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      Critical TheoryDigital HumanitiesItalian StudiesLiterature
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      Israel StudiesBourgeoisieFranco Morettiאבות ישורון
Academic analysis of Terrence Malick's filmography, comparing his movies to the italian essay "Modern Epic: The World-system from Goethe to García Márquez" by Franco Moretti. As a result, I want to prove how Malick's movies are totally... more
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      World Systems AnalysisFilm AnalysisFilm HistoryEpic Literature
Partendo dal volume di Francesco de Cristofaro e Marco Viscardi "Il borghese fa il mondo", qualche riflessione sul termine bourgeois in Balzac, e sulla sua contrapposizione all'artista.
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    • Franco Moretti
NOW IN PAPERBACK! This is just to market my dissertation a little. Sorry, I will be uploading "real" work soon. In a nutshell, the dissertation aims to amend a particular problem with how early modern Spain has been viewed in the... more
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      Roland BarthesAtlantic StudiesErich AuerbachLuis de Góngora
It is precisely this complicated relationship between “real” space, experienced space, and imagined space that I examine in my dissertation. In Shanghai: Literary Imaginings of a City in Transformation (Leiden University 2012), I explore... more
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      Digital HumanitiesChinese StudiesLiterary GeographyMental Maps
Yazın tarihimizin dünüyle bugününü karşılaştırdığımızda, yazın tarihimizde yer alan yazar ve şairlerimizin çoğunluğunun egemen oligarşik siyasal eğilimler ve kültürel paradigmalarla kavgalı olduklarını, muhalif bir tutum aldıklarını,... more
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      Jacques DerridaOrhan PamukRaymond WilliamsIhsan Oktay Anar
What would Gérard Genette and Franco Moretti talk about if they met? Did they ever meet? Searching in the “Arts & Humanities Citation Index” database and trying to find connections between the two literary theorists, the results are... more
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      NarratologyText MiningGerard GenetteTzvetan Todorov
Rad se zasniva na filozofskim teorijama istine (teorije korespondencije, koherencije i evidencije) i njima srodnim modelima istinitosti književnosti (mimetički, etički, epistemološki, figurativni, i model autentičnosti) kako bi se... more
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      Literary TheorySerbian LiteratureLiterary studiesFranco Moretti
l'intervento propone un'ipotesi interpretativa sulla persistenza del tema letterario del borghese e della borghesia. Molti altri campi del sapere (economia, sociologia) hanno di fatto accantonato questa categoria per interpretare la... more
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      LiteratureTheodor AdornoLiterary CriticismLiterary Theory
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      Comparative LiteratureFeminist TheoryLiteratureIndividuality
Alan Liu has been organizing and conceptualizing digital humanities (DH) for two decades. I consider a major essay, “The Meaning of the Digital Humanities,” two interviews, one with Katherine Hayles and the other with Scott Pound, and a... more
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      Digital HumanitiesData MiningHermeneuticsFranco Moretti
What are the modes, genres, and registers in which Italian cinema has dealt with the history of Italy? An apparently innocuous question, but one that has not yet been answered, and its implications are far-reaching for the discipline of... more
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      Popular Italian CinemaEcologyItalian CinemaFilm and History
Spesso i volumi assemblati per rendere onore a uno studioso illustre somigliano allo stufato irlandese descritto da Jerome K. Jerome: ci si mette dentro di tutto, "finché c'è posto nella pentola". Da questa collaudata ricetta si sono... more
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    • Franco Moretti
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      Comparative LiteratureLiterary TheoryHistory of Literary CriticismFranco Moretti
El presente trabajo es un acercamiento al movimiento del Crack desde el concepto de “la literatura en el espacio” desarrollado por el teórico Franco Moretti, quien plantea dicho concepto como la posición que toma una literatura en el... more
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      CartographyCrackFranco MorettiLiteratura mexicana
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      Translation StudiesFranco Moretti
How does big data contribute to our understanding of Hugo, Balzac or Flaubert? A great deal, because far from being a mechanical accumulation of data on literary texts, the digital humanities transform our relationship to works and the... more
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      Digital HumanitiesLiterary CriticismLiterary TheoryEpistemology of the Social Sciences
Bu makale dördü Stanford, biri Wisconsin Üniversitesi’nden olmak üzere beş kişilik bir grup tarafından yürütülmüş bir çalışmanın raporundan yola çıkıyor. Söz konusu çalışma bilgisayarda oluşturulmuş algoritmaların edebi türleri “tanıma”... more
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      Computer ScienceWorld LiteraturesComparative LiteratureLiterature
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      Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism)World LiteratureDanticat, EdwidgeArundhati Roy
Eleştirilmeyen bir edebiyat yapıtı, ağzıyla kuş tutsa ölü sayılmalıdır. Piyasaya sürülmesi, ekranlarda ve edebiyat dergilerinde, gazetelerin kitap eklerinde hakkında övgüler dizilmesi, koca koca panolarda halkın beyninin içine kakılması,... more
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      DanteOrhan PamukFrançois RabelaisRilke
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      Digital HumanitiesQuantitative MethodsFranco Moretti
Questo saggio propone alcune riflessioni per una genealogia della letteratura modernista a partire dal romanzo dell'Ottocento, ancora da compiersi. Uno dei meriti di "Teoria del romanzo" di Guido Mazzoni è stato appunto quello di... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTheory of the NovelFranz KafkaVirginia Woolf
In this exclusively published piece Franco Moretti elaborates on his biography and intellectual influences the development of Distant Reading—his most controversial concept—and the question what literary history might contribute to a... more
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      Digital HumanitiesLiteratureFranco MorettiDistant Reading
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      Critical TheoryLiteratureLiterary CriticismLiterary Theory
Abstract e indice della mia tesi di laurea magistrale in Filosofia
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      Text MiningNetwork AnalysisMichel FoucaultFranco Moretti
This introductory chapter presents the geographical, chronological, and thematic scope of the volume and expounds its guiding questions and conceptual framework. By combining Pierre Bourdieu’s notions of symbolic capital and doxa, Giorgio... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityIdeologyPolitical LegitimacyMedieval Scandinavia
In 1985, when I was a first-year graduate student at UC Berkeley, Franco Moretti sexually harassed and raped me. I went to the Title IX officer at the university, Frances Ferguson, who was then Moretti's colleague in the English... more
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      RapeSexual AssaultRape CultureAcademia
This essay uses a comparative reading of two novels, Jan Potocki's Manuscrit Trouvé à Saragosse (Manuscript Found in Saragossa, 1804–15) and Charles Maturin's Melmoth the Wanderer (1820), to investigate the methodologies of comparative... more
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureIrish LiteratureGothic Literature
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      PathologyComparative LiteratureComparative Cultural StudiesJulia Kristeva
This essay aims at analyzing the genealogical connection between modernism and the bourgeois novel of the XIX century. Modernism portrays itself traditionally in contrast with the bourgeois conservative tradition of its recent past:... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTheory of the NovelFranz KafkaVirginia Woolf
Este artigo constitui um estudo de caso de comparativismo literário-mundial considerando duas obras de ficção contemporâneas da semiperiferia, African Psycho [Psicopata Africano] (2003) do congolês Alain Mabanckou e Jaime Bunda, Agente... more
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      World LiteraturesMachado de AssisBrazilian LiteratureFranco Moretti
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      HistoryWorld LiteraturesLiteratureGenre
Published 5/4/2016: A deconstruction of distant reading and a close reading of Jorge Luis Borges' "On Rigor in Science." The undecidability of the political and conceptual borders of the story challenges the possibility of any absolutist... more
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      CartographyComputing In Social Sciences, Arts And Humanities, ProfessionsDigital HumanitiesPostcolonial Studies
Attraverso il concetto di totalità, il saggio propone una riflessione sulla sociologia della letteratura di area marxista.
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      Critical TheoryComparative LiteratureMarxismTheodor Adorno
Barthes, Moretti, and the no-name 'bourgeois.' Notes on two 'critical intellectuals.' Franco Moretti and Roland Barthes have always been critical intellectuals. Their interest in literature has always been more than pathos for a summa of... more
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      Literary TheoryRoland BarthesNeutral monismFranco Moretti
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      World LiteraturesLatin American literatureWorld LiteratureLiteratura Latinoamericana
Orhan Kemal’in 1954 yılı yayınlanmış Bereketli Topraklar Üzerinde adlı yapıtıyla, ondan hemen sekiz yıl sonra, 1962‘de edebiyat dünyasında kendisini göstermiş Gurbet Kuşları adlı yapıtlarının karşılaştırılması, toplumsal yapıdaki hızlı... more
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      ShakespeareGeorg SimmelFranco MorettiGeorge Lucas
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      Comparative LiteratureMarxismTheodor W. AdornoItalian Marxism
[ENG] The idea of World Literature raises doubts in contemporary literary criticism. The interference of these two related fields – though less often juxtaposed than Comparative Literature and World Literature – can further conceptualize... more
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureLiterary CriticismLiterary Canon
Conclusion to Borderwaters: Amid the Archipelagic States of America (Duke University Press, 2021)
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryAmerican StudiesHumanities Computing (Digital Humanities)
Pascale Casanova’s La République mondiale des lettres (1999) received many significant critiques from Latin Americanists, and yet, there has been little assessment of the soundness and the consequences of these contentions, to conclude... more
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      Sociology of CultureWorld LiteraturesResearch MethodologyLiterary Theory
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      HistoryComparative LiteratureMorphologyTopos theory
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteraturePortuguese and Brazilian LiteratureItalian Studies
In Heinen and Rennhak, eds., Narratives of Romanticism (Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier).
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      RomanticismGenre studiesGeorges CanguilhemGeorgics
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      GlobalizationPostmodernismPierre BourdieuFredric Jameson
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      StatisticsWorld Systems AnalysisLiterary Darwinism Or Evolutionary Literary TheoryFranco Moretti
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      Franco Morettipostcolonial ecocriticism; Pearl S. Buck StudiesGlobal Circulation
"The tension between the European and the world space has played a central role in the definition of the idea of literature in the last two centuries. Based on the critical approaches offered by some recent contributions to the... more
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      European StudiesComparative LiteratureEdward SaidErich Auerbach
This essay uses a comparative reading of two novels, Jan Potocki's Manuscrit Trouvé à Saragosse (Manuscript Found in Saragossa, 1804–15) and Charles Maturin's Melmoth the Wanderer (1820), to investigate the methodologies... more
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      SociologyWorld LiteraturesComparative LiteratureIrish Literature