Ecology of Bird Migration
Recent papers in Ecology of Bird Migration
Si presenta, al XV Congresso del Gruppo Iberico di studio sulle albanelle (genere Circus), la situazione italiana delle 4 specie che frequentano con regolarità il territorio
A record of Amur Falcon at Tal Chhapar Wildlife Sanctuary, Rajasthan, India.
The article shows the need for the introduction of protective devices for the birds on poles of power lines. Set a large scale of the problem, as it is Biosphere Reserve is located in the intercontinental flyway of birds. However, there... more
The abnormal behaviour of a group of Barn Swallows roosting in a maize field is described in detail. Approximately 700 individuals forming a spherical flock performed spectacular manoeuvres over a maize field for several minutes. After... more
Deuterium composition of feathers has been widely applied to establish provenance of birds. Surprisingly, little attention has been paid to the potential sources of unwanted hydrogen isotopic variability that may affect the comparability... more
The first registration of the black kite Milvus migrans lineatus on the Chukotka Peninsula. M.A. ANTIPIN , V.I. RULTYN
The circular distribution of the willow warbler Phylloscopus trochilus around the Baltic Sea shares many features with the classic examples of ring species; however, the system is much younger. It has previously been shown that a... more
Population declines among migratory Arctic-breeding birds are a growing concern for conservationists. To inform the conservation of these declining populations, we need to understand how demographic rates such as breeding success are... more
First arrival dates (FAD) of 45 migratory bird species recorded in Moravia (Czech Republic, c. 49º N) in 109 spring seasons between 1881 and 2007 were correlated with the preceding winter (December to March) North Atlantic Oscillation... more
Many shorebirds exhibit within- and among-year site fidelity during their annual cycle. Little is known, however, about the migration ecology of Red Knots (Calidris canutus) that migrate along the Pacific Flyway and occur in Washington in... more
Over the period of 2015-2020, and during the series of the field surveys arranged and conducted by the Iraqi Organization for Conservation of Nature (IOCN) in various locations and habitats in Iraq, IOCN team had the opportunity to survey... more
The impact of climate change on the bird communities of Asia is poorly understood. Since the 1950s, the Japanese Meteorology Agency has recorded first arrival (i.e. first sighting) and first singing for a selection of resident (Alauda... more
Recent shifts in phenology in response to climate change are well established but often poorly understood. Many animals integrate climate change across a spatially and temporally dispersed annual life cycle, and effects are modulated by... more
ABSTRACT Food availability and acquisition are critical components of a stopover site's suitability, but we know relatively little about how changes in food availability affect the stopover ecology of migrating landbirds. We... more
В миграционные периоды 2004 и 2005 годов изучали экологическую структуру орнитофауны "островных" лесов степной Украины (Днепропетровская область). Установлено, что во второй половине сентября насекомоядные птицы покидают кроны деревьев.... more
We consider the problems of harmonizationinteraction flocks of migratory birds from ruralfarm in southern Ukraine. Based on their research authors suggestquantitative description of the impact of the most common birds found in agrocenoses... more
Do Reeves make different choices? Meadow selection by spring staging Ruffs Philomachus pugnax in Southwest Friesland Each spring Ruffs stop over in large numbers in the northern part of the Netherlands, especially in Southwest Friesland.... more