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This is a pre-print English-language draft of an article that has been translated into Portuguese for a special issue on “A Literatura-Mundial e o Sistema-Mundial Modern”(World-Literature and the Modern World-System) of Via Atlântica 40... more
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      World LiteraturesUneven and Combined DevelopmentFranco MorettiRoberto Schwarz
Tesi di Laurea Magistrale in Culture Moderne Comparate presso l'Università degli Studi di Torino. Votazione: 110 e Lode con Dignità di Stampa.
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      Comparative LiteratureDigital HumanitiesLiteratureDigital Media
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureArabic LiteratureThe Novel
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      Gender StudiesHistory of the BookGenreThe Historical Novel
This paper offers a sociopolitical analysis of fairy tales, based on the comparison between Little Red Riding Hood and Pinocchio. Examining the origins, different versions and retellings of Little Red Riding Hood and building on Jean... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLaw and LiteratureRetold Fairy TalesFairytales
The article is concerned with the history of “close reading,” understood as a practice crucial to the field of literary studies, vis-à-vis “distant reading,” a range of computational methods identified with the digital humanities. I look... more
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      Digital HumanitiesLiterary CriticismLiterary TheoryNew Criticism
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      European StudiesGerman StudiesWorld LiteraturesComparative Literature
« J’égarai ma subjectivité, mais je trouvais un monde » écrivait Goethe, le père du « roman de formation ». Un monde dans lequel s’ancrent des personnages de fiction destinés à vivre les expériences d’un quotidien ordinaire. Le roman de... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLiteratureJane AustenJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
Franco Moretti analisa o surgimento, o auge e a decadência do romance de formação, “forma simbólica” de uma modernidade fascinante e perigosa, na qual os representantes nada heroicos da nova classe média europeia buscam responder a uma... more
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      Franco MorettiThéorie Et Critique LittérairesRoman De Formation
Tally reviews Franco Moretti's "Graphs, Maps, Trees," in which Moretti offers tools for a "distant reading" of world literature. Such tools allow one to survey an entire field of knowledge (rather than providing close readings of... more
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      Literary TheoryLiterary HistoryGeocriticismFranco Moretti
Totality, in vogue in a wide variety of forms in the first half of the twentieth century, was roundly critiqued in the second half. Yet it's starting to revive in altered form. From the bad totalities of the earlier period (total war, the... more
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      Comparative LiteratureJames JoyceVirginia WoolfGeorg Lukacs
• Lena Scheen writes a lucid and compelling account of literature written amidst Shanghai’s sweeping transformations from 1990-2010. She evokes lived experiences of the city via literary and cultural analysis informed by field research on... more
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      Chinese StudiesUrban StudiesMental MapsUrban Transformation
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      PhenomenologyFranco MorettiChamierSettler Studies
By the mid-1970s, Italian sex comedies had evolved from focusing on bawdy affairs between wives, husbands and lovers to depicting a wider range of narratives about sex, including those that exploited the behaviour of incestuous family... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesFilm StudiesItalian Studies
Moravia e l'impossibilità della formazione, o meglio, del "romanzo di formazione". Come espresso fin dal titolo, l'argomento della tesi è la figura dell'adolescente, come dimensione esistenziale, ma anche storicizzata, vista attraverso... more
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      Johann Wolfgang von GoetheAdolescence (Psychology)Franco MorettiAlberto Moravia
Nurdan Gürbilek'le yeniyazı dergisinin ikinci sayısında yapılan söyleşi.
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      Literary TheoryLiterary HistoryNovelOğuz Atay
Angela Martin, Ștefan Baghiu, Cosmin Borza (eds.), Antologiile revistei Cultura. Volumul II. Dosare tematice 2016-2017. Literatură, artă, societate (București: Editura Muzeul Literaturii Române, 2018) Deşi niciodată nu au fost gândite... more
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      Digital HumanitiesMarxismRomanian LiteratureJacques Derrida
El presente trabajo analiza la obra narrativa de Gabriel García Márquez desde la metodología Geocrítica de Bertrand Westphal y el concepto del espacio en la literatura de Franco Moretti
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      CartographyGeocriticismFranco MorettiLatin American Boom Novelists
The reality that has been presented in rap music and its celebrity culture has always been connected with two extremes: the reality of the " thug " life of the streets on the one hand and with a specific sort of " American Dream " reality... more
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      Critical TheoryMarxismPostcolonial StudiesPoststructuralism
בנקודת המוצא של העבודה עומדת בחינה מחודשת של יחסי הגומלין בין סיפור והקשרו בבבלי; בחינה זו משמשת עבורה כצוהר לדיון רחב יותר במקומה של הנראטיביות בבבלי בכלל - דיון המיוסד על שילוב של קריאה קרובה בסיפורים רבים, יחד עם 'קריאה רחוקה' במפה... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureJewish StudiesDigital HumanitiesNarratology
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      Renaissance StudiesLiterary TheoryEpic LiteratureEpic poetry
This article tries to adapt recent methodologies used in literary studies such as macroanalysis and quantitative research to the Romanian novel from the first half of the twentieth century. The main focus of the present paper is on the... more
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      World LiteraturesRomanian LiteratureQuantitative MethodsFranco Moretti
Vergegenwärtigt man sich den gesellschaftspolitischen und ökonomischen Diskurs, so ist es zusehends schwierig, dem Begriff Bourgeoisie eine konkrete und spezifische Realität zuzuordnen. Alle sprechen vom Kapitalismus. Aber sie verwenden... more
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      HegelKarl MarxAlexis de TocquevilleEmile Zola
Savremeni komparatisti poput Davida Damroša, Paskal Kazanove i Frenka Moretija razvili su nova shvatanja tradicionalnog pojma svetske književnosti. Svaki od ovih autora posvetio je manju ili veću pažnju njenom odnosu sa tržištem. Polazeći... more
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      World LiteratureLiterary MarketplaceMarketplaceFranco Moretti
Η εργασία εκπονήθηκε στο πλαίσιο του μαθήματος "Ιστορία, κριτική και θεωρία της λογοτεχνίας στο διαδίκτυο". Αφορά μία παρουσίαση του άρθρου και της θεωρίας του Franco Moretti για την έννοια της εξ αποστάσεως ανάγνωσης.
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      Literary TheoryFranco MorettiDistant Reading
Canon/Archive straddles the border between the standard interpretive literary criticism that has been in place since World War II and a new naturalist literary study in which literary texts and phenomena are treated as phenomena of the... more
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      Digital HumanitiesLiterary CriticismPoeticsCorpus Linguistics
"In contemporary debates about World literature, Franco Moretti’s method of enquiry called ‘‘distant reading’’ has attracted considerable attention.Many have hailed it as a genuine method, and many have criticized different aspects of... more
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      World LiteraturesLiterary CanonFranco Moretti
This article uses quantitative methods to show the evolution of the translation of French novels in communist Romania. The author argues that the period between 1949 and 1989 can be separated in three different periods, according to a... more
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      World LiteraturesFrench LiteratureTranslation StudiesCritical Realism
Translating Novels in Romania: the Age of Socialist Realism. From an Ideological Center to Geographical Margins. This article uses quantitative research methods to explain the situation of novel translation during the first decades of... more
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      Russian LiteratureTranslation StudiesThe NovelWorld Systems Analysis
This document collects three previously published essay reviews that discuss five books: Steven Mithen, The Singing Neanderthals: The Origins of Music, Language, Mind and Body (2005). James L. Pearson, Shamanism and the Ancient Mind: A... more
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      ReligionCultural HistorySociology of ReligionParapsychology
Anadolu’daki modernleşme süreci içinde “ağalık” kurumu içindeki birbiriyle çelişik anlamları görebilen tek yazar, yazarlığının olgunluk dönemindeki Yaşar Kemal olmuştur. Yaşar Kemal, Akçasazın Ağaları’nda, “bey” kavramını, konar-göçer... more
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      Franco MorettiEşkıyalıkYörüklerHilmi Yavuz
The processes of conversion and colonization of the northeastern Baltic Rim in the thirteenth century durably shaped the relations between the native population and the arriving missionaries, settlers, and crusaders, and formed religious... more
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      Sociology of EmotionBaltic Sea Region StudiesCompassionBaptism
The questions in this Q+A were asked by Frank Burke (Queen's University, Ontario) for a roundtable piece in a forthcoming companion to Italian cinema studies that Frank is editing for Blackwell. Frank will be able to use only a small... more
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      Gender StudiesItalian StudiesPopular Italian CinemaPopular Culture
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      Literary CriticismLiterary TheoryGenre TheoryNovel
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Digital HumanitiesResearch MethodologyMetadata
Este artículo aborda la teoría formalista rusa desde la perspectiva de las humanidades digitales. En 2011, Franco Moretti y sus coautores llamaron a su método de investigación "formalismo cuantitativo", en contraste con el formalismo ruso... more
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      Franco MorettiFormalismo RusoDistant ReadingMetodos Cuantitativos
Sin da quel classico della comparatistica che è "Il romanzo di formazione", il gesto critico di Franco Moretti si è distinto per l’originalità, la vastità di orizzonti, la duttilità metodologica, la tensione teorica e lo stile di... more
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      Digital HumanitiesMarxismLiterary TheoryWorld Literature
This programmatic article sets out some conceptual and methodological preliminaries to a study of Italian cinema and history capable of offering a comprehensive answer to the question: What are the modes, genres and registers in which the... more
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      Cultural StudiesDigital HumanitiesPopular Italian CinemaItalian Cultural Studies
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      Digital HumanitiesItalian StudiesLiterary GeographyItalian Literature
Sono pagine estratte da "La scrittura e il mondo" (Brugnolo, Colussi, Zatti, Zinato) in cui esamino le proposte di Moretti realtive alla critica del close reading e alla sua proposta di inaugurare una lettura da lontano dei testi... more
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      MarxismFranco MorettiClose ReadingDigital Humanities and E research
It is no mere coincidence that the authors of Stanford Literary Lab’s Pamphlet 1 called their approach quantitative formalism. The idea of distant reading, i.e., of reading literature in terms of its evolutionary patterns, and approaching... more
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      AlgorithmsDigital HumanitiesPushkinLiterary Darwinism or Evolutionary Literary Study
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      World LiteraturesTranslation StudiesDigital HumanitiesJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
Review of "Critica sperimentale. Franco Moretti e la letteratura" edited by Francesco de Cristofaro and Stefano Ercolino.
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      NovelLiterary Darwinism Or Evolutionary Literary TheoryFranco MorettiClose Reading
This essay focuses on a little-understood phase of Franco Moretti’s work that spans 1976 to 1986. My aim is to shed light on Moretti’s cultural background as it was formed in that period and to account for the transition from the... more
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      Comparative LiteratureMarxismLiterary TheoryTheodor W. Adorno
Nella Summa Theologiae Tommaso d’Acquino presenta quattro proprietà che descrivono in sintesi il funzionamento dell’arte della memoria medievale (Tommaso d’Aquino 1996, 396): l’uso delle imagines agentes, il sistema dei loci, la necessità... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyArt of memoryCladistics and Cultural PhylogeniesAby Warburg
Nineteenth-century literature witnessed the move from classical to modern writing: while peripheral European literatures seek to establish national identity with the aid of the epic as a privileged form of classical writing, the central... more
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      RomanticismSlovene literatureEpic poetryNovel
Bu karşılaştırmadan ve değerlendirmeden sonra, “İki Hürrem Sultan romanı bir Hürrem Sultan tarihi eder mi?” sorusunun yanıtını aramaya çıkabiliriz. Falconer’in Bir Hürrem Masalı adlı romanı, ne yazık ki, yanıltıcı, öznel ve tarihsel... more
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      Franco MorettiEdward W. SaidJale ParlaHurrem Sultan
Franco Moretti, Mucizevi Göstergeler adlı yapıtının 24. sayfasında “Eleştiri kendini hâlâ eski işlevinden kurtaramamıştır, yani okumaya, şu anda ve burada yapılmakta olan okumaya eşlik eden kültürlü bir faaliyet olmaktan” der... Kitabın... more
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      Franco MorettiGyörgy LukácsHilmi YavuzYaşar Kemal
This article argues that both the Russian Formalists and Digital Humanists infer meaning from patterns of development in literature. Key to this comparison is the figure of Boris Iarkho, whose statistics-and biology-driven methodology... more
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      Digital HumanitiesHenri BergsonLiterary Darwinism Or Evolutionary Literary TheoryRussian Formalism
Ciclo d'incontri settimanali, che si terrà al Circolo Filologico Milanese a partire dal 15 ottobre 2015.
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      British LiteratureEnglish LiteratureJane AustenEnglish Novel