Croatian Film
Recent papers in Croatian Film
O biografiji Marina Držića "Libertas" u režiji Veljka Bulajića
Journal Kino! (Ljubljana)
*Junior Yr Undergrad* The enigmatic, Vukotic, has made the summary of his work a contentious articulation by being quoted as having said that, “there isn’t a Vukotic ‘style’; my style is without style. Each story has to have its own... more
DVD booklet text for Ante Babaja's Breza.
SAŽETAK: Tema vojske važna je za politiku, identitet, dominantnu kulturu te kinematografiju najrazličitijih zemalja, a socijalistička Jugoslavija nije bila nikakvom iznimkom. Filmovi hrvatskog redatelja Dejana Šorka Oficir s ružom i... more
Cultura, arte y historia de Méjico en la obra del cine experimental croata: “Proroci” (esp. Profetas) de Tomislav Gotovac Autor: Nikica Gilić Facultad de Filosofía Universidad de Zagreb Traducción: Vanja Žegarac Introducción:... more
O književno-filmskom "partnerstvu" Babaje i Novaka. Ante Babaja kao predstavnik modernističkog stila uglavnom se, barem u igranom filmu, oslanjao na literarne izvore (Hansa Christiana Andersena, Slavka Kolara, Ante Babaje). No, samo je u... more
Kritika filma (analitical film review). "Okupacija" je očito uspješan film, ali su i mehanizmi njegovog uspjeha očiti, a ponekad i jadni, kad se bolje zagleda. To je film rađen da zabljesne, zamaže oči, da impresionira. Da bi u tome... more
Rebecca West described the Yugoslavia of the 1930s as "a country where there is very little homosexuality." Bosnian nationalists echoed her claim in 2004: "we have no fags here." In a region where nationality and militarism were connected... more
One of the films opening the 24th Croatian Film Days in April 2015 was Unknown Energies, Unidentified Emotions, a hybrid of animated, experimental, feature and genre film in found footage technique, with a radiophonic sound and of... more
National and transnational categorisations employed within Post-Yugoslav film studies are marked by inconsistencies and contradictions. Rather than mapping the actual state of film cultures, a priori, absolute labels like Croatian and... more
The textbook of Croatian culture Croatia at First Sight in intended for foreign students of Croatian studies, Slavic studies, history, international relations, and other similar fields. It is a propaedeutic textbook, meaning that it... more
Kritički prikaz festivala u Puli (2015) iz Hrvatskog filmskog ljetopisa
Although distant at first glance, Mexican and Croatian cultures have had interesting contacts in the area of cinema, from the earliest days of Croatian narrative film industry. However, this article deals with an interesting example of... more
NASSR Graduate Student Caucus Blog
Crnomrčenje o crnom filmu / Politikom po kulturi / Zamke autorstva / Kritičaru, tko te trti! / "Imamo Hrvatsku" - "lakše se diše"? / Dodaci: reakcije na moje tekstove
Crnomrčenje o crnom filmu / Politikom po kulturi / Zamke autorstva / Kritičaru, tko te trti! / "Imamo Hrvatsku" - "lakše se diše"? / Dodaci: reakcije na moje tekstove
The textbook of Croatian culture Croatia at First Sight is intended for foreign students of Croatian studies, Slavic studies, history, international relations, and other similar fields. It is a propaedeutic textbook, meaning that it... more
The website about Croatian-Polish cultural contacts covers literature, music, film, theatre, and visual arts.
Udžbenik hrvatske kulture Hrvatska na prvi pogled nastao je kao rezultat nastojanja da strani studenti kroatistike, slavistike, povijesti, međunarodnih odnosa i drugih srodnih struka dobiju sažet, zgusnut i relevantan izvor informacija o... more
Udžbenik hrvatske kulture Hrvatska na prvi pogled nastao je kao rezultat nastojanja da strani studenti kroatistike, slavistike, povijesti, međunarodnih odnosa i drugih srodnih struka dobiju sažet, zgusnut i relevantan izvor informacija o... more
Starting with the claim that socialism in Yugoslavia, unlike most central European socialisms, had been constituted in the revolution rather than installed bureaucratically, Jukić points out that socialism in Yugoslavia evolved with and... more
Sa Zagrebačkih književnih razgovora; objavljeno u časopisu Republika 2015. Hrvatska i druge male kinematografije – one nastale raspadom Jugoslavije i ine – moraju služiti velikom broju društvenih funkcija. Primjerice, s obzirom da ih... more
In memoriam Tomislavu Radiću iz Zadarske smotre Tomislav Radić (1940-2015), jedan od najvažnijih hrvatskih filmskih, kazališnih i televizijskih redatelja, napustio nas je tiho, dok smo se nadali da priprema još poneki igrani film, čime bi... more