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In the 19th century, a unique combination of scientific, social, political and cultural factors attracted crowds of visitors from all over the world to the Dolomite Mountains. This phenomenon had its epicenter in Fiemme Valley and in the... more
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      European HistoryEarth SciencesGeologyRomanticism
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesLandscape (Art)LandscapeEnvironmental Humanities
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      UnescoSymbolic Interaction19th Century (History)Landscape
"The deepest degradation of the imperial authority to an empty title by the promises of its head to seek the approval of his person by the Pope before his entry into Italy, to appear in Rome for the coronation for only one day, but then... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryItineraries (Medieval History)Medieval Germany
“Io dico che la mia terra è uno dei posti più belli non già dell'Italia ma dell'intero globo terracqueo... la mia patria si chiama Belluno.” Queste le parole con cui il celebre scrittore e giornalista bellunese Dino Buzzati faceva... more
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      Destination ManagementDolomitesTerritorioTurismo Rurale
Front and back cover (Trento, Museo delle Scienze, 2022)
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      GeologyNineteenth Century StudiesEnvironmental HistoryHistory of Science
Cathodoluminescent petrography (CL) is a well established technique that can provide a means to examine fabrics, diagenetic phases and cement relationships in sedimentary rocks. CL is very useful in the study of carbonate rocks because... more
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      Carbonate Diagenesis and StratigraphyReservoir Permeability of CarbonatesPetrophysics of the carbonatesCarbonates
El origen y formación de las dolomitas ha sido un enigma por parte de la comunidad científica en las últimas décadas. En este trabajo de investigación, se llevó a cabo un estudio geoquímico de una secuencia litoestratigráfica de diversas... more
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      GeochemistryCarbonate Diagenesis and StratigraphyCarbonate SedimentologyCarbonates
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      GeologyStable Isotope AnalysisStable Isotope GeochemistryStable isotope paleoclimatology
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      MineralogyHistory of ScienceBiographyNatural History
In this paper, we provide an overview of the historically known Triassic floras from the Eastern Southern Alps (e.g., Raibl and Recoaro), as well as the newer macro- and micro-plant assemblages that have been recorded during the 20th and... more
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governed by climate. Burial diagenesis usually resulted in only moderate dolomitization, either in connection with compactional fluid flow or via thermal convection. The Tri-assic fault zones provided conduits for fluid flow that led to... more
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      Stable Isotope GeochemistryTriassicDolomitesPetrography and Diagenesis
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      GeologyIgneous petrologyCarbonatesPrecambrian Geology
Mudstones in the Sha-3 member of the Shahejie Formation, in the Tanggu area of the Huanghua Depression, have been found to contain analcime and ankerite. Hydrothermal sedimentation has been invoked to explain the origin of these two... more
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      GeochemistrySedimentologySaline LakeSocial Stratification
The Causse of El Hajeb belongs to the Tabular Middle Atlas (TMA), in which thousands of karst landforms have been identified. Among them, collapse dolines and dissolution sinkholes have been highlighted as a source of environmental risks... more
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      GeohazardsDolomitesCave and Karst StudiesELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY
The aim of this study is to date the rich plant deposit recently discovered in the hemipelagic terrigenous-carbonate succession of the Northern Dolomites (Italy), as well as to describe the rich Anisian palynomorph association observed in... more
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      PalynologyAnisianDolomitesMiddle Triassic
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      Microporosity of Carbonate reservoirsPetrophysics of the carbonatesCarbonate SedimentologyCarbonates
"The occurrence of arthropods in amber exclusively from the Cretaceous and Cenozoic is widely regarded to be a result of the production and preservation of large amounts of tree resin beginning ca. 130 million years (Ma) ago. Abundant 230... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyBiogeographyEvolutionary EcologyAmber
Generally, lycophytes are not well represented in Anisian floras. Nonetheless, four different genera, each with one species, have been distinguished in the Anisian flora from Ku¨hwiesenkopf (Monte Pra` della Vacca), Italy. They were well... more
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      ItalyAnisianDolomitesMiddle Triassic
The "Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability" (LOHAS) market segment is becoming increasingly important. Despite this emerging trend, no conceptual or empirical work in tourism and hospitality literature has focused on this market segment... more
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      Hospitality ManagementEnvironmental SustainabilityHealth and Wellness TourismHealthy Lifestyles
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      TectonicsDolomitesAlpine geologyItalian geology
Well-preserved floras from the Alpine Early–Middle Triassic are rare, and thus our understanding of the vegetation in this area during this period of time continues to be incomplete. As a result, every new find represents a significant... more
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      ItalyAnisianDolomitesMiddle Triassic
Reservoir core measurements can help guide seismic monitoring of fluid-induced pressure variations in tight fractured reservoirs , including those targeted for supercritical CO 2 injection. We have developed the first seismic-frequency "... more
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      SeismologyRock PhysicsDolomitesRock Physics, Geophysics, Petrophysics
کانی ها و سنگ های صنعتی-زیرکن، ژیپس، سنگ آهک و دولومیت، سنگ آهن، سولفات سدیم Industrial Minerals and Rocks-Commodities 6- Zircon, Gypsum, Limestone and Dolomite, Iron Ore, Sodium Sulfate
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      Economic GeologyDolomitesLecture notesLimestone
Dolomite most commonly forms via replacement of precursor carbonate minerals. For this reason, diagnosing primarily precipitated organogenic dolomite in microbial mat deposits from the rock record is not straightforward, even though the... more
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      Stable IsotopesTriassicDolomites
The low salinity effect (LSE) in carbonate rock has been less explored compared to sandstone rock. Laboratory experiments have shown that brine composition and (somewhat reduced) salinity can have a positive impact on oil recovery in... more
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      Clay MineralsCarbonatesDolomitesDLVO theory
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      Plant FossilsAnisianDolomitesFoot Prints
Gli articoli scientifici e le recensioni della presente edizione rientrano nelle aree disciplinari della storia, dell’etnografia, dell’antropologia, degli studi letterari e della linguistica e sono – come di consueto – scritti in italiano... more
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      Italian LinguisticsDolomitesDolomitic Ladin LanguageRätoromanisch
In the Victorian period, Venice was linked to an iconography devoid of any references to the Dolomite Mountains. The connection between the city and its Alpine horizon remained concealed under a veil of haziness. This paper seeks to... more
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      TitianLandscape ArtDolomitesGeography of Art
Lugardonia paradoxa gen. et sp. nov., a new strobilus with in situ spores from the Anisian flora of Kühwiesenkopf, the Dolomites, Italy, is described. These strobili show the general gross morphology of a gymnosperm (e.g. a seed fern)... more
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      ItalyDolomitesUltrastructureMiddle Triassic
Bibliografia ragionata con recensioni e notizie di pubblicazioni socio- e geolinguistiche che riguardano la Ladinia dolomitica, l'Alto Adige e le isole linguistiche germaniche limitrofe. Bibliographische Berichterstattung ("Bibliografia... more
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      Rhaeto-Romance languagesSociolinguisticsItalian LinguisticsDolomites
The Laurinswand section in the Rosengarten/Catinaccio Massif (Dolomites, Southern Alps, Italy) covers the Permian-Triassic boundary in a proximal marine setting. The section has been studied for palynology, ostracods and carbonate... more
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This work surveyed dragonfly population in the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park. Since dragonflies are hemimetabolic insects whose larval stages are linked to aquatic environments, the investigation took place in both lotic and lentic... more
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      Cultural HeritageBorder StudiesCultural LandscapesDolomites
"Partially dolomitized carbonate successions provide a good opportunity to understand the commonly multistage process of dolomitization. Petrographic methods, fluid inclusion microthermometry and stable isotope measurements were applied... more
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      SedimentologyStable IsotopesDolomitesStable Isotopes and Palaeoenvironment
Monte Alto di Pelsa, a minor summit of the Monte Civetta massif in the Dolomites (NE Italy), presents a peculiar stratigraphic sequence far more complex than the ones outcropping in neighboring areas along the same ridge. By means of... more
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      Sequence StratigraphyDolomitesMiddle TriassicCarbonate platforms
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      Metallurgy and Materials EngineeringMetal CastingDolomitesElectric arc furnace
Primo volume dei quaderni dedicati all'architettura rurale bellunese che esplora il borgo di Montagne in Val Canzoi (BL). Il paese della Scaglia Rossa custodisce autentici dettagli di architettura rurale in un ambiente dall'elevata... more
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      HistoryGeographyArchitectureCultural Heritage
We review the Triassic record of terrestrial plants and animals from the Southern Alps at more than 60 sites. The Triassic tetrapod track record seems to mirror the global body fossil record of diapsids (with the exception of the... more
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Scientific studies dealing with the intimate relationship between geology and First World War appeared in Italy already during the conflict, or in the first decade after the end of hostilities. In this note we have focused on two leading... more
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      GeologyWar StudiesHistory of GeologyFirst World War
Excellent dolomite exposures are observed in the eastern Salt Range (Pakistan), where the Cambrian Jutana Formation consists of two distinct units (i.e. oolitic – pisolitic unit and massive dolomite unit). Field observations revealed that... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyStable Isotope AnalysisPakistan
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      Rhaeto-Romance languagesSociolinguística (Sociolinguistics)DolomitesLinguistica italiana
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      GeologySequence StratigraphyStratificationCarbonate Sedimentology
After the description of the flora from the La Valle (Wengen) Formation (Ladinian) in the Dolomites (Wachtler & van Konijnenburg - van Cittert, 2000a, b), some new material was found and an extensive search of the old collections in... more
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      DolomitesLadinianMiddle TriassicSphenozamites
Per quel che riguarda presentazione, strutturazione e documentazione, il presente contributo poggia fondamentalmente sull’indice dedicato alle prime 30 edizioni della rivista “Ladinia”.1 Il prospetto attuale si riferisce alle prime 40... more
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      Rhaeto-Romance languagesAlpine historyRomance LinguisticsAlpine Archaeology
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      GeographyPhysical GeographyPalaeoclimatologyGeology
The San Lucano Valley (Belluno, Italy) was the core topic of the symposium: "L'armonia fra uomo e natura nelle valli dolomitiche” held in Agordo (Belluno) on the 12th and 13th November 2010. In this work the valley is analysed according... more
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Book review of: Erika Pignatti & Sandro Pignatti 2014. Plant Life of the Dolomites. Vegetation Structure and Ecology. Publication of the Museum of Nature South Tyrol Nr. 8. Naturmuseum Südtirol. Springer Heidelberg New York Dordrecht... more
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      DolomitesFlora and Vegetation
EN How can cultural heritage be identified and documented in a participative way? This is the question Emanuel Valentin has dedicated this volume to. He demonstrates how complex the interaction between heritage, community and... more
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologyCultural HeritageHeritage Studies