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      Critical PedagogyFat StudiesBody ImageFat Activism
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      Race and RacismSexismBlack women's healthFatphobia
Prova orale: Concorso 2022 per l'insegnamento dell'inglese in Scuole Secondarie di Secondo Grado (AB24).
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      Teaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second LanguageTeacher EducationFat Studies
We know why Covid-19 is killing so many black people.
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      Race and RacismSlaveryFatphobiaCoronavirus COVID-19
Χοντρέλες: Διαθεματικός φεμινισμός, πρότυπα ομορφιάς και αντιρατσιστική εκπαίδευση. Κατά το τρέχον σχολικό έτος, πραγματοποιήθηκαν ημερίδες και επιμορφωτικά προγράμματα για εκπαιδευτικούς της Π.Ε. σε θέματα ισότητας των φύλων και έμφυλων... more
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      Gender StudiesGender EqualityAnti-racist feminist theoryGender stereotypes
Una aproximación a la cultura de la delgadez desde la violencia y el poder.
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Dicke, haarige, queere, alternde Körper, People of Colour , Menschen mit Behinderung: Wer in unserer Gesellschaft nicht der Norm entspricht, wer sich und seinen Körper nicht dem kommerzialisierten Zwang zur Selbstop-timierung unterwirft,... more
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      The BodyIntersectionalityHealth at Every SizeAnti-Racism
The practice, theory, and critique of allyship have been central to feminist scholarship and activism. Identities once not regarded as identities at all but as neutral givens, such as maleness, whiteness, cisnormativity, heterosexuality,... more
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      Feminist TheoryFat StudiesEmbodimentSocial Activism
Cet article discute de l’institutionnalisation croissante du champ de recherche des fat studies. Entremêlant savoirs militants et connaissances universitaires, ce courant interdisciplinaire et intersectionnel veut dénoncer la... more
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      Fat StudiesSocial MovementWeight BiasFat Acceptance
El artículo analiza la incongruente convivencia entre la normalización de las dietas y el discurso feminista en España a través del análisis de obras hechas por mujeres en una variedad de formatos desde la década de los 90 hasta hoy.... more
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      Contemporary Women's PoetryFeminismoBeautyContemporary Spanish Poetry
Desde que comenzó la cuarentena, las menciones burlonas al tamaño corporal abundan en las redes. La activista de la gordura, Laura Contrera, analiza el terror al aumento de peso en el contexto de un aislamiento que solo aumenta la lupa... more
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      Fat ActivismFat FeminismFatphobiagordofobia
La gordofobia puede conceptualizarse, de modo general, como el miedo, rechazo e intolerancia a la gordura (propia o externa), la cual se refleja en distintas actitudes o comportamientos, siendo el principal de ellos la discriminación... more
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      CuerpoTrabajo Social CríticoFatphobiagordofobia
In Anthropology, the body is perceived as something which can be influenced by culture and society. The ‘physical’ body is constantly modified by social categories, and there can “be no naturally way of considering the body that does not... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of the BodySociology of the BodyHindi Cinema
En el cuerpo se codifican marcadores somático-textuales que movilizan interpretaciones sexo-genéricas, raciales, de clase, de hábitos e ideales. La filósofa Samantha Murray en The fat female body utiliza el concepto de “lipoliteraturas”... more
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      Fat StudiesFilosofía Del CuerpoNarrativa, cuerpo, identidadesEstudios De Género Y Feminismo
This special issue of Fat Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Body Weight and Society explores fatness in relation to femininity. The relationship between fatness and femininity is longstanding and fraught: fatness can be... more
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      Fat StudiesFemininityFemininitiesFemininities and Masculinities
Öz: Amaç: Bu çalışma, bir üniversitedeki Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi öğrencilerinin yağ fobisi puanlarını belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Bu amaçla araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden 311 öğrenciye demografik sorular ve 14 maddelik... more
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    • Fatphobia
Publicado em 2019, o livro De gorda a plus size: a moda do tamanho grande propõe um desvendamento acerca dos corpos gordos femininos e a moda plus size como estratégia biopolítica. O livro propõe uma discussão sobre os significados... more
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