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Historically-Fictional Novel related to one's new interpretation of an ancient scroll  & palimpsest - pseudo-document and it's hyperreal effects, hypertext.
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      Comparative ReligionGerman RomanticismRoland BarthesHypertext theory
Les études concernant l'image de Venise dans la littérature européenne ne se comptent plus. Curieusement, la multiplication de ces essais ne s'est accompagnée d'aucun renouvellement du corpus : on continue d'invoquer le témoignage des... more
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      Comparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureEnglish LiteratureTravel Writing
Depuis longtemps introuvables, les Esquisses vénitiennes font pendant à la Vie vénitienne, régulièrement réimprimée, du quotidien d'un Français à Venise au début du XX ème siècle. Petits tableau, tantôt réalistes, tantôt fantastiques,... more
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      French LiteratureUrban StudiesFin de Siecle Literature & CultureSymbolism (Art History)
in Rivista di Letterature moderne e comparate, vol. LXIII, fasc. 1, gennaio-marzo 2010, pp. 17-27.
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      French LiteratureGerman LiteratureStefan GeorgeFrench Symbolism at the Fin-de-Siecle
Suffering for one’s art is a stereotype commonly associated with poets, as they are known to delve into the extremes of their emotions in order to express them beautifully in words. But even among such poets, there are still those who go... more
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      PoetryJim MorrisonArthur Rimbaudjim Morrison's poetic universe
Hartigan offers an alternate reading of playwright-avant garde artist Alfred Jarry's "overly performative public conduct," placing it within the context of fin-de-siècle Parisian Symbolism, focusing on performance, artifice, authenticity,... more
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      Theatre HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesPerformance StudiesAvant-Garde Theater
Analisi della poesia composta dal poeta Charles Baudelaire e appartenente alla raccolta "Les Fleurs du Mal" (1857).
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      French LiteratureRomanticismLiteraturePoetry
Als Ende einer ›Welt von Gestern‹ und zugleich als Beginn der Moderne zieht das Fin de Siècle heute zunehmend das Interesse auf sich: Weltschmerz und Endzeitstimmung sind für die Zeit zwischen 1885 und 1914 ebenso typisch wie... more
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      Fin de siècle ParisFin de siècle ViennaFin de SiècleFin de siècle literature and culture
შესავალი კარგა ხნის წინ (უნივერსიტეტი ახალი დამთავრებული მქონდა), „არტისტულ ყვავილებზე“ და მთლიანობაში, გალაკტიონის 1915 – 1927 წლების პოეზიაზე ფიქრისას, მის დასახასიათებლად, როგორც მაშინ ვფიქრობდი, მოკლე და ყოვლისმომცველ ფორმულას... more
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      NietzscheFin de Siecle Literature & CultureThe Russian Silver AgeFrench Symbolism at the Fin-de-Siecle
Proust has shown little interest in the decorative arts of his time, but his work bears the mark of the "submarine style" distinctive of Art nouveau. The low bookshelves with glass panes in the Grand Hôtel room at Balbec ― the symbol of À... more
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      Comparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureMusicologyVisual Studies
The article considers the visual style and symbolism of Ingmar Bergman's film "Cries & Whispers," tracing the influence Edvard Munch's art. It initially points out the discussion of this film - and Bergman's work generally - has mostly... more
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      Women's StudiesFilm StudiesFilm AnalysisModern Art
Qu’ils soient naturalistes, décadents, anarchistes ou symbolistes, les romanciers fin-de-siècle se livrent à une quête du rare et de l’étrange, luttent contre les angoisses et les chimères, cherchent à briser, voire dépasser les limites... more
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      French LiteratureAestheticsSymbolism20th Century French Literature
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      19th Century French PoetryFrench Symbolism at the Fin-de-Siecle
На правах рукописи ЩЕРБАКОВА Наталья Вадимовна СЦЕНИЧЕСКИЙ ОБРАЗ-МАСКА В ИЗОБРАЗИТЕЛЬНОМ ИСКУССТВЕ ФРАНЦИИ XIX ВЕКА. ОТ ОБРАЗОВ ТЕАТРА К ТЕАТРАЛЬНОСТИ ОБРАЗОВ Специальность 17.00.04-изобразительное и декоративно-прикладное искусство и... more
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      Commedia dell'arteAubrey BeardsleyAntoine WatteauFrench Romanticism
Dans cet article on propose une analyse intertextuelle de l'intertexte kalidasien dans le drame célèbre de Maurice Maeterlinck "Pelléas et Mélisande".
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      Indian LiteratureMythopoeticsMythopoeiaMythopoesis
" Le Roman de l'énergie nationale, dont Les Déracinés forment la première partie, sera sans doute l'ouvrage le plus important de la littérature française depuis vingt-cinq ans, non seulement par le talent, mais par la volonté, la portée,... more
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      Decadence (Literature)DecadenceFrench Symbolism at the Fin-de-SiecleLittérature française XIXe siècle
Abstract in english Between 1820 and 1846 the mime actor Jean-Gaspard Deburau was Pierrot in the Parisian Théâtre des nambules. His reckless and impassable acting style was read as a new poetic and dramatic pattern by two generations of... more
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      French LiteraturePantomimeFrench Symbolism at the Fin-de-SieclePantomime in French Symbolist Theater theorie
RESUMEN: Dentro de las diversas relecturas de la literatura latina ‘decadente’ del fi n-desiècle, Le latin mystique (1892) de Remy DE GOURMONT ocupa un lugar excepcional, en la medida en que no se trata solamente de un texto crítico sino... more
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      Decadence (Literature)French Symbolism at the Fin-de-SiecleLatin Literature and Reception
L'article analyse les conceptions du symbolisme phonétique dans les écrits des auteurs symbolistes francophones (S. Mallarmé, R. Ghil, A. Mockel, entre autres) qui ont influencé les paradygmes phono-sémantiques dans le premier théâtre de... more
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      French LiteratureStéphane MallarméLittérature FrançaiseLittérature Francophone
The essay investigates Siegfried Bing’s (1838–1905) connections with Louis Comfort Tiffany (1848–1933). After traveling to America in 1894, Bing succeeded in obtaining exclusive rights to Tiffany’s works in Europe. On that occasion, the... more
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      Decorative ArtsSymbolism (Art History)Stained Glass19th Century Stained Glass
This volume on the relationships between decadent literature and anthropology in late 19th- and early 20th-century Europe studies the unnoticed connection between, on the one hand, a purposeless and ephemeral beauty, and, on the other... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilologyIntellectual HistoryCultural History
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      Thomas MannHistory of Classical ScholarshipMarcel ProustGabriele D'Annunzio
Paul Bourget (1852−1935) ha sido el maestro secreto de un amplio conjunto de intelectuales – Nietzsche, Thomas y Heinrich Mann, Hofmannsthal, Gide, Henry James, D’Annunzio, etc. – atentos a las ambigüedades y tensiones de la modernidad... more
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      Comparative LiteratureFrench LiteraturePhilosophyFrench History
The article from the exhibition catalogue "The Russian Landscape Large-scale overview of Russian landscape painting". The Groningen Museum, 13 december 2003 - 02 may 2004 The National Gallery in London (as "Russian Landscape in the Age... more
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      Russian StudiesArt HistoryRussian & Soviet ArtLandscape
"Moreau sait tout": with these words, Edgar Degas, a pupil (much less heterodox than one might expect) of Moreau and his traveling companion in Italy in 1858, addressed respectfully to the older master. He referred to his extensive... more
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      Fin de Siecle Literature & CultureSymbolism (Art History)Art Libraries19th-Century Art
Alexandre Séon (1855-1917) compte parmi les meilleurs disciples de Puvis de Chavannes. Figure du mouvement symboliste, il se singularise par son intérêt tout particulier pour les théories néo-impressionnistes. Proche de Seurat, partisan... more
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      Symbolism (Art History)Neo-ImpressionismFrench Symbolism at the Fin-de-SiecleGeorges Seurat
Für die Edition des tschechischen Texts dieser zweisprachigen Ausgabe wurde erstmals das Manuskript herbeigezogen, das teilweise aktueller ist als die Erstausgabe. So konnten u.a. Setzfehler der Erstausgabe erstmals korrigiert werden.... more
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      French LiteratureTranslation StudiesPoetryLiterary Symbolism
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      Art HistoryLiterary SymbolismHistory of ArtItalian Renaissance Art
Серебряный век был богат на дискурсы. В этой статье речь пойдет о дискурсе приятия вещного мира, разрабатывавшемся Кузминым, протоакмеистом, и двумя акмеистами – Мандельштамом и Ахматовой. Он возник в том числе на отталкивании от более... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSymbolismBaudelaireAnna Akhmatova
The purpose of this critical study is to examine the young Hugo von Hofmannsthal's theory of form departing from the characterization that Kurt Breysig provides of his poetry as Treibhauskunst, that is, greenhouse art. It aims also to... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesAestheticsSymbolism
Se trata de la traducción del primer capítulo de la primera edición de 1883 de los ESSAIS DE PSYCHOLOGIE CONTEMPORAINE de Paul Bourget; fuente principal de la temática de la décadence en la filosofía de Nietzsche de los años ochenta.
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      French LiteratureFrench StudiesLiteraturePoetry
During the second half of the nineteenth century, painters and writers closely contributed with each other, the first ones producing works inspired on literary texts, the second ones practicing art criticism. Such is the case of... more
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      French LiteratureAestheticsLiterary SymbolismArt Criticism
This talk was delivered on January 9 at MLA 2016 in Austin, Texas, in the panel entitled “Claudel et ses publics.”
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      Russian FormalismOrientalismPaul ClaudelCatholisism
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtAngelsFin de Siecle Literature & Culture
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      Art HistoryItalian Cultural StudiesHistoriography (in Art History)Art Criticism
En 1915 Yeats confie à son ami Ernest Boyd : "Je n'ai jamais eu une connaissance précise ou détaillée des symbolistes français" ("Of the French Symbolists I have never had any detailed or acurate knowledge"). Et pourtant Yeats fut lecteur... more
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      Irish LiteratureWilliam Butler YeatsFin de Siecle Literature & CultureDecadence (Literature)
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      Fin de Siecle Literature & CultureMarcel ProustFin de siècle ParisCount Robert de Montesquiou-Fezensac
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      French LiteraturePoetryLiterary CriticismLiterary Symbolism
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      Fin de Siecle Literature & CultureSymbolism (Art History)Decadence (Literature)French Symbolism at the Fin-de-Siecle
Like the fate of the Symbolist Idealists in France, Elisabeth Sonrel’s work is neglected today. When occasionally appearing in artist biographies, she is described as a student of Jules Lefebre under whom she studied at the Ecole des... more
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      Art HistoryNineteenth-century ArtEmbodiment TheoryFemale Artists
Het totaalkunstwerk als ideaal was een streven naar de oneindigheid, een oplossing van alle dichotomieën van het moderne tijdsgewricht in een herstel van verloren gegane eenheden: tussen verleden en heden, tussen heden en toekomst, tussen... more
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      Music HistoryMusic TheoryPhilosophyArt History
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      French LiteraturePuppetryLiterary SymbolismTheater and film
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      Fin de Siecle Literature & CultureDecadence (Literature)André GideFrench Symbolism at the Fin-de-Siecle
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      Villiers de l’Isle-AdamFrench Symbolism at the Fin-de-SiecleSymbolist Theatre
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      Fin de Siecle Literature & CultureOdilon RedonFrench Symbolism at the Fin-de-Siecle
В статье анализируются особенности функционирования текстовых концептов в поэтическом творчестве классика бельгийской франкоязычной литературы Шарля Ван Лерберга (сборники стихотворений "Меж-видье", "Песня Евы", а также произведения,... more
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      MythologyLiterary SymbolismCognitive LinguisticsBelgian Literature
“Quattrocento Florence, the Artist’s of the Soul, and Adorno’s Concept of Aura” In the 1890s in France numerous symbolist painters turned to fifteenth-century Florentine art as a source of inspiration. This tendency was influenced... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryGender Studies
Abstract in inglese: Between 1820 and 1846 the mime actor Jean-Gaspard Deburau was Pierrot in the Parisian Théâtre des nambules. His reckless and impassable acting style was read as a new poetic and dramatic pattern by two generations of... more
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      French LiteratureFrench Symbolism at the Fin-de-SieclePantomime in French Symbolist Theater theorieTheater