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      PainComplementary and Alternative MedicineTraditional MedicinePlant Biology
Κριτική για το βιβλίο "Πατρίδα" του Φερνάντο Αραμπούρου, εκδ. Πατάκη
Δημοσιεύτηκε στο www.slpress.gr την 01/03/2019 :
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      Spanish LiteratureETAFernando Aramburu
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      ETATerrorismeİRAAl Qaida
21. yüzyılın başlangıcında ortaya çıkan “Medeniyetler İttifakı” projesindeki eşbaşkanlık misyonlarıyla bahar dönemini yaşayan Türkiye-İspanya ilişkilerine ve günümüzde salt stratejik işbirliği ile devam eden boyutuna, son dönemde yaşanan... more
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      Catalan StudiesETAEspañaTürkiye
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      Information SystemsFPGAComputer SoftwareSystematic Literature Review
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    • ETA
El trabajo realiza un amplio análisis de las actitudes y vicisitudes que han rodeado al tratamiento informativo dado por la prensa vasca y española al conflicto vasco durante las últimas cuatro décadas (1975-2016). Metodología. La... more
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      Conflict ResolutionETAPrensaResolución de Conflictos
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      Wireless CommunicationsGPSETAGSM
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      Chemical EngineeringQuantitative analysisETAMissing Data
The number of enterprises implementing business continuity management (BCM) is increasing because organizations need to be able to deliver products and services at acceptable predefined levels even in the wake of... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyInformation Communication TechnologyRisk assessment
En mayo de 2020, localidades de Navarra y el País Vasco están siendo escenario de un repunte de la violencia callejera, kale borroka en el contexto del terrorismo de ETA o terrorismo de baja intensidad en ámbitos académicos. Los actos... more
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      Political Violence and TerrorismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismETANorthern Ireland
Resumen: En la presente investigación hemos analizado los editoriales que los medios de comunicación vascos publican durante los años 1990, 2000, 2008 y 2009 cuando se producen atentados de ETA con víctimas mortales. Pretendemos con... more
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      TerrorismETAPressBasque country
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"O presente artigo busca analisar a história e o desenvolvimento ideológico do grupo basco ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) desde seus primórdios, nos anos 50, até os dias atuais, tendo como foco principal as mudanças ideológicas ocorridas ao... more
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      ReligionInternational RelationsMulticulturalismPeace and Conflict Studies
The article analyses contemporary conspiracy narratives in the context of Spanish society and the media in Spain. It focuses on the contradicting conspiracy theories that have arisen around the tragic terrorist attack that took place on... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
Trabajo de la asignatura Teoría del Documental, del máster de Documental y Reportaje Periodístico Transmedia de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Curso 2017-2018
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      JournalismTerrorismDocumentary (Film Studies)Documentary Cinema
A bow-tie diagram combines a fault tree and an event tree to represent the risk control parameters on a common platform for mitigating an accident. Quantitative analysis of a bow-tie is still a major challenge since it follows the... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMathematicsQuantitative analysisETA
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya) In 2001, jet planes were crashed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, injuring and killing thousands. In the days following these attacks—totally unexpected in their timing and method, aimed at the... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionEthics
In this present study, we have developed predictive quantitative structure–property relationship (QSPR) models with extended topochemical atom (ETA) indices for critical micelle concentration (logCMC) values of 54 non-ionic surfactants.... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringComputational ChemistryMathematical Modeling
Estudio del tratamiento televisivo de un atentado de ETA a principios de la década de los 90
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      LanguagesTelevision StudiesTerrorismTranslation
El presente artículo analiza e interpreta la argumentación de los principales diarios de Madrid en lo relativo a la central nuclear de Lemóniz (Vizcaya, España) entre 1981 y 1982. La metodología se basa en el estudio de los artículos... more
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      ETAPAIS VASCOThe Basque CountryTransición de la Dictadura a la Democracia
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      KineticsDrug metabolismAntibodiesETA
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      Civil EngineeringEarthquake EngineeringETAReinforced concrete
This paper studies the strategic interaction between death-squads and non-state terrorist organizations by analyzing through game theory the case of the GAL and ETA . It analyzes data from the period of existence of the GAL, between 1983... more
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      Game TheoryPolitical Violence and TerrorismETABasque Conflict
The addition of two binary numbers is the most fundamental and widely used arithmetic operation. This operation is used in microprocessors, digital signal processors, data processing application specific integrated circuits and many more.... more
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Terrorist attacks occur in an apparently random manner. However, as terrorist groups are rational, there must be an underlying pattern behind terrorist attacks. This article analyses the duration of peacetime periods between ETA's... more
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      EconometricsTerrorismApplied EconomicsPolicy modeling
El trabajo presenta una reflexion sobre el papel que juega la emotividad tanto en la reproduccion del terrorismo politico de ETA como en los lugares que abre para la memoria a traves de las artes, en cuanto que estas perfilan parametros... more
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      PhilosophyArtPolitical ViolenceMemory
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      ETAEngenharia Sanitária e Ambiental
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      PainComplementary and Alternative MedicineTraditional MedicinePlant Biology
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum ChromodynamicsETAHolography
ETA y el IRA, las dos organizaciones terroristas más antiguas de Europa, llegaron a las cotas más elevadas de su actividad armada durante los «años de plomo», entre 1968 y 1981. El presente artículo pretende, por un lado, aportar una... more
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Entre 1976 y 1982 España dejó atrás su pasado dictatorial para transformarse en una democracia. La Transición no fue un proceso idílico, sino convulso y plagado de escollos. En 1980 el país se había sumido en una crisis generalizada que... more
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      ETADemocraciaViolencia PolíticaTransición española
The addition of two binary numbers is the most fundamental and widely used arithmetic operation. This operation is used in microprocessors, digital signal processors, data processing application specific integrated circuits and many more.... more
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"Se ha escrito mucho sobre el cese de las actividades armadas que ETA anunció en octubre de 2011, pero bastante poco sobre las razones que le llevaron a ello. Se han mencionado los cambios que en diferentes ámbitos se estaban... more
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      Basque StudiesNationalismPolitical ViolenceETA
The Basque separatist armed organization ETA laid down arms in 2011 after forty years of armed campaign for independence. It was not a consequence of political negotiations. The Basque group did not achieve its goals. Yet, it unilaterally... more
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      TerrorismNarrativePolitical SciencePolitical Violence
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En los anos 1994 y 1996, la Asociacion Victimas del Terrorismo (AVT) encargo a personas de su confianza que emprendieran un viaje a ciertos paises latinoamericanos porque tenian la certeza que alli vivian miembros de ETA con total... more
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismHistory of TerrorismCounter terrorism
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlPaul RicoeurETA
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      BiochemistryETATheBiochemistry and cell biology
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      PainComplementary and Alternative MedicineTraditional MedicinePlant Biology
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      AustraliaImmunohistochemistryMotilityIn Vitro
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringETAEarthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
A new indicator of elastic spectral shape for the reliable selection of ground motion records
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      ETAKey wordsHAZARDSpectral shape
espanolLa Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional aprobada en 2013 (ESN/2013) pretende ser un instrumento que sirva de marco para garantizar al maximo la seguridad de Espana y de los espanoles. En el caso concreto del terrorismo, da por... more
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      TerrorismInternational SecurityPolitical ScienceSecurity Studies