Concrete Art
Recent papers in Concrete Art
Pour la philosophie des sciences, un paradigme est la matrice disciplinaire adoptée par une communauté scientifique. Il constitue et délimite le champ, la logique et la pratique à suivre de l’étude même : il identifie l’objet d’étude... more
O movimento concreto em São Paulo surgiu oficialmente em 1952 por meio de exposição no Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (MAM-SP). Ativo enquanto grupo coeso até 1959, em torno do grupo Ruptura, entrou em debates com outras correntes... more
This dissertation, supervised by professor Maria Luisa Távora, aims to analyze how the geometric abstractionism was experienced by some Brazilian and Argentinian artists, art theorists and critics between 1948 and 1961. It takes the Museu... more
Mário Pedrosa e a abstração geométrica no Brasil: por um " construtivismo " não dogmático HELOISA ESPADA Cet article est une traduction de : Mário Pedrosa et l'abstraction géométrique au Brésil : pour un « constructivisme » non dogmatique
the paper describes the origin and the evolution of the project of the building made by Max Bill for the HFG of Ulm
Coordinamento scientifico del convegno internazionale "Sintesi astratta. Espansioni e risonanze dell'arte astratta in Italia, 1930-1960", Università Cattolica, Milano, 13-14 ottobre 2021 Abstract IT | EN Le giornate di studio... more
Minimal Art Exhibition invitation
ZEICHEN DER ZEIT, Museum Modern Art Hünfeld, Germany
ZEICHEN DER ZEIT, Museum Modern Art Hünfeld, Germany
Driscoll Babcock Galleries is proud to present Judith Lauand’s first solo exhibition in the United States. A survey spanning from the 1950s to the present, Judith Lauand: Brazilian Modernist, 1950s-2000s examines a broader trajectory of... more
Nascido em São Paulo em 1935, Adolpho Leirner, como relata nessa entrevista de outubro de 2015, começou colecionando tapetes caucasianos. Além da coleção de arte concreta, formou, com sua esposa, Fulvia, uma coleção de art déco.
Las poéticas constructivas en Brasil y España desarrollaron, en el escenario de la Guerra Fría, una opción estética que apostaba por transformar los modos de percepción sensible a partir de una investigación formal radical. Determinadas... more
Max Bill, né en 1908 à Winterthur (Suisse) et mort à Berlin en 1994, fut un éminent architecte, peintre, sculpteur et théoricien de l’art. Le maître suisse a été un chercheur acharné de l’Espace, dans toutes ses déclinaisons possibles.... more
COVIMETRY is the first in Poland global manifestation of various trends in geometric art, conscious of its time - Traveling international art exhibition. The first COVIMETRY exhibition will be opened on December 4, 2020. Place: BWA... more
Peter Harnden y Lanfranco Bombelli eran dos arquitectos que tras la segunda guerra mundial trabajaron para el gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América organizando exposiciones para la divulgación del Plan Marshall desde la embajada... more
This note links Concrete Art (l'art concret), a visual art form originating around 1925, with Basic Design as taught in first-year design courses. It extends this view by approaching the topic from a rule-based, meta-design perspective... more
Sophie Taeuber-Arp's Vanishing Lines. Myriam Thyes, 2015, animation, HD video, 10:10, loop, stereo. Audio: Silvia Pachler. In what is, prima facie, a mesh of abstract lines, no few of the works that Sophie Taeuber-Arp completed between... more
This text approaches the relation of the Brazilian artist Waldemar Cordeiro the Associazione Artistica Internazionale Indipendente Art Club, founded in Rome, in 1945, especially with the members of the group Forma, in order to discuss how... more
Reviews from the exhibition Null Dimension and Zeichen der Zeit curated by Prf.Jurgen Blum, Museum Modern Art in Hünfeld, Germany.
El artículo aborda dos episodios que revelan fragmentos de un pasado poco explorado: el de los cruces entre los artistas argentinos y el Partido Comunista local. El primero se relaciona con una exposición a beneficio de la Unión Soviética... more
Text published in the catalog of the show Max Bill Global: An Artist Building Bridges, held at Zentrum Paul Klee Museum, Bern, in 2021. It approaches the impact of Max Bill's works in a set of Brazilian artists such as Geraldo de Barros,... more
Exhibition open Tuesday-Sunday 10am to 4pm. Image: Jon Thogmartin. Copyright of the artist. Curated by Dr Judith Duqueim, Constructive Reductive is a multidisciplinary exhibition of contemporary constructive art by twelve international... more
¿Qué pasaría si, además de aceptar la genealogía clásica que busca los orígenes del arte latinoamericano moderno en la abstracción europea, atendiéramos a otras redes que se traman en la historia regional? Es decir, conexiones activas,... more
Review of Getty / Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA exhibition "Making Art Concrete: Works from Argentina and Brazil in the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros."
La Primera Exposición Conjunta de Arte Normativo Español, realizada en el Ateneo de Valencia en marzo de 1960, fue el resultado de toda una serie de proyectos anteriores que, desde 1959, estaban encaminados a la unificación de las... more
Book Review: María Amalia García. El arte abstracto. Intercambios culturales entre Argentina y Brasil. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI, 2011.
Der Schweizer Maler André Evard (1876-1972) ist der Namensgeber für den alle drei Jahre von der kunsthalle messmer ausgeschriebenen andré- evard-preis. Seine Werke machen den Großteil der Sammlung der kunsthalle messmer aus. Nachdem Evard... more
O concretismo paulista foi movimento de vanguarda atuante na década de 1950. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar e analisar a formação artística dos artistas visuais e poetas concretistas. Essa formação pode ser dividida em dois polos. O... more
Resumen El recorrido que se propone en esta oportunidad, está asociado a la revista contemporánea, en particular su primeras apariciones en torno a 1948 y 1950. Dicha publicación, dirigida por Juan Jacobo Bajarlía en Buenos Aires... more
Ferreira Gullar teve intensa participação na vida artística brasileira, a partir da década de 1950. Atuou como poeta, crítico de arte, dramaturgo, jornalista, para citar algumas ocupações. Em entrevista realizada em 2015, em sua... more
The text analyzes the contacts between the Brazilian artist Lygia Clark and the French-German artist Hans Arp, as well as the connections between their conceptions of Concrete Art. Published in: TEUSCHER, Jana; WÜRTENBERGER, Loretta... more
The retrospective of the Kunsthalle München (formerly named Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung, 6/19 - 8/15/1993) was curated by Dieter Honisch. The review discusses Günther Uecker's development from 1957 to 1992 by outlining his "field... more
Resumo O crítico de arte Mário Pedrosa destacou-se, entre o final de década de 1940 e o início da década de 1950, ao contribuir para a formação de um núcleo de arte concreta no Rio de Janeiro, juntamente com o artista e professor Ivan... more
Gosia Koscielak History of the VR Virtual Unism and the VR Virtual Unism 2020 artwork, and its presentations. At the exhibition Constructive / Reductive, curated by Judith Duquemin at the The Queensland... more
Gosia Koscielak History of the VR Virtual Unism and the VR Virtual Unism 2020 artwork, and its presentations. At the exhibition Constructive / Reductive, curated by Judith Duquemin at the The Queensland... more