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This thesis is meant to detail the impact of Roman military forces located on and around the Bay of Naples from the time of Nero to the death of Domitian, as it pertains to the archaeological record. This time period, spanning around 50... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman History
description of a unpublished roman pugio of the II type (imperial) and of its restoration
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryRoman ArmyArcheologia
In the account of the Third Samnite War (298–290 BC), Livy records a special commitment of the Samnite Linen Legion that faced the Romans at Aquilonia in 293 BC. The oath of this élite formation required discipline and sacrifice to a... more
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      Military HistoryRoman HistoryRoman RepublicRoman military history
estratto del libro "Gladius Regimen Castrorum - Storia del Gladio e dl Combattmento romano", vol. I - Monarchia e Repubblica . Il capitolo IV.2 si addentra in uno degli argomenti spesso maggiormente frainteso nel campo della storia... more
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      Roman ArmyArqueología romana / Roman archeologyArcheologia RomanaEsercito Romano
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      Roman LawRoman ArmyEjército romanoEsercito Romano
The common idea that the curiae were divisions of the people created after the foundation of the city and strictly related to the gentes, is mostly due to the etymology cūria < *ko-wir-ia. However, the sources represent the curiae as... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman LawIndo-European StudiesRoman Religion
Since Bernays in 1861, scholars have disputed Josephus’ account in Bell. Iud. 6.252 that a Roman soldier during the siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE acted on ‘some supernatural impulse’ when he threw a piece of burning wood into the Temple,... more
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      Early Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Second Temple JudaismFlavian LiteratureRoman military history
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      Roman ReligionRoman ArmyEjército romanoEsercito Romano
The Roman 'centuria' has at least three different meanings: division of the people, division of the assembly, division of the army. It is usually held that these three meanings coincided — i.e. that the people were divided into sections... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman LawRoman ArmyStoria Romana
Documento che si propone di indagare i più importanti incarichi della prefettura del pretorio tra la fine del II e la prima metà del III secolo. Questo lavoro nasce come estensione e revisione del paragrafo IV.II – I compiti della... more
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      Imperial RomeThe Praetorian GuardSeptimius SeverusAncient Rome
This paper offers an updated summary of the Germani corporis custodes, the imperial bodyguard, which was established by Augustus and dissolved by Galba. In particular, the following topics are explored: a brief history of previous... more
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      Roman HistoryLatin EpigraphyEsercito Romanoimperatori romani
[Prohibitions and procedural and negotiating limits applied to the milites in the late Empire] The members of the militiae of Rome were always, in various ways, the object of benefits and privileges, for the service provided, but also of... more
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      Military HistoryRoman HistoryRoman LawLate Roman Empire
Cronaca del convegno internazionale "L'esercito romano e l'alba dell'Europa", Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, 9-11 maggio 2019. Co-autore: Marta Cerrito.
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      Roman LawLate Roman EmpireRoman EmpireEsercito Romano
"The question of whether Titus ordered the burning of the Temple as Sulpicius Severus reports or whether the burning was caused by a soldier acting upon some “supernatural impulse” as Josephus relates [War 6.252] has been debated ever... more
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      Early Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Second Temple JudaismFlavian LiteratureRoman military history
Lo studio dei materiali deperibili, che costituiscono una parte importante del record archeologico di qualsivoglia sito, trova delle evidenti imitazioni di carattere sia quantitativo che qualitativo. Alimenti, vestiario, vesti funebri e... more
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      Roman BritainRoman ArmyHadrian's Wall (Archaeology)Roman Egypt
Nell’ambito del fenomeno di cristianizzazione anche la sicurezza delle città viene sempre più affidata alla protezione divina e all’azione dei santi. A partire dal VI secolo le porte delle le mura urbiche dedicate a santi e martiri sono... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyLate Antique Art and ArchaeologyRavennaTarda antichità
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      Roman ArmyRoman EmpireEsercito RomanoHaut-Empire
Un manufatto non è altro che la proiezione materiale di un pensiero umano, ma quando viene ampiamente condiviso assurge a rappresentare il modo di pensare e di essere della collettività stessa. Per il popolo Romano, il Gladio fu l’oggetto... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyRoman ArmyGreek and Roman HistoryStoria Romana
«Klio» 99/1 (2017)
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      Roman HistoryRoman LawLatin EpigraphyRoman provincial administration
"The Romans beyond the Danube (167-180 d.C.): Marcus Aurelius imitator Augusti" The debate about the Marcomannic wars has always focused on the provincialization of the Quadi and Marcomanni’s territory, on the almost sole basis of written... more
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      Ancient HistoryMilitary HistoryArchaeologyRoman History
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      Roman ArmyReligione romanaRoman imperial cultEjército romano
Se presentan tres castra aestiva identificados en el área montañosa de Asturias que separa las cuencas de los ríos Navia y Eo: El Pico el Outeiro, A Pedra Dereta y El Chao de Carrubeiro. Mediante el estudio de las características formales... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman military archaeologyRoman Army
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      LanguagesHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
Nel 27 a.C., Roma assunse la forma di un impero multietnico, destinato – nelle intenzioni – a includere tutto l’orbis terrarum, o almeno la sua parte “utile”. Il controllo delle truppe, prevalentemente di origine non romana, fu di... more
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      Roman HistoryImmigrationRoman LawEuropean Union Citizenship
In this study we aim to analyse the presence of mime actors in the various branches of the Roman armed forces and the cohortes vigilum, using seven epigraphs that prove the presence of popular theatre in the military. These epigraphs... more
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      SpectacleRoman DramaLatin EpigraphyRoman Army
Aggiornamento e revisione delle iscrizioni romane di Mutina per il sito web http://www.mutinaromana.it/it/ a cura di S. Pellegrini e G. Pellacani e realizzato da Altair4 Multimedia in occasione della mostra "Mutina Splendidissima. La... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural StudiesRoman History
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      Latin EpigraphyRoman ArmyRoman EpigraphyMantua
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural History
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      Roman military historyRoman ArmyAncient Military HistoryRoman Spain
Cronaca del convegno internazionale &amp;quot;L&amp;#39;esercito romano e l&amp;#39;alba dell&amp;#39;Europa&amp;quot;, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, 9-11 maggio 2019. Co-autore: Marta Cerrito.
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      HumanitiesRoman LawLate Roman EmpireRoman Empire
Italian translation of the book by Pierre Cosme, "L'année des quatre empereurs", Fayard, Paris 2012.
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      Military IntelligenceRoman HistoryIntelligence and EspionageLatin Epigraphy
Il presente contributo verte sul rapporto che intercorre, all’interno delle iscrizioni dei militari, tra l’indicazione della domus o origo del personaggio e la sua ascrizione tribale, una questione che può, almeno per una certa area... more
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      Roman ArmyEsercito RomanoTribal ascriptionAscrizione tribale
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      Late AntiquityLate Roman ArmyTardoanticoEsercito Romano
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History