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Acea Distribuzione è una delle utility più importanti a livello nazionale nella distribuzione di elettricità (seconda per numero di utenze connesse); gestisce il servizio di distribuzione dell'energia elettrica ad alta, media e bassa... more
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      Power SystemDistributed GenerationSmart GridElectric Power Systems
Somalia has been experiencing challenges in the distribution of power to the whole country in the past decades. As a result, more than half of Somalia population is affected by the ineffectiveness of the distribution of electricity which... more
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      Electrical EngineeringElectric Power Distribution
The primary issues affecting energy options are those of availability, affordability, sustainability, and security. Since energy resources are unevenly distributed around the world, and the impacts of energy consumption have global reach... more
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      Natural GasAvailabilityElectric Power DistributionPetroleum Products
This paper discusses the effects of Hurricane Maria on Puerto Rico’s electric grid. Arguably, the most significant effect of Hurricane Maria on Puerto Rico was the electric power outage that initially affected the entire island and lasted... more
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      ResiliencePower system restorationElectric Power DistributionHurricane María
Еден важен аспект при проектирањето на електро-енергетски системи е и правилен избор на електрични проводници кои ќе обезбедат најмали загуби на електрична енергија. Кај ваквите системи, дури и мали разлики во концентрацијата на... more
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      Electric Power SystemsElectric Power Distribution
The performance of a photovoltaic (PV) array is affected by temperature, solar insolation, shading, and array configuration. Often, the PV arrays get shadowed, completely or partially, by the passing clouds, neighboring buildings and... more
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      Power ElectronicsModeling and SimulationComputer LanguagesTemperature
This paper provides a review of the research conducted on complex network analysis (CNA) in electric power systems. Moreover, a new approach is presented to find optimal locations for microgrids (MGs) in electric distribution systems... more
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      Electrical EngineeringComplex Systems ScienceGraphs TheoryGraph Theory
We propose, describe, and model a competitive joint venture (CJV) institution as an alternative to traditional natural monopoly regulation of the wires portion of the electricity supply chain. This CJV institution consists of an ownership... more
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      Market DesignRegulationElectricityJoint Venture
The primary issues affecting energy options are those of availability, affordability, sustainability, and security. Since energy resources are unevenly distributed around the world, and the impacts of energy consumption have global reach... more
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      Natural GasAvailabilityElectric Power DistributionPetroleum Products
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      EngineeringModel TheoryOperations ResearchResilience
... most commonly unidirec-tional two-stage converter featuring the step-up (boost) dc-dc converter stage and ... and 400 V to allow for power sharing and voltage regulation using the droop control. ... Starting with the bidirectional... more
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      Distributed ComputingPower ElectronicsPower SystemSystem Integration
The last decades the concern of the public, regarding the possible affects from the exposure to magnetic and electric fields, has grown considerably. This is because the generation, transmission and distribution of electric power are... more
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      EngineeringLow FrequencyMagnetic fieldCables
Perhaps the most contentious electricity transmission financing issue is cost allocation for new interstate transmission lines-that is, deciding which electricity customers pay how much of the cost of building and operating a new... more
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      EnergyElectricityElectric Power TransmissionElectric Power Distribution
Abstract: One of the contentious issues in electricity reform is whether there are significant gains from restructuring systems that are moderately well run. South Africa's electricity system is a case in point. The sector's... more
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      Economic GrowthEconomic DevelopmentElectricity MarketElectricity
The reliability theory of repairable systems is vastly different from that of non-repairable systems. The authors have recently proposed a 'decision-based' framework to design and maintain repairable systems for optimal performance and... more
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      MetricsOptimizationAutomotive EngineeringManufacturing Engineering
This paper provides a review of the research conducted on complex network analysis (CAN) in electric power systems. Moreover, a new approach is presented to find optimal locations for microgrids (MGs) in electric distribution systems... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringComplex Systems ScienceGraphs Theory
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    • Electric Power Distribution
In recent years several studies regarding optimal operation of distribution networks in presence of Distributed Generation (DG) were proposed. This paper describes an algorithm developed by RSE (DISCoVER) to increase the hosting capacity... more
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      Power SystemDistributed GenerationSmart GridElectric Power Systems
Towards the complete vision of smarter distribution grid, advanced distribution automation system (ADAS) is one of the major players in this area. In this scope, this paper introduces a generic strategy for cost-effective implementation... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceReliability EngineeringElectric Power Distribution
The authors have recently proposed a 'decision-based' framework to design and maintain repairable systems. In their approach, a multiobjective optimization problem is solved to identify the best design using multiple short and long-term... more
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      DesignElectric Power Distribution
This paper explains conflict over technological process innovation in cultural terms, drawing primarily on a case study of electric power distribution and strategies to automate its operation. The paper shows how different occupational... more
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      ManagementEngineeringCognitive ScienceTechnology Management
Tensions between the energy and water sectors occur when demand for electric power is high and water supply levels are low. There are several regions of the country, such as the western and southwestern states, where the confluence of... more
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      Environmental policyWater resourcesEnergy PolicyPower Plant
The performance of a photovoltaic (PV) array is affected by temperature, solar insolation, shading, and array configuration. Often, the PV arrays get shadowed, completely or partially, by the passing clouds, neighboring buildings and... more
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      Power ElectronicsModeling and SimulationComputer LanguagesTemperature
Cascading failures are one of the main reasons for blackouts in electric power transmission grids. The economic cost of such failures is in the order of tens of billion dollars annually. The loading level of power system is a key aspect... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsInformaticsMetrics
This paper discusses the effects of Hurricane Maria on Puerto Rico's electric grid. Arguably, the most significant effect of Hurricane Maria on Puerto Rico was the electric power outage that initially affected the entire island and lasted... more
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      ResilienceIEEEPower system restorationElectric Power Distribution
The objective of the tutorial is to present the results from the CIGRE/CIRED C6.25/B5 Joint Working Group (JWG) that has worked on the control and automation systems for the future electric networks with particular reference to the... more
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      Computer ScienceAutomationElectric Power Distribution
While most of the research work in the field of electrical engineering was aroused by the scientific challenges to be overcome, it is fair to recognize that the practical importance of engineering hinges on its economic impact on the... more
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U radu je obrađena problematika procjene gubitaka elektricne energije proracunom i mjerenjima. U prvom dijelu predstavljen je nacin bilanciranja elektricne energije u distribuciji i kriticki osvrt na postojeci nacin ocitavanja potrosnje... more
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      ElectricityElectric Power Distribution
This thesis studies and designs a microgrid with the following characteristics: alternative current, low voltage and grid-connected, features photovoltaic power generation, a suitable storage system and dynamic loads, able to manage... more
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      Renewable EnergyDistributed GenerationMicrogridElectric Power Distribution
With the increasing integration of renewable energy sources into the electricity supply system, planning and operation of power distribution systems has become more complex and challenging. As a consequence of this progress, new and... more
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      Computer ScienceElectricityElectric Power Distribution
The reliability theory of repairable systems is vastly different from that of non-repairable systems. The authors have recently proposed a 'decision-based' framework to design and maintain repairable systems for optimal performance and... more
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      EngineeringMetricsOptimizationAutomotive Engineering
This paper discusses the effects of Hurricane Maria on Puerto Rico’s electric grid. Arguably, the most significant effect of Hurricane Maria on Puerto Rico was the electric power outage that initially affected the entire island and lasted... more
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      ResiliencePower system restorationElectric Power DistributionHurricane María
The primary issues affecting energy options are those of availability, affordability, sustainability, and security. Since energy resources are unevenly distributed around the world, and the impacts of energy consumption have global reach... more
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      Natural GasAvailabilityElectric Power DistributionPetroleum Products
Electrification of heating and transportation is poised to disrupt the electric system by increasing distribution system peaks throughout the United States. This paper adds to the literature by describing the main determinants of electric... more
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      ElectricityPergamonPublic Administration and PolicyElectric Power Distribution
This paper discusses the effects of Hurricane Maria on Puerto Rico's electric grid. Arguably, the most significant effect of Hurricane Maria on Puerto Rico was the electric power outage that initially affected the entire island and lasted... more
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      ResilienceIEEEPower system restorationElectric Power Distribution
... To achieve a fast dynamic response, the boost converter is primarily controlled by an inner current ... To investigate the performance of the DC-linked microgrid, simulation studies were conducted for a ... [31] A. Al-Hinai, K.... more
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      EngineeringPower SystemsPower ElectronicsPower System
This paper deals with the assessment of the lightning performance of distribution lines, namely the estimation of the annual number of lightning-induced flashovers versus the critical flashover voltage of the line insulators. The... more
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      Monte Carlo SimulationStatistical AnalysisComparative StudyMonte Carlo Methods
ÖZETÇE: Bu makalede “Çok-yollu Hoparlör Sistemlerinde Güç Dağılımı” konusu ele alınmakta ve Çok-yollu Hoparlör Sistremlerinde Güç Dağılımına ilişkin bir abak sunulmakta ve bu abağın nasıl kullanılacağı örneklerle açıklanmaktadır. Piyasada... more
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      AcousticsElectrical and ElectronicsElectroacousticsLoudspeakers
The last decades the concern of the public, regarding the possible affects from the exposure to magnetic and electric fields, has grown considerably. This is because the generation, transmission and distribution of electric power are... more
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      Low FrequencyMagnetic fieldCablesFrequency
The performance of a photovoltaic (PV) array is affected by temperature, solar insolation, shading, and array configuration. Often, the PV arrays get shadowed, completely or partially, by the passing clouds, neighboring buildings and... more
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      Power ElectronicsModeling and SimulationComputer LanguagesTemperature
Reconfiguration of a power distribution system consists in changing the functional links among its elements and represents one of the most important actions for the improvement of system performance in operation. In the last few years,... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringOptimization (Mathematical Programming)Computer Engineering