral aspects surrounding young people’s adoption and consumption of the device. Because the camera is associated... more
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      Cultural StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesPopular CultureOrganizational Culture