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Les films "Trois hommes et un couffin" de Coline Serreau et "Three Men and a Baby" de Leonard Nimoy sont analysés ici de façon comparative. L’auteure explique la façon dont la version américaine fait une « re-vision » du regard... more
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      Gender StudiesMasculinity StudiesFrench FeminismFilm Remakes
Feminists have long criticized Rousseau for his patriarchal political theory. But when his lesser-known writings on women from the 1740s are taken into account, including a nearly 900 page manuscript critiquing Montesquieu from a feminist... more
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      French LiteratureGender StudiesWomen's StudiesFeminism
One of the ways to account for the inability of the French feminist movement to think differences among women (as illustrated by the recent controversies around the wearing of the Islamic veils) is to examine its firm allegiance to the... more
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      French FeminismFrench PoliticsGender and PoliticsWomen's movement
Cet article propose une interprétation sociologique, esthétique et féministe des Chiennes savantes, deuxième roman de Virginie Despentes qui demeure peu étudié. Despentes révèle les processus de socialisation menant à la construction de... more
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      Gender and SexualityWomen's LiteratureFeminismFrench Feminism
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      French FeminismLacanian psychoanalysis
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      French LiteratureGay And Lesbian StudiesLesbian StudiesLGBT Issues
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      Race and RacismFrench FeminismGender and RaceFrance
Laurell Hamilton in her Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter Series portrays a large community of monstrous creatures that populate a violent near-future American landscape. A number of critics have already explored the forms in which Anita, the... more
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      MasculinityFrench FeminismMonstrosityVampirism and Feminism
This essay illuminates the recent philosophy of Luce Irigaray by following how she develops her key trope of home. Thus, it elaborates her critique of a certain closed “homely” formation of man’s subjectivity and it advances her thesis... more
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      Gender StudiesHomerPhenomenologyContinental Philosophy
Taking as my object the Monique Wittig’s 1969 novel Les guérillères, I mean to explore the difficulties of ambiguously “utopian” science fiction, especially with regard to the intersection and tensions between French “postmodern” and... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryFrench FeminismQueer Theory (Literature)
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      Museum StudiesFeminismFrench FeminismMuseums and Identity
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      Art HistoryFeminist TheoryThe BodyFrench Feminism
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      Gender StudiesPhilosophyRhetoricWomen's Studies
Abstrak La loi du 7 novembre 1800 merupakan aturan yang mengatur perempuan Prancis untuk berpakaian feminin. Berselang kurang lebih satu abad, muncul gerakan yang menuntut kesetaraan dan kebebasan antara kedua jenis kelamin pada akahir... more
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      French StudiesFrench FeminismGerakan Sejarah Feminisme Di PerancisFrench Fashion
Versión en español de un texto publicado en francés, en Cahiers du Genre n°50
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      Feminist TheoryFrench FeminismFrench Feminist HistoryMarxist and Materialist Feminism
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      Feminist PhilosophyFrench FeminismIrigarayHeidegger
In this article, I shall consider the newly resurgent and visible feminist movement in France, ca. 1878-80, as a context for understanding the sometimes ambiguous and much debated meanings of many of Edgar Degas's works of this period,... more
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      Art HistoryGenderFrench FeminismHistory of Art
The Immaculate Guilt of Conception: The Empty Chalice of Body and Mind in Gilead and Postmodern America Like the protagonist Offred in The Handmaid’s Tale, postmodern women also continue to only feel worthy of self love and love of others... more
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      Feminist TheoryFrench FeminismMargaret Atwood
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      PsychoanalysisAestheticsArt TheoryContinental Philosophy
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      Feminist PhilosophyLuce IrigarayFriedrich NietzscheFrench Feminism
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderWomen's StudiesFrench History
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      PsychoanalysisFrench LiteraturePoetryJewish Mysticism
This article uses an actual scholarly encounter in order to work out the feminist methodological strengths of diffraction. I meditate on the current state of affairs in contemporary theory circles, where new materialisms and OOO are... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryPosthumanismLouis Althusser
Drawing on the texts of Kristeva, Cixous and Irigarary, alongside the work of other Wallace scholars, this chapter asks how and whether it might be possible to read Wallace's 1999 collection of short fiction as a feminist text.
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      American LiteratureLuce IrigarayFeminismFrench Feminism
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      Women's StudiesFeminist TheoryQueer TheoryEcofeminism
Si la question de la différence a historiquement été centrale au projet féministe, comme politique et comme théorie, elle est aujourd’hui insuffisante pour penser des rapports de genre qui apparaissent, à la lumière de la critique... more
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      Feminist TheoryFrench FeminismIntersectionalityMouvements des femmes/Mouvements féministes
Teżi mressqa lid-Dipartiment tal-Malti fil-Fakulta' tal-Arti fl-Universita' ta' Malta għall-grad ta' B.A. (Unuri) fil-Malti (2008).
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      PoetryLiterary TheoryFrench FeminismMaltese Literature
In the milieu of exegetical readings, Jouissance asks “can she be read?” Jouissance asks whether it is possible that a poetic text characterized by star falls and shadows can be systematised; an object of exegesis. An-‘other’ kind of... more
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      LacanSigmund FreudFrench FeminismHelene Cixous
Ewa Majewska: Od Śmiechu Meduzy do rynku wojny - wywiad z Helene Cixous.
Rozmowa ukazała się w czasopiśmie Lewą Nogą 16/2004; została przeprowadzona w 2003 roku w Paryżu.
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      FeminismFrench FeminismÉcriture Féminine
En moins d’une décennie, l’insertion professionnelle des enseignant·es immigrants a suscité un important corpus de recherches au Québec et au Canada francophone. Dans l’ensemble, ces recherches mobilisent des cadres d’interprétation... more
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      Feminist EpistemologyDISCRIMINATION AT WORKFrench FeminismRacism
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      Feminist TheoryMigrationFeminismFrench Feminism
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      French FeminismJulia KristevaLacanian psychoanalysis
This thesis explores how the novels of Virginia Woolf and Jean Rhys – To the Lighthouse (1927), Between the Acts (1941), After Leaving Mr Mackenzie (1930) and Wide Sargasso Sea (1966) – despite being set in times of wars and social change... more
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      PosthumanismEmbodimentModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Virginia Woolf
“Groupe du 6 Novembre: Lesbiennes Issues du Colonialisme, de l’Esclavage et de l’Immigration.” In Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer History, Howard Chiang (editor in chief). New York: MacMillan... more
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      Queer StudiesFeminist TheoryFrench StudiesQueer Theory
Este trabalho realiza um mapeamento da circulação do pensamento feminista entre Brasil e França buscando compreender sob quais condições houve encontros e trocas entre o pensamento feminista brasileiro e francês. O período de análise... more
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      French FeminismGlobal SouthFeminist Political TheoryTravelling Theories, Concepts, Approaches
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      Feminist TheoryFrench FeminismSimone de Beauvoir
Como forma de contribuir para a compreensão da luta das mulheres por direitos, sobretudo na evolução e retrocessos vivenciados pelos personagens femininos, o presente artigo enseja esboçar um panorama das mulheres francesas do século XIX.... more
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      French FeminismHistória das MulheresSéculo XIX
This text, published in the 30th anniversary edition of Qui Parle, consists of a response to the question "Who Speaks" osed by the editors to many authors who published in Qui Parle over the years including Bacchetta. In it she reflects... more
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      Critical TheorySociologySocial MovementsGender Studies
The work is focused on the problem of feminine identity in the contemporary world. Modern discussion about the feminine identity is still alive and lead by most of engaged feminists. One of them is Elisabeth Badinter, French feminist,... more
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      PhilosophyFeminismFrench FeminismSimone de Beauvoir
What are we doing, really, when we either venerate or condemn Simone de Beauvoir? What do we hope to accomplish when we decide for or against her? What sorts of concerns motivate the impulse to categorize her work as feminist or... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist PhilosophyFrench FeminismSimone de Beauvoir
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      SociologyCultural StudiesPolitical SociologyPhilosophy
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      Feminist TheoryFrench FeminismIntersectionality
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      PsychoanalysisQueer StudiesFeminismFrench Feminism
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      Feminist TheoryFrench FeminismPostfeminismLacanian psychoanalysis
Intersectionality has been adopted as the preferred term to refer to and to analyze multiple axes of oppression in feminist theory. However, less research examines if this term, and the political analyses it carries, has been adopted by... more
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      Gender StudiesFrench FeminismIntersectionalityWomen's movement
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      Race and RacismFrench FeminismIntersectionalityGender Quotas
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryFrench FeminismFeminist Translation