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A partire dai primi anni del XX secolo, anzitutto in area germanofona e poi in Italia e in altri contesti, all’interno delle concezioni che hanno insistito sull’autonomia come carattere distintivo dell’arte, si è fatto ricorso a più... more
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      AestheticsArt TheoryPhilosophy of ArtGeorg Simmel
1. L'ideologia dentro la critica dell'ideologia 2. La questione della prospettiva e il problema del tempo 3. Lo specchio e la lampada. La Widerspiegelungstheorie 4. Una mimesis dialettica, oltre soggettivismo e rispecchiamento meccanico... more
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      MarxismLiteratureIdeologyMarxist theory
Este trabalho objetiva analisar a obra "O Cortiço" do autor Aluísio de Azevedo, por uma perspectiva lukacsiana, tendo como base o estudo do conceito do Naturalismo segundo a teoria do pensador húngaro György Lukács. Para isso, esta... more
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      Georg LukacsLiteratura brasileiraCiências SociaisMarxismo
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      MarxismMarxismoGeorg LukácsGyörgy Lukács
A short overview of evolution of Lukács' concept of social ontology, from his early beginnings up to his death.
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      Social TheoryMarxismSocial OntologyGyorgy Lukacs
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      Political EconomySocial WorkSociology of WorkMarxism
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      LiteratureDramaItalian LiteratureGeorg Lukacs
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      MarxismMarxismoGeorg LukácsGyörgy Lukács
The Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy organizes a conference every year. This year it was held in Melbourne.
My paper has been selected for the "Individual papers" section.
For the presentation's abstract, look at p. 53-54.
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      Meaning of LifePhilosophy of LiteratureGerman RomanticismTheory of the Novel
Lukács számára fiatalon még mutatkozott kiút a később egyre rigidebbé, korlátozóbbá váló dialektikus ellentétek szorításából, ez a lehetőség itt Fülep Nietzsche-fordításának kapcsán, az intenzitás fogalmát körüljárva vetődik fel. / On the... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsArt HistoryArt Theory
Theodor W. Adorno's writings comprise an attempted recovery of Marx for a dialectic of 20th century social and cultural forms. Through immanent critique of modern aesthetic, philosophical, political and psychological forms of social... more
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      Critical TheoryMarxismFrankfurt School (Philosophy)Herbert Marcuse
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Se trata de una exposición de las ideas expuestas en por Lukács, en donde se  recorre la ruta crítica de nuestro autor.
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      Georg LukacsGeorg LukácsTeoría de la novelaGyörgy Lukács
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      MarxismMarxismoGeorg LukácsGyörgy Lukács
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      MarxismGerman HistoryIdealismFascism
Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου / Σχολή Ανθρωπιστικών και Κοινωνικών Επιστημών. Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών: “Ελληνική Γλώσσα και Λογοτεχνία”. Θεματική Ενότητα: ΕΓΛ 61: «Ειδολογικοί Μετασχηματισμοί». Τμήμα: 2017_ΕΓΛ61.02. Διδάσκουσα –... more
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      Theory of the NovelG.W.F. HegelMikhail BakhtinGeorg Lukács
O presente texto tem como propósito geral estudar a relação entre Psicologia e Marxismo no que tange ao conceito de subjetividade. Pretende explorar a ontologia materialista do ser social desenvolvida por György Lukács, buscando... more
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      EpistemologiaHistória da PsicologiaOntologiaSubjetividade
Unpublished doctoral thesis on the ideas of freedom, self-consciousness, identity, and experience as the basis of social critique in the thought of Georg Lukács, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse, and Walter Benjamin,... more
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      Critical TheoryMarxismHerbert MarcuseTheodor Adorno
Gillian Rose’s magnum opus was her second book, Hegel Contra Sociology (1981). Preceding this was The Melancholy Science: An Introduction to the Thought of Theodor W. Adorno (1978), a work which charted Rose’s approach to the relation... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyMarxism
Interrogarsi su nulla e nichilismo e sul loro rapporto significa addentrarsi contemporaneamente nel cuore della nostra epoca e in quello della tradizione filosofica occidentale, comprendendo circolarmente l'una alla luce dell'altra. I due... more
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      Friedrich NietzscheMartin HeideggerNihilismEmanuele Severino
Interpretations of Georg Lukács's theory of reification and consciousness have typically assumed that Lukács relies on an essentialized notion of subjectivity that can be restored by dereification. I argue instead that he treats... more
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      Critical TheoryMarxismFrankfurt School (Philosophy)Marxist theory
"Borbély András Szilágyi Domokos költészetéről szóló monográfiája többszörösen is hiánypótló jelentőségű. Nemcsak azért, mert a költő ügynöki jelentéseinek nyilvánosságra kerülése után támadt igényt betöltve elvégezte az életmű... more
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      György LukácsSzilágyi Domokosállamszocializmus-kritikaHervay Gizella
È la questione del tempo, del divenire, a muovere e a mettere in agitazione "Il bibliotecario di Leibniz. Filosofia e romanzo", ultimo libro di Sergio Givone. La trattazione si snoda a partire da un bersaglio polemico: la filosofia della... more
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      Friedrich NietzscheMartin HeideggerGiacomo LeopardiGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
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      MarxismTheodor AdornoFriedrich NietzscheWalter Benjamin
Neste artigo trataremos da obra de Pachukanis buscando explicitar o valor deste grande teórico para o marxismo e procurando enxergá-lo enquanto um importante marxista do século XX. Para tanto, passaremos pelas dificuldades de tratar de... more
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      MarxismGeorg LukacsKarl MarxFilosofia do Direito
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      Political PhilosophyHegelPolitical OntologyCarl Schmitt
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      Intellectual HistoryPoliticsCommunismHistory of the USSR
Kiegészítés Az értelmezés alakzatai című szakdolgozathoz.
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      MarxismSubversionGeorg LukacsGyörgy Lukács
Marxismo occidental: Lukács y Gramsci
Ontología del ser social de György Lukács
Filosofía de la Praxis de Antonio Gramsci
Unidad didáctica. Módulos de Epistemología Social
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      OntologíaComunismoIdeologíaLucha De Clases
Littérature partisane ou littérature engagée ? Pour Georg Lukács, l’ébullition littéraire qui a succédé à la révolution bolchévique est restée prisonnière de l’impasse bourgeoise de la Tendenzliteratur, l’idée que l’auteur doit prendre... more
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      Georg LukácsMarxismeLittératureGyörgy Lukács
VerinotioNOVA FASEISSN 1981 -061X v. 27 n. 2, “Lukács: 50 anos depois, ainda”-mar. 2022Lukács dianteda estetização do direitoLukács on aesthetization of LawVitor Bartoletti Sartori*Resumo: Diante da questão da especificidade do direito,... more
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      MarxismGeorg LukacsMarxismoGeorg Lukács
In this article, I address the critical reception of Nanni Balestrini's narrative work, focusing in particular on the novel Vogliamo tutto (1971). I compare the interpretative model, which sees this text as overcoming the novelistic form... more
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      CatharsisWorkerismNanni BalestriniOperaismo, Autonomia and Post-workerism
This paper considers the place of visual arts in the aesthetics of the Hungarian Marxist philosopher and critic György Lukács, including in his early aesthetics and following World War II.
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesAestheticsArt History
Resume: Se parte aquí del presupuesto de que la categoría de Märchen (cuento maravilloso) ofrece una clave de acceso al intrincado pensamiento temprano de György Lukács. La perspectiva ilumina en efecto toda una problemática normalmente... more
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      MarxismoGeorg LukácsLebensphilosophieMärchenforschung
Trabalho apresentado durante o VIII Seminário Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas do HISTEDBR, realizado na UNICAMP, de 30 de junho a 03 de julho de 2009. Disponível em:... more
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      Pedagogia Histórico-CríticaGyörgy LukácsDermeval SavianiOntologia Do Ser Social
In a historical moment in which the concept of reification of Georg Lukács back to be examined trough innovative approaches, as in Axel Honneth, some elementary problems about the reification concept remain superficially discussed. The... more
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      Critical TheoryMarxismJurgen HabermasMarxist theory
Resumo: pretendemos trazer à tona a possibilidade de abordar con-juntamente autores díspares como Lukács e Pachukanis. Para tanto, procuraremos mostrar que, na análise do Direito de cada um destes autores, há convergências temáticas que,... more
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      MarxismGeorg LukacsMarxismoGeorg Lukács
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      Thomas MannGeorg LukacsAntonio GramsciCritica letteraria
ALMEIDA, Sílvio Luiz. O Direito no Jovem Lukács. São Paulo: AlphaOmega,
2006. 130 p
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      MarxismGeorg LukacsKarl MarxFilosofia do Direito
Pretendeu-se apreender a tese marxista de interdependência entre subjetividade e objetividade, entre as condições materiais de reprodução social e a formação das consciências humanas. Sendo o trabalho a esfera central na produção e... more
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      Political EconomyMarxismSubjectivitiesIndividuality
El artículo contribuye a las discusiones sobre la continuidad/discontinuidad en la obra de Lukács. Complejizando la impugnación al pensamiento sistemático desarrollada por Georg Simmel, Lukács sugiere ya en su obra de juventud que el... more
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      Critical TheoryWestern MarxismGeorg LukácsTeoría Crítica
Todo pensamiento humano es un proceso cambiante que se va complementando con los años, enriqueciendo con cada experiencia que se suscita en nuestras vidas. Pensar que aquellos teóricos que le han brindado tanto al mundo están exentos de... more
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      Theory of the NovelNovelNovelaTeoría de la novela
The continued effects of the 2008 economic crisis and its aftershocks have contributed to the electoral collapse across the world of technocratic centrist parties that had come to dominate in the previous decades. In their place, a number... more
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      Critical TheoryMarxismFrankfurt School (Philosophy)Political Extremism/Radicalism/Populism
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Franco Moretti, Mucizevi Göstergeler adlı yapıtının 24. sayfasında “Eleştiri kendini hâlâ eski işlevinden kurtaramamıştır, yani okumaya, şu anda ve burada yapılmakta olan okumaya eşlik eden kültürlü bir faaliyet olmaktan” der... Kitabın... more
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      Franco MorettiGyörgy LukácsHilmi YavuzYaşar Kemal
Saggio neomarxista sul conflittualismo dialettico del Repubblicanesimo Geopolitico
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      MarxismPost-MarxismHegelDialectical Materialism
Why read Georg Lukács today? Especially when his most famous work, History and Class Consciousness, is so clearly an expression of its specific historical moment, the aborted world revolution of 1917–19 in which he participated,... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyMarxismTheodor Adorno