History of Navigation
Recent papers in History of Navigation
History (in Italian) of the making of Fra Mauro's world map (ca. 1450-1460), and a new revised transcription of the geographical notes
Power Point presentation in support of the Seminar de Historia Global Prof. Dr. Guido Abbattista (Università degli Studi di Trieste https://www.units.it/) Rotte marittime globali. Un geodatabase storico della navigazione globale... more
Resumen El presente artículo considera la historia de Rapa Nui en el siglo XVIII desde dos perspectivas distintas. Primero, examino el desarrollo de la exploración europea de los océanos que resultó en el redescubrimiento de Isla de... more
Together with the anonymous chart of c. 1471 and the chart of Jorge de Aguiar (1492), this chart signed by Pedro Reinel, but not dated, it is one of the earliest surviving exemplars of the Portuguese nautical cartography. A curious... more
This is a lecture on global history of science which I have delivered in the course Early Modern Global Exchanges, led by Dr Carlo Taviani (part of the Curriculum Global Cultures, University of Bologna) on the 11th May 2020. The lecture... more
Als Motto für die Ausstellung und das Begleitbuch wurde gewählt „Navigare necesse est“. Dieses Motto hat uns Plutarch (um 45 – um 125 n.Chr.) überliefert. Es geht auf den römischen Feldherrn Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (106–48 v.Chr.) zurück,... more
This article presents new research on the Portuguese Maritime Front during World War One, especially regarding the German submarine war off the Portuguese coast. One subject, in particular, has remained obscure for many contemporary... more
https://www.rutter-project.org/uploads/1/2/9/4/129482413/salomoni_review_nuns_navigating.pdf The history of women in the context of the early modern globalization is still largely unwritten, despite the increasing gender awareness of... more
The Cantino planisphere is one of the most precious monuments of the world’s cartographic heritage. It was drawn by an anonymous Portuguese cartographer, in 1502 and immediately taken to Italy by Alberto Cantino, an emissary of the Duke... more
In the thirteenth century, Italian merchant and explorer Marco Polo traveled from Venice to the far reaches of Asia, a journey he chronicled in a narrative titled Il Milione, later known as The Travels of Marco Polo. While Polo’s writings... more
The North Sea. A review of shipping lanes, volume of traffic and frequency of shipwrecking from medieval times, to 1900. Cultural heritage on and in the seabed, as a non-renewable resource. Nordsjøen. Analyse av seilingsleder,... more
One of the central questions in the history of cartography and navigation, the issue of the prime meridian, with its strong implications for the most diverse aspects of our life, is far from being just a matter of geography. Similarly,... more
Depuis l’apparition du logement marinier jusqu’à la transformation des cales en pièces de vie, nous suivons dans cet article les transformations du bateau de commerce de petit gabarit (principalement les « 38 mètres ») sur les fleuves et... more
El mantenimiento de un imperio ultramarino exigió de la Monarquía un enorme esfuerzo organizativo, de gestión de administraciones y de preparación de equipos humanos. La secretaría de Marina logró aglutinar bajo su jurisdicción las... more
https://www.rutter-project.org/uploads/1/2/9/4/129482413/salomoni_review_crowley2015.pdf Conquerors is an agile, compelling book that lacks nothing in historical accuracy and methodological rigor. Roger Crowley’s narration takes the... more
Man has been sailing since ancient times, first on the great rivers of Mesopotamia and on the Nile, and subsequently venturing into the open sea. Particularly in the Mediterranean, history and navigation have developed together, allowing... more
The sudden appearance of portolan charts, realistic nautical charts of the Mediterranean and Black Sea, at the end of the thirteenth century is one of the most significant occurrences in the history of cartography. Using geodetic and... more
Üç kıtanın iç bölgelerine etki eden limanlara sahip olması nedeniyle Akdeniz, her çağda ticarete elverişli bir ulaşım yolu olmuştur. Özellikle coğrafi keşifler öncesinde, bu denizi çevreleyen kıtalardaki hem doğal sınırlamalar(Alpler,... more
En este trabajo se describe la construcción del Astrolabio Planisférico por los métodos geométricos que se utilizados en dos manuscritos españoles, que son: 1.- El "Libro Primero del Astrolabio Llano" incluido en el corpus de los "Libros... more
A multicentenária e desaparecida barca de passagem de Silhades (Freguesia do Felgar, Con-celho de Torre de Moncorvo, Distrito de Bragança) deixou de fazer a travessia fluvial entre as duas margens do rio Sabor no último quartel do século... more
La guerra contra el Imperio otomano incrementó la demanda de remeros en las escuadras de galeras de la Monarquía hispánica. Para conseguirlos, la Corona dio a la pena de galeras un mayor peso dentro del sistema penal de sus territorios.... more
"During the late Middle Age Mathematics and Geometry began to be used for navigational purposes, even if only in an empirical and experimental way. La raxon de marteloio (with its toleta, i.e. a board) is one of the first applications to... more
Este trabajo, es la introducción al estudio de las construcciones geométricas utilizadas en el "Libro Primero del Astrolabio Llano", que forma parte del corpus general de los "Libros del Saber de Astrología", que hizo recopilar el Rey... more
Autobiography - During his circumnavigation in 1579, Francis Drake recorded a survey on Neahkahnie Mountain, Oregon by building cairns and then placing atop them incised rock markers which became known as the Treasure Rocks of Neahkahnie... more
Throughout history, the Norse people of the Viking Age (commonly referred to as “Vikings”) were known as violent marauders who raided, raped, and pillaged innocent coastal villages throughout Western Europe. While that may be true, they... more
Casi todo lo que podría decirse sobre el descubrimiento de América y sus circunstancias se ha dicho ya. Este libro no aspira a descubrir el Descubrimiento ni a rectificar —aunque en algún punto no tenga más remedio que hacerlo— las... more
O artigo aqui apresentado tem como objetivo uma análise do Imaginário Romano do Oriente no século I E.C.. Pretende-se fazê-la a partir de trechos retirados do texto anônimo intitulado “O Périplo do Mar Eritreu”, o qual narra portos,... more
"No subject in science can be deeply understood without the history of its roots and the human story behind it. This fine collection of essays does precisely that. It offers a well edited and refreshing approach to the way ‘monsters’ are... more
Presents new DNA evidence regarding a very old controversy - whether the two titled Drake families of Devon are related. Steps through the careers and ancestry of Sir Francis and Sir Bernard Drake, and the various disagreements that have... more
A recent National Highway Authority report predicts over 4-fold increase in trade volume by 2025 in Pakistan. Current trajectory of transportation infrastructure development in the country points that highways and motorways would take the... more
Planck's Black Body Radiation Law is proved starting from the kinetic theory of gases. All mathematical steps are included, including a proof of Stirling's formula for factorial N, and use of the methods of statistical mechanics to derive... more
New engravings of prehistoric vessels in the petroglyph of Outeiro do Cribo and its relationship with the figure of the already known labyrinth are presented, as well as a new hypothesis about the meaning of this figure.
El presente ensayo ofrece una sistematización de un corpus de información etnográfica relativa a ciertos seres y objetos del agua entre los mayas chontales de Tabasco; se analiza la lógica por la que dichos seres se vinculan... more
A comienzos del siglo XVI España y Portugal comenzaban a consolidar lo que serian imperios marítimos que abarcarían el mundo conocido. De la misma forma procedía el imperio Otomano a una escala mas reducida, pero igualmente creando un... more
An interdisciplinary study that draws together geography, historical navigation data, and eyewitness accounts into a comprehensive picture of one of the world’s great rivers. This ground-breaking view of the navigational landscape of... more
История развития древнего водного транспорта насчитывает многие тысячелетия, но, к сожалению, археологические находки древних лодок очень редки. К тому же, не всегда удается сохранить находку для музейного хранения и экспонирования,... more
SIR FRANCIS DRAKE'S NORTHWEST EXPLORATION: AN HISTORICAL DISCUSSION AND SURVEY OF ARTIFACTS AT NEAHKAHNIE MOUNTAIN, OREGON. Submitted as a Project by Phillip A. Costaggini. In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for Master's Degree... more
Introduction to The Sea and Civilization: A Maritime History of the World, outlining premise, rationale, and origins of the book.
Dal Giornale di Arona del 5 giugno 2020, rubrica "Alla (ri)scoperta di Arona".
Морское дело и развитие морской инфраструктуры являются важнейшими показателями эффективности использования наукоемких технологий, общегеографических знаний и созидательного творчества морских инженеров и авторитетных мореплавателей, при... more