Edward W. Said
Recent papers in Edward W. Said
Why then should we give credit to humanism? And what is humanism according to Said? It is not reckless to maintain that the recovery and the refounding of humanism in Said’s literary and cultural criticism tout court are inconceivable... more
Recollecting my encounter with Edward Said. “Edward Said & the Dragonfly: H. Masud Taj Remembers An Encounter” The Beacon Webzine, Ashoak Upadhyay, Tidewater Learning Foundation,June 21, 2022... more
This short paper is an introduction to orientalism by Edward W. Said
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Special Issue on Literature No.3 October, 2015 Team of this issue Guest Editor Mohamed BENZIDAN Professor of English at Department of English, Faculty of Letters Benmsik, Casablanca, Morocco... more
"Clearly, this is the most comprehensive analysis of Edward Said's work yet compiled, a collection that will open up the full range of Said's impact on the humanities. The book combines a range of investigation with new insights into his... more
Este sigue siendo uno de los libros que he escrito cuya lectura más me satisface aunque la situación que el texto refleja sea la más sombría para nuestra disciplina. En él planteo, en efecto, el fenómeno del surgimiento de los estudios... more
L’attentat du 11 septembre 2001 aux États-Unis, l’attentat contre Charlie Hebdo à Paris, l’interdiction du port du voile intégral en France, le débat sur la construction des mosquées en France... Autant d’exemples qui illustrent l’idée... more
Contemporary approaches to integrating "self" and the "other"—such as multiculturalism, cultural diversity, race relations, inclusiveness strategies, or identity politics—are flawed from the perspective of traditional thought. At their... more
Ponencia presentada en las VI Jornadas de Investigación en Humanidades que forma parte del Volumen 12: Humanismo y colonialismo: debates en torno a la cultura, la crítica y la literatura europeas del siglo XVI (editado por Sandro Abate,... more
The Routledge Companion to Humanism and Literature provides readers with a comprehensive reassessment of the value of humanism in an intellectual landscape. Offering contributions by leading international scholars, this volume seeks to... more
This thesis explores the literary, cultural and psychological landscape of the “the other”, as the phenomenon has prevailed throughout human history, in varying forms and functions. Employing postcolonial theories (emphasizing the... more
Bu karşılaştırmadan ve değerlendirmeden sonra, “İki Hürrem Sultan romanı bir Hürrem Sultan tarihi eder mi?” sorusunun yanıtını aramaya çıkabiliriz. Falconer’in Bir Hürrem Masalı adlı romanı, ne yazık ki, yanıltıcı, öznel ve tarihsel... more
Ineffacer : l'œuvre et ses fins. Esthétiques et poétiques des XXe et XXIe siècles. Michael Brophy (dir.) Paris, Éditions Hermann, 2015. Ch. VI: p. 91-104.
El presente artículo aborda la interrelación entre el proyecto epistemológico y el ejercicio de la crítica en la obra del pensador palestino Edward Said. Al recorrer varios de sus textos y vinculándolos a reflexiones contemporáneas de... more
The Norwegian explorer C. S. Lumholtz, who in the late-nineteenth century realized four expeditions to the Sierra Madre Occidental, and in 1902 published Unknown Mexico, has been accused of being an "orientalist" in E. W. Said's sense of... more
Supo ejercer un pensamiento radical, o sea, un pensamiento capaz de tematizar sus implicaciones. La noción de orientalismo, a la que dedicó Edward Said su obra más ambiciosa y conocida, es un ejemplo de ello.
In this essay I aim to explore the work of Raqib Shaw through the lens of cultural hybridity as a process of interaction, exchange, and transformation. I will discuss the utilization of hybrid concepts and processes as an explorative art... more
This paper looks at Edgar Allan Poe's "Hop-Frog" (1849) in connection with one of the oldest and richest themes in literature: revenge. First, I briefly distinguish it from two classic American fictions appearing during the next two years... more
La riflessione di Edward W. Said sulla letteratura e sullo statuto della critica letteraria è spesso messa in ombra da un’immagine unilaterale e limitante dello studioso palestinese, che lo relega ai campi degli studi postcoloniali e del... more
Mainstream U.S. media studies has been marked by an involuntary process toward greater self-absorption and internal development, hence privileging methodologically elaborate study of neatly delineated problems over conceptual or... more
Poco a poco va ganando fuerza la necesidad de entender y estudiar los procesos coloniales en la Antigüedad desde una perspectiva que vaya más allá de las teorías aculturacionistas, lo que conlleva la necesidad de emplear enfoques teóricos... more
The book 'Socjalistyczny postkolonializm. Rekonsolidacja pamięci' (Socialist Postcolonialism: Memory Reconsolidation) is about the Polish postcolonial tradition of before 1989, which has been blanked out of memory. The year 2000, i.e.,... more
Being forced to abandon the country where it was born and raised as well as it formed a life and developed an identity due to the reasons including wars, the humankind encounters a problem in which it leaves behind its dialect, culture... more
One problem caused by the shallow mainstream media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is that most people are unaware of the causal relationship between this conflict and intra-Jewish racism. In Israel, racism exists between... more
in Makram Abbès et Laurent Dartigues, "Orientalismes, occidentalismes. A propos de l’œuvre d’Edward Said." Collection "Echanges Littéraires", Hermann éd.
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja książki Tomasza Zaryckiego pt. „Ideologies of Eastness in Central and Eastern Europe” oraz dyskusja z wybranymi tezami tej pracy, dotyczącymi stosunku wschodnioeuropejskiej inteligencji do idei Wschodu i... more
This article proposes a reading of Said’s autobiography, stating its main themes (exile, identity, individual story and collective History) and suggesting a link with other his texts, including the Interview with Ari Shaviz.
The paper introduces Edward W. Said's Theory of "Invention, Memory and Place" and its application as an approach to reading the narratives. The writer has applied Said's idea of geopoetics to read Naipaul's Magic Seeds. He characterizes... more
It is essential to read Edward Wadie Said, Professor of Comparative Literature and activist, to make Middle Eastern reading. Because when we do not read Said, we think that we are doing Middle Eastern reading, but this is nothing but a... more
"Marvel has done a marvelous job of adapting to its market. It has sold a nation at war nationalism. With Image being a company created by seven of Marvel’s best-selling artists, it has enabled creator ownership, which boasts creative... more
Para el pensamiento humano quizá resulta demasiado difícil salir de un binarismo constituyente que puede formularse como la oposición entre lo uno y lo múltiple, o lo simple y lo complejo.
"The article deals with the relevance of humanism and philological approach in Edward W. Said by examining the relationship between the condition of exile and critical writing, a relationship he posited and thoroughly explored.... more