Recent papers in Marketplace
In this thesis, I have examined whether the current approach to competition policy is suitable for the distinct characteristics of the digital economy. It is particularly difficult to define the relevant market and rely on market share... more
Desa Bumi Jaya adalah salah satu desa yang masyarakatnya merupakan pengrajin gerabah. Terdapat koperasi pengrajin, yang bertujuan untuk menyatukan para pengrajin dan kemudahan dalam pemberian modal. Namun hal ini tidak di sertai dengan... more
Stigmas, or discredited personal attributes, emanate from social perceptions of physical characteristics, aspects of character, and “tribal” associations (e.g., race; Goffman 1963 ). Extant research has emphasized the perspective of the... more One of the most dramatic images of the French Revolution is of Parisian... more
Marketplace adalah sistem perantara antara penjual dan pembeli di dunia maya. Situs marketplace bertindak sebagai pihak ketiga dalam transaksi online dengan menyediakan tempat berjualan dan fasilitas untuk member. Transaksi perdagangan... more
In 1793, the National Convention passed two hallmarks of Jacobin legislation: sweeping price controls called the General Maximum and a ban on women's political clubs. At the center of both issues were factional clashes among the... more
Самара, 26-27 марта 2014 г.
Самара, 26-27 марта 2014 г.
Ebook kali ini tentang berjualan lewat marketplace yang sudah besar di Indonesia, kemungkinan orang membeli tinggi. Karena marketplace yang besar tentunya akan lebih banyak pengunjung yang datang. Dibandingkan jika kita... more
Capitolo di libro in "Storia d’Italia. Annali 24. Migrazioni", a cura di
Matteo Sanfilippo e Paola Corti Torino, Einaudi.
Matteo Sanfilippo e Paola Corti Torino, Einaudi.
The aim of this paper is to make theoretical observations about the rhetorical expansions of the transition word and to illustrate these findings through two marketplace projects. Rhetoric as a reading method used in the analysis of... more
Stigmas, or discredited personal attributes, emanate from social perceptions of physical characteristics, aspects of character, and " tribal " associations (e.g., race; Goffman 1963). Extant research has emphasized the perspective of the... more
DinoMarket merupakan salah satu e-commerce pertama di Indonesia yang menjual berbagai macam kategori produk dan memiliki fitur online chatting di dalamnya sehingga bisa ngobrol dengan customer service secara online.
This case study aims to provide a profound analysis of Tokopedia’s critical success factors. As Indonesia’s largest online marketplace, Tokopedia’s ecosystem has reached 93% of districts in Indonesia across 17,000 islands. Through its... more
For a long time, marketplaces were an underrepresented field of research in medieval archaeology. Numerous urban excavations and re-evaluations of evidence from older excavations, however, have significantly increased our level of... more
Potensi Internet, Potensi E-commerce, Potensi UMKM dan Permasalahan UMKM
Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi ini sudah menyentuh seluruh kalangan termasuk masyarakat umum, pemerintah, dan bisnis. Keadaan ini menjadi salah satu faktor pendorong terciptanya persaingan bagi semua kalangan yang... more
Las relaciones sociales surgen y se desarrollan, en gran parte, en los espacios públicos. Todas las ocupaciones espaciales provisionales de acuerdo a las actividades que se realizan en los mismos quedan en la memoria colectiva... more
Mi reflexión va a girar alrededor de cinco expresiones claves:
1. Economía de la felicidad,
2. desarrollo sostenible,
3. necesidades
4. deseos
5. simplicidad voluntaria
y las interrelaciones existentes entre ellos.
1. Economía de la felicidad,
2. desarrollo sostenible,
3. necesidades
4. deseos
5. simplicidad voluntaria
y las interrelaciones existentes entre ellos.
ABSTRAK Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) merupakan salah satu kekuatan pendorong pembangunan ekonomi masyarakat, perannya cukup vital untuk menciptakan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan lapangan pekerjaan. UMKM perlu memiliki jaringan yang... more
Savremeni komparatisti poput Davida Damroša, Paskal Kazanove i Frenka Moretija razvili su nova shvatanja tradicionalnog pojma svetske književnosti. Svaki od ovih autora posvetio je manju ili veću pažnju njenom odnosu sa tržištem. Polazeći... more
This chapter draws attention to the trends of decline recently taking place at the traditional marketplaces of Eastern Europe. An ethnographically rich account relates patterns of socio-material and spatial re-ordering of people,... more
Much of the work performed by the global translation industry is handled by freelance labor. This segment of the industry has seen a radical structural transformation that has accompanied a radical transformation in the media environment... more
Tutkielmassa ajoitetaan kuva-aiheiden perusteella vuoden 2013 Lahden kauppatorin kaivauksilta löydetyt 54 piipunkoppaa tai -kopan palaa. Aineistoon kuuluu liitu- ja posliinipiippujen lisäksi merenvaha-, punasavi ja puupiippu sekä esine,... more
O platformă de marketplace este o platformă online unde produsele sau serviciile sunt oferite de o serie de vânzători (sellers) distincți. Marketplace-ul cunoaște în ultimii ani o creștere exponențială declanșând o revoluție în comerțul... more
Recent research by the Call42 group has shown that South African Christians experience that they are not adequately prepared or equipped for Christian living and discipleship in the world of work – here called the marketplace. This... more
Supply Chain Management
Prior to the collapse of communism, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese migrants arrived in various localities throughout COMECON countries by way of programs of mutual cooperation and “socialist solidarity,” including East Germany.... more
The computer systems of government agencies are notoriously complex. New technologies are piled on older technologies, creating layers that call to mind an archaeological dig. Obsolete programming languages and closed mainframe designs... more
Belanja online ini merupakan salah satu fenomena yang kerap kali kita jumpai di masa sekarang, dimana merambahnya era industry 4.0 dibidang ekonomi, sehingga berbelanja bisa dari mana saja dan kapan saja, tidak terbatas ruang dan waktu.... more
Ce rapport de recherche repose sur l’analyse de 186 pétitions envoyées au Comité des marchés de Montréal entre 1840 et 1880. Créé en 1840, le Comité des marchés est chargé de la gestion et de l’organisation des marchés, de la formulation... more
“Our cities are that mixture, they’re full of recently arrived farmers, even if was 20 years ago”. That’s the way Canclini (2003) describes the Latin-American cities, as a hybrid scenario between the countryside and the city, as a context... more
In the past, urban design teaching and practice have focused on the design of urban spaces as being the modulation of the physical aspects of the fabric while the complex social processes that contribute to its making have not been... more
After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the breakdown of the East German Socialistmgovernment, thousands of former contract workers from Vietnam stayed in the then reunified Germany. Due to their resulting precarious economic situation, a... more
Title: "The “cooperative marketplace” as a point of pride and a challenge for the socialist system" | Abstract: Open-air marketplaces during state socialism in Eastern Europe are often described as being in conflict with the regime’s... more
Resumo: Na sociedade contemporânea a relação entre literatura, cultura, mercado e entretenimento é bastante tênue. Diante destes elementos, a presente pesquisa objetivou investigar, entre o público juvenil de um Instituto Federal, seus... more