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4th International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces - Traian and the Danubian Provinces. The political, economic and religious life in the Danubian Provinces. Zagreb, 15-17/XI/2017: Several high-ranking members in Trajan’s... more
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      GeopoliticsBlack Sea regionGeopolitcs and GeostrategyBosporan Kingdom
Abstract: The security of demand for fossil fuels (crude oil, oil products, natural gas and coal) in the wider Central Europe is determined by energy intensity of economies, economic activity, access to maritime trade and availability of... more
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      European integrationRussian Foreign PolicyEuropean Energy PolicyYugoslavia (History)
18. Yüzyılda Tuna Nehri Donanması (1711-1792) adlı bu çalışma ile Osmanlı Devleti’nin, Balkanlarda ve Avrupa’daki hâkimiyetinin adeta sembolü olan Tuna ince donanmasının durumu tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Devletin Avrupa’ya doğru... more
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      Balkan StudiesBalkanlarDanube DeltaOTTOMAN / TURKISH NAVY
The importance of the ports of Braila (Wallachia) and Galati (Moldavia) in European trade increased greatly in the 1840s, following the massive British involvement in the Danubian grain market. However, these promising possibilities were... more
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      Crimean WarBlack SeaDanube navigationDanube Mouths
On the section of the Danube between Radujevac and Milutinovac (km 857 to 900), from September 6 to September 20, 1944, a large number of German war and transport ships, as well other watercrafts, have been disabled and sunk by their... more
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      Military HistoryHistorical ArchaeologySecond World WarWorld War II
L’agglomération de la Heuneburg dans le sud-ouest de l’Allemagne est l’un des sites archéologiques les plus importants de l’Âge du Fer européen. Les spectaculaires découvertes archéologiques des dernières années indiquent que durant son... more
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      Iron AgeEarly Iron AgeHallstattDanube River
New Silk Road (NSR) Program indicates that China, by offering partnership cooperation, aims to become the major player in the global economy. The Program incorporates sixty percent of the world population and sixty five countries, with a... more
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      Regional EconomicsDanubeDanube RiverDanube region
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      ShippingDanube DeltaDanube RiverDanube region
In the Collection of the River Navigation of the Museum of Science and Technology - Belgrade, there are a certain number of well-preserved, typologically and chronologically diverse items from the Danube riverbed, about which basic... more
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      RiversByzantine ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyAncient anchors and mooring
Vienne se distingue comme un grand port fluvial au cœur du continent européen où s’articulent trois échelles commerciales locale, régionale et internationale, au rythme des rapports entre la ville et la résidence impériale qui se... more
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      Early Modern HistoryUrban HistoryUrban PlanningInternational History
У лето 1862. године први државни пароброд Кнежевине Србије је под заповедништвом поморског капетана Божа Радоничића из Доброте, у Боки Которској, Дунавом допловио до Кусјака, у близини Прахова. Већ само име Делиград, које је пароброд... more
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      Maritime HistoryBalkan StudiesBalkan HistoryInland Navigation
„Djerdap is ancient history and a rare natural beauty. It is a symphony of wilderness, elements, extremes, steep cliffs, noisy waterwhirls, endless garden of fragnant lilacs and power of human mind and indelible traces of ancient history“... more
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      EngineeringRomanian HistorySerbian history19th Century (History)
In the summer of 1862, the first state owned steamship of the Principality of Serbia has sailed to Kusjak near Prahovo by the Danube river, under the command of the captain Božo Radončić of Dobrota, the Bay of Kotor. Its very name,... more
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      Maritime HistoryBalkan StudiesBalkan HistoryYugoslavia
The Habsburg dynasty ruled over an empire, which from 1815 until its collapse in 1918 encompassed much of modern-day Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and parts of Romania, Ukraine,... more
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      Identity politicsHabsburg StudiesTechnological InnovationDanube navigation
With the organisation of the Scientific symposium "History of Navigation through Iron Gate Gorge" Museum of Science and Technology - Belgrade marked the 120th anniversary of the ceremonial opening of the Sip Canal, the most important... more
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      Serbian historySerbiaHistory of NavigationDanube River
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      Maritime HistoryOttoman BalkansAustralian HistoryDanube navigation
This paper refers to the organisation of the Danubian leech trade in the second quarter of the 19th century, a period when it grew tremendously, in the context of increasing demand for this product on the Western markets. By the early... more
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      Danube RiverDanube navigationMedicinal Leeches/gout
У Збирци речног бродарства Музеја науке и технике - Београд налази се известан број добро очуваних, типолошки и хронолошки разноврсних експоната из дунавског корита, о којима се у овом тексту дају основни подаци.
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      RiversByzantine ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyAncient anchors and mooring
Прво краљевско српско повлашћено бродарско друштвo основано je у Београду 25. августа 1891. године. Први брод Друштвa био је пароброд Мачва, изграђен у Италији, у машинској радионици Николе Одера, у месту Сестри Поненте (Sestri Ponente)... more
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      Serbian historyHistory of BelgradeHistory of NavigationDanube River
На току Дунава од Радујевца до Милутиновца (km 857 до 900), у периоду од 6. до 20. септембра 1944. године потопљен је велики број немачких ратних и транспортних бродова и других пловних објеката. Посаде су саме онеспособиле и потопиле... more
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      Military HistorySecond World WarWorld War IISerbia
The paper gives a brief history of navigation on the rivers in the Principality and the Kingdom of Serbia, as well as participation of the sailors from the Bay of Kotor in the creation of the Serbian river shipping. Special attention is... more
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      Serbian history19th Century (History)MontenegroHistory of Navigation
После неколико неуспелих покушаја да своје бродарство подигне на ниво паробродарства, Кнежевина Србија је 1862. године купила свој први пароброд. Од Друштва за паробродску пловидбу „Аустријски Лојд“, у Галацу купљен је девет година стари... more
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      Serbian historyHistory of NavigationDanube RiverDanube region
The oldest photograph in the Collection of River Shipping of the Museum of Science and Technology was taken on April 3, 1867. It recorded the moment of ceremonious reception of Prince Mihailo Obrenović in Turnu Severin, a city that the... more
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      Romanian HistoryBalkan HistorySerbian history19th Century (History)
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      International RelationsIron GatesDanube RiverDanube navigation
Тhe First Royal Serbian Privileged Shipping Company was founded in Belgrade, on August 25, 1891. The first steamship of the Company was Mačva, built in Italy, in the machine shop of Nicolò Odero in Sestri Ponente near Genova. Mačva... more
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      Serbian historyHistory of NavigationDanube RiverDanube navigation
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      International RelationsCold WarHistory of YugoslaviaDanube navigation
After the WWI larger number of men from the Bay of Kotor entered the river service of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes with headquarters in Belgrade. Those were sailors with experience, but also the ones who just finished the... more
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      Serbian history20th CenturyMontenegroSerbia
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      History of YugoslaviaIron GatesDiplomacy and international relationsDanube navigation