Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform
Recent papers in Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform
This paper presents a new method for the detection and parameter estimation of multicomponent LFM signals based on the fractional Fourier transform. For the optimization in the fractional Fourier domain, an algorithm based on Quasi-Newton... more
We present the detailed process of converting the classical Fourier Transform algorithm into the quantum one by using QR decomposition. This provides an example of a technique for building quantum algorithms using classical ones. The... more
ABSTRAK Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) adalah suatu algoritma untuk menghitung transformasi Fourier diskrit (Discrete Fourier Transform, DFT) dengan cepat dan efisien. Transformasi Fourier cepat diterapkan dalam beragam bidang, mulai dari... more
by Loukas Grafakos, Springer
[ -- ] Course Name: MATRICES, VECTORS and FOURIER ANALYSIS [ -- ] Credits: AIUB [ -- ] [ . ] It is a sample Assignment with faculty given marks. It is directed towards student who need solved sample maths with accurate formatting. All... more
In this paper, by investigating the definitions of the fractional power spectrum and the fractional correlation for the deterministic process, we consider the case associated with the random process in an explicit manner. The fractional... more
Encryption technology has been developed quickly and many image encryption methods have been used to protect confidential image data from unauthorized access. In this paper, we introduce general quick brief introduction about... more
The fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) is a potent tool to analyze the chirp signal. However, it fails in locating the fractional Fourier domain (FRFD)-frequency contents which is required in some applications. The short-time fractional... more
A technique for image encryption using fractional Fourier transform (FRT) and radial Hilbert transform (RHT) is proposed. The spatial frequency spectrum of the image to be encrypted is first segregated into two parts/channels using RHT,... more
Abstract The extension of the Fourier transform operator to a fractional power has received much attention in signal theory and is finding attractive applications. The paper introduces and develops the fractional discrete cosine transform... more
J. Indian Inst. Sci., Jan.Feb. 2005, 85, 1126 © Indian Institute of Science. ... Author for correspondence. *On lein from MITS, Gwalior 474 005, India. ... Fractional Fourier transform: A novel tool for signal ... RAJIV SAXENA* AND... more
In questa tesi si studia l’utilizzo della tecnica OFDM in trasmissione per generare diverse sottoportanti in parallelo; sfruttando la modulazione di frequenza introdotta è possibile passare dalla multiplazione OFDM alla multiplazione OTDM... more
Data hiding is the key factor in secure communication today, Because of duplication and data manipulation. With the help of data hiding, that we can make our personal and important data will ensure against activities without... more
A novel quaternion color representation tool is proposed to the images and videos efficiently. In this work, we consider a full model for representation and processing color images in the quaternion algebra. Color images are presented in... more
An important issue with oversampled FIR analysis filter banks (FBs) is to determine inverse synthesis FBs, when they exist. Given any complex oversampled FIR analysis FB, we first provide an algorithm to determine whether there exists an... more
Color in an image is resolved to 3 or 4 color components and 2-Dimages of these components are stored in separate channels. Most of the color image enhancement algorithms are applied channel-by-channel on each image. But such a system of... more
The main objective of the paper is to study the three-dimensional fractional Fourier Mellin transforms (3DFRFMT), their basic properties and applicability due to mainly use in the radar system, reconstruction of grayscale images, in the... more