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Changes in climate, food abundance and disturbance from humans threaten the ability of species to successfully use stopover sites and migrate between non-breeding and breeding areas. To devise successful conservation strategies for... more
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      ZoologyBehavioural ScienceBehavioral SciencesOrnithology
ECOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS AND EVALUATION OF BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES IN LAKE AYATA (OUED RIGH VALLEY: NORTHERN ALGERIAN SAHARA). **** ABSTRACT: Ayata Lake (155 ha) belongs to the complex of wetlands of Oued Righ Valley in Algerian Lower-Sahara.... more
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      Landscape EcologyPlant EcologyAvian migrationWetlands
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      Migration StudiesEcomorphologyFish MigrationBird Migration
Le Chott de Djendli (3700 ha) appartient au complexe des zones humides Sud-constantinoises. L’étude menée de février 2006 à mars 2007 nous a permis la caractérisation bioécologique des éléments tant biotiques qu’abiotiques du site. Elle... more
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      Landscape EcologySoil SciencePlant EcologyWater
Il Grillaio per la prima volta in un Piano d'Azione nazionale per la tutela e salvaguardia. Il falco, recentemente passato dallo status di SPEC1 a SPEC3, ha popolazioni concentrate prevalentemente tra Basilicata e Puglia ma negli ultimi... more
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      Conservation BiologyBird (Ornithology)Raptor BiologyBirds (Ecology)
Avian diversity is used to assess the functionality of diverse types of habitats around Salt Lake Djendli, Northeast Algeria. The landscape is stratified into five habitat types in a gradient from wetland to forested mountains. Bird... more
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      BotanyZoologyOrnithologyAvian migration
Riassunto – Si presenta la prima checklist della Basilicata aggiornata al 31 Maggio 2008. Le informazioni riguardanti l'avifauna lucana sono ancora molto scarse e frammentarie a causa del basso sforzo di ricerca effettuato nella regione.... more
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      Bird (Ornithology)Birds (Ecology)BirdwatchingBirds of prey
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      Bird MigrationWadersMoultMigratory Birds
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      PhysiologyZoologyAvian migrationBiomechanics
This paper presents an overview of patterns in the primary moult of waders using the Eurasian–African migration system and updates earlier summaries with results obtained from the Underhill–Zucchini moult models (1988, 1990). Recent... more
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      Bird MigrationWadersMoultMigratory Birds
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      Climate ChangePhenologyGlobal changeCitizen Science
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      EcomorphologyWildlife Ecology (habitat Selection and Animal Movement)Bird MigrationPartial Migration
We studied variations in the size of breeding colonies and in breeding performance of White Storks Ciconia ciconia in 2006–2008 in north-east Algeria. Each colony site was characterized using 12 environmental variables describing the... more
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      OrnithologyAvian migrationConservation BiologyConservation Ecology
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      EcomorphologyBird MigrationPartial MigrationBody Mass
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      Migration StudiesEcomorphologyAnimal migrationFish Migration
First arrival dates (FAD) of 45 migratory bird species recorded in Moravia (Czech Republic, c. 49º N) in 109 spring seasons between 1881 and 2007 were correlated with the preceding winter (December to March) North Atlantic Oscillation... more
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      PhenologyClimate Change ImpactsEcology of Bird Migration
Assessing diet composition of White Storks (Ciconia ciconia) breeding under North African conditions provides key information to understanding its trophic niche for conservation purpose. Since, climate controls productivities of foraging... more
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      Landscape EcologyOrnithologyUrban Biodiversity ConservationCommunity Ecology
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      Movement EcologyMigrationAnimal MovementSynchrony
Multiple tracking methods (colour-rings, plumage-markings and GPS-loggers) revealed that adult Sandwich Terns Thalasseus sandvicensis from the Netherlands showed prospecting behaviour in other colonies within Northwest Europe. Birds were... more
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      OrnithologyRemote SensingAnimal BehaviorMarine Ecology
Following the publication of the book A complete guide to the birds of Malta, which revised the status of all species and included several new species to the list of birds of Malta, another 11 new species have been added: Amur Falcon,... more
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      OrnithologyBird (Ornithology)Birds (Ecology)Birdwatching
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      PhysiologyZoologyAvian migrationBiomechanics
Research in the Netherlands knows a long history in bird tracking studies. In this introduction to the special issue of Limosa on bird tracking, we provide an overview of different bird tracking techniques, and their use in the... more
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      GPS ApplicationsGeolocationBird MigrationEcology of Bird Migration
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      Avian migrationBiogeographyEvolutionary EcologyAvian Ecology
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      ZoologyMigrationBirdsBird Migration
Check-list of the birds of the Rupinaro creek. In an area corresponding to the course of the Rupinaro creek (GE), the surrounding hills and other adjacent areas, over four years, from June 2010 to June 2014, the bird community has been... more
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      OrnithologyEcologyBird (Ornithology)Ecology of Populations and Bird Communities
The White Sea ornithological expedition took place between 21st September and 10th October, and was organized by Finnish Environment Institute as a part of RECMAB project (Research, Conservation and Monitoring Project of Migratory... more
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      EcomorphologyBird MigrationPartial MigrationBird Migration Monitoring
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      Birds (Ecology)Ecology of Bird Migration
The life cycles of plants and animals are changing around the world in line with the predictions originated from hypotheses concerning the impact of global warming and climate change on biological systems. Commonly, the search for... more
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      Climate ChangePhenologyGlobal Change BiologyClimate Change Impacts
The impact of climate change on the bird communities of Asia is poorly understood. Since the 1950s, the Japanese Meteorology Agency has recorded first arrival (i.e. first sighting) and first singing for a selection of resident (Alauda... more
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      Climate ChangeClimateJapanPhenology
BACKGROUND: Tracking small migrant organisms worldwide has been hampered by technological and recovery limitations and sampling bias inherent in exogenous markers. Naturally occurring stable isotopes of H (δ(2)H) in feathers provide an... more
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      Stable IsotopesEcomorphologyDeuteriumBird Migration
Dispersal can strongly influence the demographic and evolutionary trajectory of populations. For many species, little is known about dispersal, despite its importance to conservation. The Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) is... more
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      GeneticsConservation BiologyConservationWildlife Biology
We radio-tracked Summer Tanagers (Piranga rubra) at a Gulf coast stopover site to study en route activity budgets. Tanagers were inactive a majority of the time, with scanning, foraging, and preening being the next most commonly observed... more
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      Ecology of Bird MigrationStopover Ecology, Avian Migration
Alap-alap Capung (Microhierax fringillarius) merupakan raptor terkecil dari famili Falconidae. Burung ini memangsa serangga sebagai makanan utamanya, terkadang memakan burung-burung kecil seperti walet, bondol, dan burung-madu. Catatan... more
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      Bird (Ornithology)BirdsOrnithology Raptors Behavioural EcologyEcology of Bird Migration
Aim Still poorly understood, the main migratory pathways for most trans‐Saharan species pass through the Iberian Peninsula, which acts as a gateway to the European–African migratory system. Arrival patterns in this region for the common... more
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      BiogeographyBird MigrationIberian PeninsulaBarn Swallow
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      Evolutionary BiologyComplex Systems ScienceEcological NetworksNetwork Modelling
ชนิดนกที่พบได้บ่อยบริเวณที่ท ำกำรเขตฯและอำณำจักรนกหัวขวำน เขตรักษำพันธุ์สัตว์ป่ำห้วยขำแข้ง
Common birds of Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary headquarter area.
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      Bird (Ornithology)Birding TourismEcology of Bird Migration
An intensive migratory route of the Crane passes through the interfluve of the Dnieper River and Molochna River in the north-northeast direction during spring passage and the southwest-south direction during autumn passage. The most... more
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      Bird MigrationIUCN Red ListBird Migration MonitoringEcology of Bird Migration
The role of depression ecosystems in the formation of avifauna of a region is shown on empirical material. It is determined that the area of lands is a priority factor when determining of ornithofaunistic wealth of... more
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      OrnithologyMigrationEcological Niche ModelingBirds (Ecology)
We investigated diet and nesting morphometric in a population of reed warbler (Acrocephalus sciepaceus) living near the lake of Reghaia, North of Algeria. Diet was estimated by analysis of fecal samples (34 feces) During the year... more
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      Diet analysis and feeding ecologyBird and InsectDiet of birdsEcology of Bird Migration
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      EcologyMigration StudiesEcomorphologyFish Migration
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      Migration StudiesBirds (Ecology)Animal NutritionBird Migration
Do Reeves make different choices? Meadow selection by spring staging Ruffs Philomachus pugnax in Southwest Friesland Each spring Ruffs stop over in large numbers in the northern part of the Netherlands, especially in Southwest Friesland.... more
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      EcomorphologyBird MigrationPartial MigrationBird Migration Monitoring
Comparative study was conducted to evaluate the economic benefit of pond aquaculture with and without cage. Channa punctata was stocked in cages where as carps were stocked in ponds. C. punctata in the cages were fed with chicken waste... more
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      EthologyAcousticsAvian migrationFisheries
An article about the birds found in the salt marshes (Pantani) in Sicily and the importance of the Pantani for avifauna
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      OrnithologyBirds (Ecology)BirdsSalt Marsh Ecology
West Nile encephalitis virus, like its cousin St. Louis encephalitis, can be high- or low-pathogenic depending on the bird hosts it has cycled through by virtue of Culex mosquito vectors. Flycatchers, Vireo, Warbler and other rare... more
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      Virus-Host InteractionsArbovirusMosquitoes and Mosquito-borne diseasesVector control
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      ZoologyMigrationBirdsBird Migration
Even though singing plays a major role in bird communication, environmental variables affecting the geographic patterns observed in the variation of singing onset within large areas have not previously been studied. The singing phenology... more
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      MigrationPhenologyLand UseEnvironmental Variables
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    • Ecology of Bird Migration
Deuterium composition of feathers has been widely applied to establish provenance of birds. Surprisingly, little attention has been paid to the potential sources of unwanted hydrogen isotopic variability that may affect the comparability... more
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      Stable isotope ecologyStable Isotope AnalysisMigrationStable Isotopes
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      HybridizationBird (Ornithology)SeabirdsBird Migration