Fracture Propagation
Recent papers in Fracture Propagation
This paper deals with inhomogeneous shearing deformation of an in"nite rubber-like slab under a temperature di!erence across its thickness. The deformation is analyzed within the context of "nite thermoelasticity with entropic origin for... more
Calving of icebergs is an important component of mass loss from the polar ice sheets and glaciers in many parts of the world. Calving rates can increase dramatically in response to increases in velocity and/or retreat of the glacier... more
Hydraulic fracture propagation is greatly influenced by mode-II fracture toughness since this is one of the factors which determine whether a fracture diverts. Direct measurement of rock fracture toughness is constrained by high cost,... more
1] Snow avalanches are a major natural hazard, endangering human life and infrastructure in mountainous areas throughout the world. In many countries with seasonally snow-covered mountains, avalanche-forecasting services reliably warn the... more
This paper presents milestones in the history of Fracture Mechanics (F.M.) as a tool for knowing and understanding future developments in the field. It concerns in particular lapideous materials as rocks and unreinforced concrete, which... more
In this study, various types of drop-weight tear test (DWTT) were conducted on a high-toughness line-pipe steel in order to analyze abnormal fracture appearance occurring in the region impacted by a hammer. A pressed notch or a chevron... more
Hydraulic fracturing is a key technology for the development of unconventional resources such as shale gas. Due to the existence of numerous bedding planes, shale reservoirs can be considered typical anisotropic materials. In anisotropic... more
This paper analyses the problem of a hydraulically driven fracture, propagating in an impermeable, linear elastic medium. The fracture is driven by injection of an incompressible, viscous fluid with power-law rheology and behaviour index... more
This paper analyses the problem of a hydraulically driven fracture, propagating in an impermeable, linear elastic medium. The fracture is driven by injection of an incompressible, viscous fluid with power-law rheology and behaviour index... more
The thrust of this Project was to obtain laboratory evidence for the field-proven capability of aphron drilling fluids to limit fluid invasion in permeable formations with little permanent formation damage and provide a sound scientific... more
Researchers and practitioners currently lack a quantitative field test that indicates the propensity of a given slab and weak layer combination to propagate weak layer fracture and failure to an extent that leads to avalanching. We report... more
Fracture toughness of a rock/material is important in the design of rock drilling/boring equipment, rock bursting, prediction of rock drilling forces, hydraulic fracturing, wellbore stability and stability of jointed rock masses. A series... more
Hydraulic fracturing is a common tool to increase the productivity of hydrocarbon reservoirs, which suffer of decreasing hydrocarbon pressure and permeability of gas/oil-bearing sediments. We analyzed a microseismic data set from... more
Sudden and unexpected collapses of underground cavities below the city of Naples (Italy) represent a serious safety hazard. The collapses occur due to the detachment of large blocks from the cavity roofs, walls and pillars, often a long... more
This study investigates snowpack properties associated with skier-triggered dry slab avalanches, with a particular view on snowpack conditions favoring fracture propagation. This was done by analyzing a data set of over 500 snow profiles... more
Fracture is a very complicated phenomenon and its dynamics is not well described up to now by a consistent physical and/or mathematical model. In this paper we synthetically present the main experimental and theoretical results for the... more
The previously reported ''Fe-Ti type'' garnet-peridotite is located in the northern part of the well known ultra-high pressure (UHP) area of the Western Gneiss Region (WGR) in Norway. Primary spinel stable up to only 2.0 GPa at 800 C... more
For physical phenomena governed by the Biot model of porous-elasticity, a reciprocal relation, similar to the Betti's recoprocal theorem in elasticity, is constructed in Laplace transformed space. Integrating the reciprocal relation... more
The Cerro Aspero batholith (CAB) (440 km 2 ) is one of many discordant granites emplaced during the Middle to Late Devonian, marking the closure of igneous activity in the southern part of the Sierras Pampeanas de Co Ârdoba, Argentina.... more
1] The 'Propagation Saw Test' (PST) was designed to assess the fracture propagation propensity of weak snowpack layers in relation to snow slab avalanche release. Its predictions were tested against independent field observations of weak... more
This paper considers the problem of plane-strain fluid-driven fracture propagating in an impermeable elastic medium under condition of large toughness or, equivalently, of low fracturing fluid viscosity. We construct an explicit solution... more
1] Late on the night of 26 October 2002, a dike intrusion started suddenly at Mount Etna, producing intense explosive activity and lava effusion on the southern flank. Five to six hours afterward, a long field of eruptive fractures... more
1] We show that the low-pass filtered, peak amplitudes of initial P-and S-wave seismic signals recorded in the vicinity of an occurring earthquake source correlates with the earthquake magnitude and may be used for real-time estimation of... more
Researchers and practitioners currently lack a quantitative field test that indicates the propensity of a given slab and weak layer combination to propagate weak layer fracture and failure to an extent that leads to avalanching. We report... more
During the winters of 2002-2003 and 2003-2004, fractures in weak snowpack layers were recorded with a portable digital high-speed camera in the Columbia Mountains of British Columbia, Canada. Fractures were photographed at 250 frames per... more
This paper presents an experimental work aimed at assessing the correlation between fracture toughness (K IC ) and fracture roughness for a series of Westerly granite specimens thermally treated up to 850°C. Mode I fracture toughness as a... more
Two large-scale north-dipping, low-angle normal faults cut the Everest massif at the top of the High Himalayan slab in Nepal. The upper fault the Qomolangma Detachment, follows the north slope of Everest from above the 'Yellow Band' at c.... more
We describe a novel implicit level set algorithm to locate the free boundary for a propagating hydraulic fracture. A number of characteristics of the governing equations for hydraulic fractures and their coupling present considerable... more
Based on the idea of taking simultaneous advantage of the effects of different types of fibers, new materials called hybrid fiber reinforced concretes have been developed by combining fibers of different geometry and material. In the... more
An investigation of U--Pb isotopic systematics in zircons from mylonitized Henderson Gneiss revealed that selected zircon fractions from the mylonite zone suffered total loss of radiogenic Pb at 460 m.y. To further investigate the... more
In this paper, a Stable Generalized/eXtended Finite Element Method (SGFEM) is combined with mesh adap-tivity for the robust and computationally efficient simulation of mixed-mode brittle fracture propagation. Both h-refinement around the... more
The way that faults transport crustal fluids is important in many fields of earth sciences such 15 as petroleum geology, geothermal research, volcanology, seismology, and hydrogeology. For 16 understanding the permeability evolution and... more
A previously developed lattice model is improved and then applied to simulations of mixed-mode crack propagation in concrete. The concrete meso-structure is simulated by a three-dimensional lattice system connecting nodes which represent... more
This paper presents a new technique that is able to predict ductile fracture propagation occurrences in large metallic structures, by means of an appropriate application of the finite element modelling. This technique takes account of a... more
Shear fracture propagation in rock is accompanied by localized microcracking in a process zone surrounding the fracture tip. We investigated the crack microstructures along experimentally formed shear fractures from four granite samples... more
We present a tightly controlled and comprehensive set of analytical data for the 250~Ma Siberian flood-basalt province. Consideration of major-and trace-element compositions, along with strontium, lead, and neodymium isotopic... more
The geometry of postmortem rough fracture surfaces of porous glass ceramics made of sintered glass beads is shown experimentally to be self-affine with an exponent 0:40 0:04, remarkably lower than the ''universal'' value 0:8 frequently... more
This paper presents a numerical method, known as Hybrid Lattice Particle Modeling (HLPM), for the study of mode I crack formation and propagation in twodimensional geometry subject to a fixed-grip condition. The HLPM combines the strength... more
1] We analyze the nucleation and propagation of shear cracks along nonplanar, kinked, and branched fault paths corresponding to the configurations used in recent laboratory fracture studies by Rosakis (2003, 2009). The aim is to reproduce... more
The focus of this paper is on constructing the solution for a semi-infinite hydraulic crack for arbitrary toughness, which accounts for the presence of a lag of a priori unknown length between the fluid front and the crack tip. First, we... more
Hydraulic fracturing is essential for producing gas and oil at an economic rate from low permeability sands. Most fracturing treatments use water and polymers with a gelling agent as a fracturing fluid. The water is held in the small pore... more