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A survey of Arabic time-travel fiction, c. 1900 to 1990, with some comparative observations.
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      Science FictionModern Arabic LiteratureTime TravelHistorical Fiction
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      Arabic LiteratureNationalismMasculinityPalestinian Literature
In this article, I argue that Mīrāl al-Ṭaḥāwī's Brooklyn Heights (Brūklīn Hāyts, 2010) and Salmān Nāṭūr's She, the Autumn and Me (Hiya, Anā, wa-l-Kharīf, 2011) call into question the very fixedness of the concepts of "homeland" and... more
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      Arabic LiteraturePalestinian LiteratureModern Arabic novelModern Egyptian Literature
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      Egyptian novel and poetryKhaled Al-KhamissiModern Egyptian Literature
The generation of Egyptian writers and other culture makers whose creative work started to come out during the transformative 1990s produced new distinct discourses on identity, including those related to gender. This article closely... more
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      Self and IdentityArabic LiteratureAutobiographyCultural Identity
This paper discusses the strong influence of Ancient Egyptian literature on both World Literature and Scripture. It inspects the uncanny similarity between between “The Instruction of Amenemope” written by ancient Egyptian scribe... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLiteratureBiblical StudiesLiterary study of the Bible
A decolonial reading presupposes provincializing the Eurocentric modernity/coloniality, which evaluates non-European cultural traditions exclusively in light of the European model, and from within the European tradition, instead of... more
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      Arabic Prose LiteratureMedieval StudiesLiterary CriticismMedievalism
MODERN TÜRK VE MISIR EDEBİYATININ DOĞUŞ VE GELİŞİM EVRELERİNDEKİ BENZERLİKLER VE FRANSIZ EDEBİYATININ BU İKİ EDEBİYATA TESİRİ Öz Osmanlı Devleti ve Mısır'ın askeri alanda güç kazanmak maksadıyla genel an-lamda Batı, özel anlamda Fransa... more
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      Modern Egyptian LiteratureModern Mısır Edebiyatı
The work provides discussion of the novel „Records of Provincial Investigator” by Egyptian writer Tawfik al-Hakim and story „Marita” by Georgian writer Giorgi Leonidze in one and the same context. The main characters of these works,... more
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      Modern Arabic LiteratureGeorgian literatureGeorgian StudiesEgyptian Literature
This article deals with the latest novel of the contemporary Egyptian writer 'Alā' al-Aswānī which is called Jumhūrīya Ka'an (2018) (The So-Called Republic,). The novel depicts how the lives of various characters from different... more
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      Arabic LiteratureModern Arabic LiteratureEgyptian RevolutionEgyptian Literature
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      Arabic LiteratureModern Arabic LiteratureTawfiq al-HakimArabian Nights
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      NarratingModern Egyptian LiteratureEgyptian Short Story
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      Arabic LiteratureWorking ClassesNarrativeArabic
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      CensorshipArabic LiteratureCensorship of literary and popular culture textsArabic Culture, Contemporary Arabic Studies
"Writing about Writing about Alexandria---a Response to May Hawas."
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      Politics and LiteratureCosmopolitanismLiterature and PoliticsAlexandria
This essay provides an alternative reading of modern Alexandria’s social and cultural history as a basis for a better contextualization of Cavafy’s poetry. It revisits the watershed year 1882, which marks the city’s destruction after its... more
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      ColonialismModern Greek literaturePost-ColonialismModern Egypt
Vedecká monografia Súčasná egyptská literatúra: Dystópia, cenzúra a Arabská jar sa venuje vybraným dielam súčasnej egyptskej literatúry a spôsobom, akými reflektujú aktuálnu spoločenskú, politickú a kultúrnu situáciu, predovšetkým... more
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      Dystopian LiteratureDystopian FictionModern Arabic LiteratureCensorship of literary and popular culture texts
In the article we support the view, according to which, the main issue of Naguib Mahfouz’s novel “The Way” (الطريق, English-speaking readers know it as “The Search”) is search of God; and make attempt to clarify, what, in the... more
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      Modern Arabic LiteratureNaguib MahfouzEgyptian LiteratureArabic and Islamic Studies
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      Science and ReligionQuranic StudiesIslamic StudiesDarwinism
The writings of Jacqueline Shohet Kahanoff (1917–1979) offer a refreshing reassessment of Arab-Jewish relations in the Middle East. A member of the bourgeois Jewish community in Cairo, Kahanoff grew up in a time of coexistence. She spent... more
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      Jewish StudiesIsrael StudiesModern EgyptArab and Jewish Diasporas
The paper aims to attract attention of dialectologists to modern dialect poetry as linguistic material, suggesting that study of Haddad’s exploitation of registers of Egyptian Arabic for literary production contributes to better... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic PoetryLiteratureArabic Language and Linguistics
By writing The Committee (1981) Sonallah Ibrahim constructs a short novel in which the theme of “secret” is crucial. Step by step he portrays the protagonist’s society adding elements to a story that appears out of the ordinary and ends... more
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      Arabic LiteratureSecrecyModern EgyptEnigma
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      Modern Egyptian LiteratureModern Mısır Edebiyatı
Remembering Cosmopolitan Egypt examines the link between cosmopolitanism in Egypt, from the nineteenth century through to the mid-twentieth century, and colonialism. While it has been widely noted that such a relationship exists, the... more
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      Arabic LiteratureCosmopolitanismModern EgyptIsraeli Literature
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      Comparative LiteratureClassicsLatin LiteratureAugustan Poetry
Il testo si propone di trattare l’evolversi del genere autobiografico nella letteratura araba moderna, concentrandosi sulla peculiarità del caso egiziano, il paese dell’opera autobiografica canone per eccellenza, al-Ayyām di Ṭāhā Ḥusayn,... more
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      Egyptian HistoryModern Arabic LiteratureIntellectual History (Arabic, Islamic, European)Modern Egyptian Literature
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic PoetryLiteratureArabic
Ahmed Muharram is one of the modern Arab poets. In his poetry, he followed the neo-classical school pioneered by Barudi. Expressing both current events and personal experiences through his poems, Muharram believed that poetry should have... more
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      Modern Arabic LiteratureModern Arabic Poetrymodern English/Arabic Poetry and Human RightsModern Arabic Poets
Öz Bu çalıĢma, modern Mısır edebiyatında roman sanatının, dönemin sosyal ve siyasal hareketliliğiyle birlikte, kendi iç dinamiğinden kaynaklanan sebeplerle etkisinde kaldığı toplumcu gerçekçi akım yazarlarından Abdurrahmân eĢ-ġarkâvî'nin... more
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      Modern Egyptian LiteratureModern Mısır Edebiyatı
A theatrical piece
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyEgyptian ArabicEgyptian Literature
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      Arabic LiteratureModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)The SixtiesThe Fantastic
A brief cultural and literary history and a personal testimony of the houseboats on the Nile in Cairo/ثرثرة قصيرة حول العوامات على النيل وتأريخها وأدبها والحياة فوق النيل
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      Arabic LiteratureEgyptian LiteratureNile RiverModern Egyptian Literature
A Z Abushady was the founder of the Apis Club at Benson in Oxfordshire. He was the first editor of its journal which was first published in June 1919. That journal is this journal, Bee World. Here, from a manuscript in progress, his... more
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      BeekeepingBeesInventions and innovative methods for beekeepingBees and advances in beekeeping
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesSociology of CultureClassics
У приповеткама Тумач жеља (Просвета, 2003, превео с арапског С. Лештарић), Селва Бакр (1949), друштвено и феминистички врло ангажована египатска књижевница, бави се маргинализованим житељима Каира и његових предграђа и њиховом... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Prose LiteratureShort story (Literature)Modern Arabic Literature
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      Language Variation and ChangeArabic SociolinguisticsArabic DialectsArabic Language
This paper, though unfinished, connects the Nubian Diaspora to the Nubian literature, in a way that illustrates how literature plays the role of the Nubian archive. How the forced and arranged obliteration of any trace of the Nubian... more
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      ViolenceDiasporasBlack/African DiasporaDispositions
AGAINST (MISUSING) TRADITION: NAWAL EL SAADAWI’S NOVEL THE FALL OF THE IMAM In her 1987 novel Suqut al-Imam (The Fall of the Imam) Nawal El Saadawi presents and criticizes the reality in an unnamed theocratic state which has many... more
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      IntertextualityWomen and Gender Issues in IslamIslamic feminismModern Arabic Literature
Dr El-Qalamwai was a prominent literary figures in Egypt who influenced modern Arabic letters writers and critics in and out of the Middle East and Africa 50 years. was the lat of a generation of suffragettes of easy 20th century. A... more
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      FeminismEgyptEgyptian feminismArabian Nights
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      Modern Arabic LiteratureArabic DiglossiaModern Egyptian LiteratureYusuf Idris
Öz Bu makalede, Mısır edebiyatında romantizm ve realizm yazarları için vazgeçilmez bir unsur olan köy insanının, toprak reformunun yapıldığı 1952 yılına kadar hikâye ve romanlardaki görüntüsü ele alınacaktır. Mısır halkının % 82'sini... more
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      Modern Egyptian LiteratureModern Mısır Edebiyatı
"Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction", Volume 47.3, number 131, 2018 - a study of the evolving nature of Egyptian science fiction through a case study of the director of the Egyptian society for Science fiction, Dr.... more
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      Dystopian LiteratureVirologyScience FictionScience Fiction and Fantasy
Over the past ten years a multitude of Egyptian writers have produced a variety of fictional novels relating to the 2011-13 Egyptian uprisings, more commonly referred to as the Arab Spring. In this essay I primarily look into Mohamed... more
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      Critical TheoryDystopian LiteratureTemporalityLiterary Analysis
Öz Arap şiirinin kadim temalarından biri olan "medih", Cahiliye' den Modern' e tüm zamanlarda değişmez bir konu olarak şiirde yerini almıştır. Kimi zaman bir kabile reisinin, kimi zaman da bir şehrin övüldüğü bu "medhiye"lerden modern... more
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      Social SciencesArabic PoetryIslamic StudiesModern Arabic Literature
This talk visits four contrasting perspectives on the urban space of Downtown Cairo by the Greek poet George Seferis, the Palestinian scholar Edward Said, the Egyptian-Greek novelist Stratis Tsirkas and the Egyptian writer Radwa 'Ashour.... more
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      Middle East StudiesPostcolonial StudiesModern Greek literatureTurkish and Middle East Studies
In den 1990ern dominierte in Ägypten eine Literaturströmung, die sich radikal gegen jede politische und ideologische Vereinnahmungwehrte. IhrThema war das Ich, dem sie sich fiktional und autobiographisch näherte, ihr Impetus lag auf... more
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      EgyptModern EgyptEgyptian LiteratureModern Egyptian Literature
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionCultural HistoryCultural StudiesEgyptology
İsmail Sabri Paşa (1854-1923), Mısırlı bir neo-klasik şair ve devlet adamıdır. On dokuzuncu yüzyılın sonlarında, Mısır’da ulusal bir bilincin doğmasına katkı sağlamıştır. Ne var ki Sabri’nin neo-klasik şairler arasındaki önemi, ilk... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic PoetryEgyptModern Arabic Literature
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      Comparative LiteratureTurkish Language and LiteratureModern Egyptian Literature
سلّطت أخيراً الضوء على ’مدينة «منف» القديمة في «الخطط التوفيقيّة» لـ «علي ﭙـاشا مبارك»: «دراسة مقارنة بين المصادر التاريخيّة والمُكتشفات الأثريّة»‘، أما العدد الحالي فسأتناول فيه بالدراسة ما ورد في كتابات أبي الآثاريّين المصريّين،... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionModern EgyptAncient Egyptian HistorySocial History (Ancient Egypt)