Christian prayer
Recent papers in Christian prayer
The prayer of a Christian is the subject of his daily care in the process of spiritual development. We can say that without it and its dynamic development it is not possible for the spiritual progress of the Christian and the Church in... more
Mark the Ascetic is opposed to the Messalians. According to them, Satan inhabits the human heart from the fall and must be removed through constant prayer and expelled by receiving the Holy Spirit. For Mark the Ascetic it is the Holy... more
The Arrow Prayer is the practice of continuous prayer that was developed in the early church and was later formulated and regularly practiced by the desert monks in Egypt. The prayer itself consisted of a repeated Psalm, a short prayer,... more
This paper discusses the Metaphor of the Four Waters used by St. Teresa of Avila and briefly applies it to our own spiritual journey.
Husi Papa Leo XII Haforsa husi Papa Pio XI no Papa Pio XII Papa Leo XII Papa Pio XI Papa Pio XII
Third-year essay on the importance of the doctrine of the Trinity in relation to prayer. This essay specifically looks at the writings of Sarah Coakley and at the role of the Spirit in relation to prayer in Romans 8.
Some Christians who are citizens of the United States lament the current state of affairs in their country. Enthusiasm for morality is waning. Furthermore, support for anything religious is in decline, including protestant... more
In this Master's thesis, Fr. Ian lays out a theology of Christian transformation whereby Christians are brought into relationship with God and discover his will. The work integrates insights from Catholic and Orthodox theology as well as... more
La Sainte Écriture, lue dans la Tradition de l’Église, est le fondement de la vie spirituelle chrétienne catholique. C’est dans les Écritures, dans l’Ancien Testament et le Nouveau Testament, que nous rencontrons la Parole de Dieu... more
This essay attempts to analyze Augustine’s hermeneutics and homiletics in his De doctrina christiana. I will offer a succinct synopsis of the work and highlight various points showing Augustine’s hermeneutical and homiletical... more
This paper seeks to show that the history of the Divine Office (the Church's daily "pensum servitutis" or "bounden duty"), is but the gradual unfolding of the image with which the Evangelist Luke closes his Gospel “They were continually... more
In the Orthodox Christian school of hesychasm, the Holy Spirit's energies, or actions, can act within and sanctify a Christian's life and heart. Internal, constant prayer is an important practice for allowing this to happen, and it... more
Dai quattro Vangeli, ecco TUTTE le preghiere pronunciate da Gesù Cristo in ordine cronologico.
Recensión (en español) de dicho libro (en español, traducción del alemán).
Recensión (en español) de dicho libro (en español).
Research on the influence of praying the Psalms (PTP) on family life in a local church community within the Swiss state reformed church. Firstly, a deeper exploration of my continuing personal interaction with resources that aid the... more
Dai quattro Vangeli, ecco tutte le istruzioni che Gesù Cristo stesso diede su COME pregare.
In the age of secularisation, prayer is becoming an increasingly difficult act of believers to understand. Extremely dangerous individualism and subjectivism is the contemporary threat to common and community prayer. All of this makes it... more
The Sarum Rite, also called the Use of Salisbury, was a variation of the Roman Rite developed in the 1100s that was known to be high in ceremony. It also had a wealth of richly worded prayers that have influenced Christian worship ever... more
Parole e pensieri di un Testimone di Geova qualunque.
2nd in a week of Thanksgiving Prayers
My fellow Americans, Last month, on November 8th, 2016, we voted to elect a new president. The outcome of that election sent a wave of surprise and trepidation around the world. We knew at that moment, that the United States of America... more
The final installment of Thanksgiving prayers for 2014.
Can we pray together anymore? In this collection of prayers for Lent, RW Walker explores what difference traditional, queer, and Christ-centred common prayer might make in a chaotic and divided world, a wilderness that seems so filled... more
The Catholic Servant (November 2014): 5. In this Q & A I explain why Catholics will often pray the Hail Mary instead of a more expressive extemporaneous petitions or acts of praise. I explain both why such set prayers are used and why... more
The Sixth Thanksgiving Prayer for this week in 2014.
Bible as a school of Christian meditation Summary Liturgy is the clearest expression of faith. Because of this, Christian meditation cannot lose reference to the liturgy (Verbum Domini 52). It must to lead and take its beginning from... more
Au 16e siècle, la Communion fréquente n’existait pas encore, c’est pourquoi sainte Thérèse conseillait la « Communion spirituelle » fréquente, même plusieurs fois par jour. Aujourd’hui encore ce poème "La source" de saint Jean de la Croix... more
A review of The Five Pillars of the Spiritual Life by Robert Spitzer, SJ, National Catholic Register, April 5-11, 2009.
«[Recensión nº] 78. Martial d'Étampes, "Maître en oraison". "Exercise du silence intérieur". "L’Exercice des trois clous amoureux et douloureux", Éditions du Carmel, Toulouse 2008, 254 pp. 14 x 21 cm.», 2011. Recensión (en español) de... more
Presentation given at Luther Seminary for Comparative Confessions class.
A look at the development and change in the text of the Christian prayer known as the Lord's Prayer in the first centuries of the Christian faith.
This paper explores whether Buddhism contains any practices that can be classified as 'prayer.' With a focus on 'Kannalavva' (plaint) texts of Sri Lanka, it explores whether they can be taken as functional prayer texts. Ideas on prayer by... more