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In spite of general knowledge that guano deposited near seabird colonies enhances fertility of poor polar soils, improves primary production and influences the tundra plant community, there are very few quantitative studies concerning... more
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      Plant EcologySeabirds
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      Environmental EducationOrnithologyScience CommunicationConservation Biology
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      Conservation BiologyMarine ConservationBiodiversitySeabirds
Birds encounter climate at the scale of microclimates that can vary rapidly in time and space and so understanding potential vulnerability and adaptations to those microclimates requires fine‐scale measurements that accurately track... more
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      ThermodynamicsClimate ChangeEcophysiologyBiometry
There is now abundant evidence that contemporary climatic change has indirectly affected a wide-range of species by changing trophic interactions, competition, epidemiology and habitat. However, direct physiological impacts of changing... more
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      PhysiologyThermoregulationClimate ChangePhysiological Ecology
Global forage-fish landings are increasing, with potentially grave consequences for marine ecosystems. Predators of forage fish may be influenced by this harvest, but the nature of these effects is contentious. Experimental fishery... more
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      Marine Protected AreasSeabirdsAfrican penguinsFishing closures
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      EcologySurvey ResearchBirds (Ecology)Seabirds
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      Environmental EducationConservation BiologyEcologySeabirds
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      OrnithologyBirds (Ecology)SeabirdsBirds
A large patch of anomalously warm water (nicknamed “the Blob”) appeared off the coast of Alaska in the winter of 2013–2014 and subsequently stretched south to Baja California. This northeastern Pacific warm-water anomaly persisted through... more
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      OceanographyPhytoplankton EcologyMarine MammalsZooplankton ecology
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      SeabirdsCitizen ScienceBird Migration Monitoring
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      Identity and IdentificationSeabirds
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      Marine BiologyConservation BiologyMarine ConservationMarine Mammals
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      Marine EcologyOsteologyMorphologySeabirds
The marine birds, resident and migratories species, of the coast of S„o Paulo State. From August 1997 to December 2003, studies allowed 20 main islands to be identified along the coast of São Paulo that constitute breeding colonies of... more
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      Marine ConservationMarine MammalsBiodiversitySeabirds
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      Conservation BiologyEcuadorSeabirdsConservation Biology and Ecology of Seabirds and Islands
The extent to which seabirds are displaced from, or attracted to, offshore wind farms (OWFs) is uncertain, but rapid development of OWFs in European waters could conflict with seabird conservation. We review post-construction studies of... more
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      Conservation BiologyEcologySeabirdsAttraction
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      Marine BiologyEnvironmental EducationScience CommunicationConservation Biology
This paper presents a review of the current knowledge on seabird diversity in Brazil. The term 'seabird' is applied ro members of the Orders Sphenisciforrnes (penguins). Procellariiformes (albatrosses. petrels, shearwaters and allies),... more
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      OrnithologySeabirdsNeotropical ornithology
This document contains a summary of information and research on aquatic environment issues relevant to the management of New Zealand fisheries. It is designed to complement the Ministry’s annual Reports from Fisheries Assessment Plenaries... more
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      Fisheries ScienceFisheries ManagementMarine MammalsBenthic Ecology
This article presents results from a large-scale investigation of bird use in the Scottish Islands. Although avian archaeology has sometimes been overlooked, it has become increasingly clear that birds were a small but often important... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyScottish History
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      Spatial EcologyEcological Niche ModelingSeabirdsPredictive Modeling Using Statistical programs
A book review on a guide about pelagic seabirds of the world.
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      OrnithologySeabirdsBook ReviewsIdentification
This book has six chapters presenting a wide variety of global seabird related issues, from India to Svalbard, Norway. It also has a detailed history of the use and chemical content of guano and advanced certification schemes in fisheries... more
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    • Seabirds
Marine debris such as plastic fragments and fishing gears are accumulating in the ocean at alarming rates. This study assesses the incidence of debris in the gastrointestinal tracts of seabirds feeding at different depths and found... more
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This article considers what is probably the most influential of all transformations to the medieval mind: the arduous heaven-bound journey of all Christians that played out in numerous forms in medieval thought and practice – as... more
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      OrnithologyAnglo-Saxon StudiesAnimal StudiesEcocriticism
A partir de 1840 las costas del Pacífico Sur fueron testigo de un espectacular cicloproductivo orientado a la extracción de guano fósil para fertilizar las agotadas tierraseuropeas. Hoy en día este crucial período de la historia... more
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      Latin American StudiesHistorical ArchaeologySettlement PatternsPeru
Little terns have been nesting at the Boyne estuary mouth for decades, possibly millennia given the suitability of the habitat. • The site can produce up to 100 nesting pairs with circa 200 fledglings in optimal conditions (e.g. 2013). •... more
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      Marine EcologySeabirdsIslandsAves Marinas
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      SeabirdsHarmful algal blooms
Understanding the mechanisms that link prey availability to predator behaviour and population change is central to projecting how a species may respond to future environmental pressures. We documented the behavioural responses and... more
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      SeabirdsForaging behaviourForaging Behavior
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      SeabirdsArcticAvian Breeding EcologyLittle Auk
1. Nonlinear, parametric curve-fitting provides a framework for understanding diverse ecological and evolutionary trends (e.g. growth patterns and seasonal cycles). Currently, parametric curve-fitting requires a priori assumptions of... more
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      StatisticsRegression ModelsSeabirdsGrowth Models
Noninvasive, safe, quick marking of individual animals using distinctive colors that are highly visible and persistent is a valuable methodology, but practical techniques and permanent safe dyes are lacking. Here we describe a novel,... more
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      Marine BiologySeabirdsForaging ecologyDiet, Seabirds
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      SeabirdsSeabird Ecology; Migration Ecology
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      Environmental EducationOrnithologyScience CommunicationConservation Biology
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Mendonca VM, Raffaelli DG, Boyle PR. 2007. Interactions between shorebirds and benthic invertebrates at Culbin Sands lagoon, NE Scotland: Effects of avian predation on their prey community density and structure. Sci Mar 71(3):579-591.... more
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      Predator-Prey InteractionsBenthic EcologyBirds (Ecology)Seabirds
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      Marine EcologySeabirds
Man-made habitats provide suitable nesting, resting and feeding habitats for many birds at coastal sites. Despite intensive study outside Europe, very few data are available to date on the bird communities that exploit artificial... more
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      SeabirdsConstructed WetlandsCoastal LagoonsWaders
The most common invasive mammals—mice, rats, and cats—have been introduced to islands around the world, where they continue to negatively affect native biodiversity. The eradication of those invasive mammals has had positive effects on... more
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      Conservation BiologyInvasive species ecologyInvasive SpeciesSeabirds
Knowledge about the spatial distribution of seabirds at sea is important for conservation. During marine conservation planning, logistical constraints preclude seabird surveys covering the complete area of interest and spatial... more
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      Machine LearningSpecies Distribution ModelsSeabirdsMaxEnt
Microcystis aeruginosa blooms and production of associated toxins, microcystins, are a common occurrence in freshwater systems throughout California, and microcystins have recently appeared in nearshore marine environments along the... more
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      SeabirdsHarmful algal bloomsWildlife RehabilitationWaterbirds
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      FisheriesMarine ConservationFisheries ManagementSeabirds
Animal movement is a fundamental eco-evolutionary process yet the behaviour of juvenile animals is largely unknown for many species, especially for soaring seabirds which can range widely over the oceans at low cost. We present an... more
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      Movement EcologyMarine EcologyMigrationEcology
To understand the shorebird profile of Kachchh coastal area under industrial pressure, we conducted a study to get shorebird profile of a portion of it spread over 5-6 km coastline of Modhava beach in Mundra Taluka, Kachchh District.... more
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      ConservationSeabirdsAvifaunaThreatened Species