Recent papers in Fox
In arid environments, ecological refuges are often conceptualised as places where animal species can persist through drought owing to the localised persistence of moisture and nutrients. The mesopredator release hypothesis (MRH) predicts... more
A review of Keith Madaras' booklet "Field Evaluation of Coyote, Fox, & Raccoon Odor Attractants. His book explains which lures and odors attracted the most animals to his mid-west trapline. He names brand name lure makers and the results... more
Severe lung strongylosis was detected in a wild red fox (Vulpes vulpes) (1/12) from Apulia (Italy). We performed routine diagnostics on 12 foxes found dead in Apulia. Eleven of them showed lesions consistent with a vehicle collision.... more
The present case study concerns a case of predation of 4 individuals of captive pink flamingo in Emilia Romagna Region, Northeastern Italy. The pink flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus) is a species included in the Red List of Threatened... more
Malgré des origines historiques et conditions économiques distinctes, les cinq grands networks (réseaux de chaînes à l'échelle nationale) s’appuient davantage, pour façonner leur image et fidéliser leur public, sur leurs fictions... more