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This essay focuses on the pedagogical implications of teaching Atatürk's " Address to the Youth " for a more inclusive and diverse understanding of global rhetorics in the U.S. writing classroom. We propose that the public work of... more
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricRhetoric and Public AddressCivic Action
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      ReligionAncient HistoryCultural HistoryPolitical Sociology
it’s the pregnant woman’s fault—exploiting culturally pervasive frames of anticipated guilt and intensive motherhood to put women on guard with ‘‘strident moral undertones’’ (p. 9). Many pushing pre-pregnancy care had and still have the... more
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      SociologyDisaster StudiesPolitical SciencePolitics
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      Military HistoryMilitary MedicineHumanitarian assistanceMilitary Medical Ethics
Abstract: This paper examines the use of medicine as a tool of propaganda used by the US military. Medical civilian assistance programs were formalized under the name Medical Civic Action Programs or MEDCAPs during the Vietnam War with... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary EthicsMilitary MedicineHumanitarianism
The study aimed to integrate Action Civics Strategic Intervention Materials (ACSIM) in Araling Panlipunan 8 for improve learners' performance at Dolores National High School. Specifically, it sought to: determine the profile of learner... more
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      IntegrationPerfomanceCivic ActionStrategic Intervention material
Drawing directly on the historical knowledge and contemporary scholars and nonprofit practitioners, the Nonprofit Leadership and Democracy Project of the Union Institute's Center for Public Policy developed educational and training... more
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      Participatory ResearchNonprofit Management and LeadershipNonprofit sectorVisionary and Strategic Leadership
El avance de las nuevas tecnologías está favoreciendo un cambio en el paradigma mediático. Progresivamente, los medios de comunicación apuestan por nuevas técnicas y perfiles profesionales que respondan a las demandas informativas de la... more
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      Investigative JournalismMass Communication and New MediaPeriodismo de InvestigaciónData Journalism
L’etnografia dell’associazionismo concepisce routine e improvvisazioni come proprietà dell’azione collettiva, osservata a livello di ordine dell’interazione. Nella vita quotidiana di gruppo tali proprietà emergono negli stili di scena... more
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      EthnographyVoluntary AssociationsCivil SocietyCivic Action
How did you react to the Charlottesville Riots in Virginia? Or the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong? Or the Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia? With all the social issues going on, doesn't it seem like our world is falling apart? How do we... more
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      Public TheologyPolitical TheologyWorld ChristianityCivic Action
There is a worldwide growing attention on user participation in shaping urban environments in recent years. With the involvement of urban spaces in Turkey. Driven from this approach, this study examines the bottom-up transformation of a... more
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      Collective MemoryUrban MemoryCivic Action
Based upon the existing literatures surrounding collective action and the environmental justice frame, consciousness-raising is a social tool for community constituents facing the hazards of environmental pollution to community health.... more
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      Social ProblemsEnvironmental PollutionRacial DiversityCommunity Philanthropy
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      International RelationsPublic AdministrationPolitical SciencePolitical Corruption
While physicians are generally understood as owing moral obligation to the health and well being of their individual patients, military health professionals can face ethical tensions between responsibilities to individual patients and... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary EthicsMilitary MedicineHistory of Medicine
Using data from an international, comparative study of civic action in preschools in New Zealand, Australia and the US, we consider some of the types of civic action that are possible when time and space are offered for children to use... more
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      EthnographyEarly Childhood EducationCultural DiversityChildren's Play
This role of civil society in many African countries has been viewed as seeking to create an enlightened and informed citizenry. In order to strengthen their resolve and speak with a stronger voice in their engagement with the state as... more
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      GovernanceCivil SocietyZimbabweCitizen participation
How do local cultural organizations try to promote inclusive, inviting urban milieu and what tensions do they face? This paper shows how cultural entrepreneurs in Milan and Los Angeles try altering public perceptions of what is good and... more
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      Cultural SociologyEthnographyPolitical ScienceCivil Society
Since long before the Covid-19 pandemic emerged in 2020, civic space has been changing all over the globe, generally becoming more restricted and hazardous. The pandemic brought the suspension of many fundamental freedoms in the name of... more
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      Civil Society OrganizationsCivic SpaceCivic Action
This paper explores the emerging forms of water socialisation promoted by civil society actors through grassroots initiatives. The analysis focuses on the case study of the Manifesto for the Po, a heterogeneous civic network established... more
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      SociologyEthnographyCivil SocietyRassegna Italiana di Sociologia
Este Cadernos IESE Nº 22E analisa em que medida a pandemia da COVID-19 contribuiu para a abertura ou o fechamento do espaço para a acção cívica em Moçambique em 2020. Produzido no âmbito do programa de “Action for Empowerment and... more
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      MozambiqueCivil SocietyCivic SpaceCivic Action
Everyday group life is generally neglected in the study of the ongoing shifts affecting voluntary associations. This paper is grounded on a comparative ethnography of three Milanese associations affected by transformations in forms of... more
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      EthnographyCivil SocietyCivic Action
While physicians are generally understood as owing moral obligation to the health and well being of their individual patients, military health professionals can face ethical tensions between responsibilities to individual patients and... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary EthicsMilitary MedicineHistory of Medicine
In this paper, I use my work with the Gran Familia Awá Binacional (GFAB), an indigenous transboundary organization located at the border between Ecuador and Colombia, to redirect attention to ways organizations at-the-margins perform... more
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      Translation StudiesClimate ChangePolitical EcologyColombia
Amplified by a global political climate of fear, oppression, and increased nationalism, this article examines how U.S. secondary students in a digital media elective course used multimodal composition, and video production in particular,... more
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      TechnologyNew MediaDigital MediaCritical Pedagogy
After the Second World War, the US began to shift away from the isolationist tendencies that had shaped its previous foreign policy and emphasize assistance to foreign nations that were sympathetic to democracy and opposed to communism.... more
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      Military MedicineHumanitarian Assistance and Disaster ReliefMilitary Medical EthicsNorth American Studies
Since long before the Covid-19 pandemic emerged in 2020, civic space has been changing all over the globe, generally becoming more restricted and hazardous. The pandemic brought the suspension of many fundamental freedoms in the name of... more
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      Civil Society OrganizationsCivic SpaceCivic ActionIGDS Institute for Gender and Development Studies
Già nel ‘700 era emerso il mito della società civile come “luogo geometrico della bontà e della reciprocità” [Bidussa 1994, 93], capace di suscitare relazioni e atteggiamenti positivi, orientati al bene comune1. Qualche decennio dopo, nel... more
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      Third SectorVoluntary AssociationsSocial meaningsCivic Action
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      Military EthicsMilitary MedicineMedical EthicsHumanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief
Recently, American policies have prioritized international assistance, development and stability operations. Activities including medical civilian assistance programs have been widely recognized as a popular, effective and inexpensive... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary MedicineHistory of MedicineHistory of Military Medicine