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Elias Khoury’s novel Bab el Shams (Gate of the Sun), which came out in 1998 symbolically marking fifty years to the Palestinian Nakba, is perhaps the most comprehensive narrative of this ongoing event. This fascinating novel has not yet... more
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      Trauma StudiesIsrael/PalestinePalestinian LiteratureLiterature and Trauma
The news of Indian migrant laborers traveling in a cement mixer because of the nation-wide lockdown is eerily reminiscent of Ghassan Kanafani's short story Men in the Sun where three Palestinian refugees suffocate to death while traveling... more
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      Israel/PalestinePalestinian LiteratureGhassan KanafaniCoronavirus COVID-19
This study examines three Palestinian works, Hanna Ibrahim’s short story “Infiltrators,” (1954), Mahmoud Shukair’s short story “Mordechai’s Moustache and His Wife’s Cat” (2004) and Ibtisam Azem’s The Book of Disappearance (2014).... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabicPalestinian LiteratureModern Arabic novel
Why did Jesus die? And in what ways did his crucifixion offer redemption to the world? Those questions, which lie at the heart of Christian faith, remain a pressing concern for theological reflection. Together, the two authors, a... more
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      Israel/PalestinePalestineBiblical TheologyPalestinian Literature
The Nakba not only resulted in the loss of the homeland, but also caused the dispersal and ruin of entire Palestinian communities. Even though the term Nakba refers to a singular historic event, the consequence of 1948 has symptomatically... more
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      Arabic LiteraturePostcolonial StudiesPalestinePost-Colonialism
book review
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      Palestinian LiteraturePalestinian short story
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      Arabic LiteratureMiddle East StudiesPostcolonial StudiesIsrael/Palestine
History, Memory, and Literature: Otherness and the Possible World

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      Arabic LiteraturePalestinian LiteratureIsraeli LiteratureHolocaust Shoah
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    • Palestinian Literature
A Little Piece Of Ground presents the experience of young Palestinian boys living in Ramallah
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      British LiteraturePalestinian LiteratureYoung Adult FictionWar on Terror
عرض كتاب (العلاقات البحرينية الفلسطينية) لمؤلفه المؤرخ البحريني راشد الجاسم. "باللغة العربية" (كتب هذا العرض: د. علي فيصل الصديقي) The book (Bahraini-Palestinian Relations) was presented to its author, Bahraini historian Rashid... more
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      Israel StudiesIsrael/PalestinePalestinePalestinian Literature
صدور روايتي "قابض الرمل" عن الدار الأهلية بعمان، الأردن
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      Arabic LiteraturePalestinian LiteratureArabic Novel
Friends Journal, vol. 60, no. 10 (Nov. 2014), 35-36.
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      Palestinian LiteratureBook ReviewsGaza Strip
In the hands of Palestinian artists, the concept of bearing witness not only serves as a means of recording a past tragedy but also involves a complex repertoire of strategies, including interrogating the past, recreating it and, most... more
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      Cultural StudiesPostcolonial StudiesCultural TheoryPalestinian Literature
In the 1920s, the Palestinian ethnographer Tawfiq Kan'an examined the physical and narrative construction of Palestinian space by cataloguing the living archive of Palestinian sanctuaries. His collection of narratives, imbued in the... more
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      Indigenous StudiesPalestinian LiteratureSettler Colonial StudiesCritical Cartography
Creative Writing Writing the Senses / Writing the [Other] Body This course introduces principles and strategies of creative writing in the genres of poetry, drama, prose (fiction and non-fiction), and translation. Students should expect... more
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      Creative WritingLatino/A StudiesWorld LiteraturesDrama
تأريخ للقصة القصيرة والرواية الفلسطينية في إسرائيل بين السنوات 1948-1995
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    • Palestinian Literature
Mourning is German-Jewish novelist Grete Weil’s aesthetic, moral, and intellectual project. My intent in this paper is to explicate and defend that claim. Weil’s two major autobiographical novels, Meine Schwester Antigone (My Sister... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureGerman-Jewish literatureHolocaust StudiesPalestinian Literature
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      Arabic LiteratureNationalismMasculinityPalestinian Literature
In this article, I argue that Mīrāl al-Ṭaḥāwī's Brooklyn Heights (Brūklīn Hāyts, 2010) and Salmān Nāṭūr's She, the Autumn and Me (Hiya, Anā, wa-l-Kharīf, 2011) call into question the very fixedness of the concepts of "homeland" and... more
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      Arabic LiteraturePalestinian LiteratureModern Arabic novelModern Egyptian Literature
World-Ecology, World-Culture, World-Economy: Crisis, Slump, Revolution?, University of Durham, July 2016. 'Making the desert bloom' was notoriously an ambition of the early Israeli state, strongly associated with Israel's first... more
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      Cultural GeographyWorld LiteraturesComparative LiteratureHebrew Literature
Yusuf al-‘Isa was an early pioneer of modern journalism in Palestine which began to flourish during the second Ottoman constitutional period. During the years 1911–14 he worked as the editor-in-chief of the Arabic newspaper Filastin... more
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      Ottoman HistoryIsrael/PalestinePalestinian LiteratureLate Ottoman Period
Filmler, yalnızca görsellikten veyahut kurgulardan ibaret değildir. Filmler içerisinde toplumsal gerçekliği, sosyolojik unsurları barındırır. Platon’un Devlet kitabında yer alan Mağara Alegorisine benzetebileceğimiz filmlerin... more
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      SociologySocial PsychologySocial SciencesFilm Studies
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      Literary JournalismArabic LiteratureMiddle East StudiesIsrael/Palestine
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      Arabic LiteratureTrauma StudiesIsrael/PalestinePalestine
The development of the Palestinian Identity has been the focus of many studies and conferences. However, all of these studies so far concentrate on the emergence of this identity in the last hundred years. Although several papers in this... more
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      Social IdentityIdentity (Culture)Identity politicsBiblical Studies
كتاب مرجعي علمي للدخول في دراسة المسجد الأقصى المبارك، يحتوي على معلومات أساسية حول المسجد الأقصى المبارك ومدينة القدس في محور المفاهيم، ومحور التاريخ، ومحور الأقصى عند غير المسلمين، ويعتبر مرجعاً أساسياً لمن يرغب بالبدء بالدخول في دراسة... more
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      Middle East StudiesIsrael StudiesEarly Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Israel/Palestine
Discussions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are rarely far from the topic of the Holocaust, often taking the form of competitive victimhood, as supporters of both sides politicize the memory of the genocide for their political gain.... more
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      American LiteratureCultural StudiesLiteratureIsrael Studies
Talk presented at Ben Gurion University in the SELI conference 2020
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      Postcolonial StudiesIsrael/PalestineAutobiographyPost-Colonialism
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      LiteraturePalestinian LiteraturePalestinian StudiesArabic-English translation
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    • Palestinian Literature
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      Arabic LiteraturePoetryPalestinian LiteratureTranslation
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      PoetryIdentity (Culture)PalestinePalestinian Literature
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      The Historical NovelIsrael/PalestinePalestinePalestinian Literature
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      Israel/PalestinePalestinePalestinian Literature
Selección de textos literarios palestinos contemporáneos.
Prólogo de Luz Gómez
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      Palestinian LiteratureBoycott Movements
This article provides an overview of the reception of Palestinian Arabic literature in French translation from the first publications in 1970 until the present day. It follows this history and offers insights at its main actors, whether... more
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      Translation StudiesArabic LiteraturePalestinian LiteratureArabic/French translation
My Paper presented at Diyar's Seventh International Conference on " Palestinian Identity in Relation to Time and Space" held in Bethlehem in August 2013. It looks at Mahmoud Darwish's Writings in chronological order and how Bibilcal texts... more
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      Arabic PoetryIsrael/PalestineBiblical StudiesPalestine
Contemporary Palestinian adaptations of Red Riding Hood tale focus on figures representing the future generation (Little Red Riding Hood) and the immediate threat to it (the wolf) but completely ignore the figure of the grandmother, who... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodChildren's Literature & CultureIsrael/PalestinePalestinian Literature
Open-air prison, Terror, Resistance, Occupation, Siege, Trauma, Bare humanity: irrespective of when, where, and to whom the word is uttered, Gaza immediately evokes an abundance of metaphors. Similarly, a plethora of metaphors also invoke... more
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      International RelationsHumanitarianismRefugee StudiesWar Studies
On a village in Palestine called Ein Houd: By the end of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, its Palestinian Arab inhabitants were dispersed, exiled or moved up the Carmel establishing a new Arab Ayn Hawd that was deemed "illegal" by the State of... more
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      Israel StudiesIsrael/PalestinePalestineVernacular Architecture
This essay provides an analysis of “Tibaq,” an elegy written in Edward W. Said’s honor by the acclaimed Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish. Noting that the poem exhibits aspects of a number of genres and demonstrates Darwish’s generally... more
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      Arabic LiteratureGenre studiesPolitics and LiteratureIsrael/Palestine
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsPalestinePalestinian Literature
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      Translation StudiesPalestinian LiteratureBilingualismEmile Habiby
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      Military HistoryMiddle East StudiesIsrael/PalestinePalestine
For the past twenty-five years, and particularly during the last decade, the idea of the Arab Jew has been debated in multiple forums in different parts of the world. The Arab Jew is represented in literature and film, discussed in blogs... more
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      Cultural StudiesComparative LiteratureHebrew LiteratureArabic Literature
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      Popular CultureIsrael/PalestinePalestinian LiteratureIsraeli Culture
Edward Said, "Introduction," in Days of Dust, by Halim Barakat.
Hece 134 (Şubat 2008) 127-143.
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      PalestinePalestinian LiteratureEdward SaidFilistin
In "Arab Critical Culture and Its (Palestinian) Discontents after the Second World War," Adey Almohsen historicizes the consolidation of a particular understanding of iltizam (literary commitment). By exploring specific Palestinian... more
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      Intellectual HistoryArabic LiteratureMiddle East StudiesLiterary Criticism