Electric Bike
Recent papers in Electric Bike
Developing country like India should concentrate on having a sustainable nonpolluting alternate means of road transport due to high fuel pricing, and pol Two wheelers in India contribute to around 75 % of total vehicle population. E for... more
The purpose of the project is to fabricate a Personal Transporter (PT).This vehicle is designed to overcome the cost of the actual Segway Vehicle and to provide zero pollution within the campus or industries and this transporter doesn’t... more
KT-LCD3 eBike Special Meter User Manual_V3.0 - Suzhou KUNTENG Electronics Co., Ltd
from http://www.szktdz.com/en/news.php?type=348
from http://www.szktdz.com/en/news.php?type=348
In this paper, we are concerning about the growing demand of energy all over the world, which motivate us to switchover renewable resource of energy. There are many different ways by which we can save energy in different sectors. Our main... more
KT-LCD2 eBike Special Meter User Manual - Suzhou KUNTENG Electronics Co., Ltd
from http://www.szktdz.com/en/news.php?type=348
from http://www.szktdz.com/en/news.php?type=348
Der vorliegende Sammelband ist eine anerkennenswerte studentische Leistung, die im Bachelorstudiengang Geographie am Geographischen Institut der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen im Rahmen des „Integrativen Projekts“ (5. Fachsemester)... more
The purpose of the project is to fabricate a Personal Transporter (PT).This vehicle is designed to overcome the cost of the actual Segway Vehicle and to provide zero pollution within the campus or industries and this transporter doesn’t... more
Conventional vechicles running on fossil fuel causes more global pollution and it creates an adverse effects on the environment. To bring out solution for this problem electric vechicle is introduced. To make it more effective... more
Electric Treadmill bike is a upgrading way of moving. With the help of Treadmill Bike, one can feel walk is not like a exercise it is like a person playing with a device which makes a person not soo tired. Now a days people are spending... more
Der vorliegende Sammelband ist eine anerkennenswerte studentische Leistung, die im Bachelorstudiengang Geographie am Geographischen Institut der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen im Rahmen des „Integrativen Projekts“ (5. Fachsemester)... more
Die zur Neige gehenden Erdölvorräte lassen einen schrittweisen Umstieg auf elektrische Antriebstechnologien aus heutiger Sicht langfristig unausweichlich erscheinen. Jedoch bedingt die starke Pfadabhängigkeit politischer Steuerung in der... more
The primary goal of this research was to model the potential of a bike sharing program (BSP) in Portugal and more specifically within the city of Porto. For many years, the topic of BSP has been heavily debated as the preferred mode of... more
This study aims to find out the old frame data with a new frame so that the data obtained from these two frames can be used as a comparison of the results of the data in both frames and to obtain data optimization by choosing a lighter... more
Bereits vor ein paar Jahren ist das Pedelec (Elektrofahrrad) neu auf den Fahrradmarkt getreten und hat das Spektrum unserer möglichen Verkehrsmitteloptionen erweitert. Verschiedene empirische Studien haben bereits festgestellt, dass... more
Electric Vehicles (EV) have gained interest over the past decade. Accordingly, to support EV technology installation of charging stations are required. A Photovoltaic Charging Station (PV_CS) can generate clean electricity from the sun... more
Now days supply of fossil fuel are limited. In addition world population increases the energy demand is also increasing day by day. The basic need of human life is power and it can manipulate major development in any country. Bicycle are... more