Geothermal Energy
Recent papers in Geothermal Energy
Utilisation of GRP Pipes in Trenchless Applications and Higher Performance Applications.
Information about the times of thermal breakthrough and subsequent rates of thermal drawdown in enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) is necessary for reservoir management, designing fracture stimulation and well drilling programs, and... more
In an era saddled by mounting energy dependency and insecurity, some are not only turning to renewable geothermal energy to ensure access, but it is growing in usage in the Western region of the United States of America. Notwithstanding... more
Aalto New Campus Complex (ANCC) is a recently inaugurated educational facility at Aalto University, located in Otaniemi (Espoo), Finland. Within over 40,000 m2, it comprises two faculties, a shopping center, recreational areas, and a... more
Management is a significant factor in any business activity. It may be enhanced by the application of various management systems. These will help to obtain, organize, administrate, evaluate and control particulars: information, quality,... more
The Global Geothermal Energy Database of the International Geothermal Association (IGA) is an internet-based platform providing access to the world geothermal production data. This platform is unique for the geothermal sector, and... more
The power sector in India have grown up to 2, 06,456 MW, as a result of which fossil fuels are depleting at a fast rate. Studies have shown that India is having a geothermal energy potential of about 10600Mw [1].The top hundred geothermal... more
There is an opportunity to expand the baseload geothermal electricity generation capacity through the development of engineered geothermal systems (EGS). Carbon dioxide (CO2) could be used as an alternative to water to extract heat from... more
Resumen El contínuo y creciente deterioro del ecosistema mundial y el agotamiento a mediano plazo de las reservas de combustibles fósiles: carbón, petróleo y gas; son las principales consecuencias del actual sistema energético mundial. El... more
This article looks to give an overview throughout the geothermal energy technology. Analyzing the origin of its energy and talking about it history in the actual electrical applications. From the first time when geothermal energy was used... more
A comprehensive investigation of correlations for estimating convective heat-transfer coefficients (CHTC) of non-Newtonian drilling fluids used in the geothermal well completion was carried out. Five well-known empirical correlations were... more
Geothermal energy is energy created by the heat of the Earth. To extract energy from the underground, water is most times used as the heat carrier. As the crust is highly fractured and thus permeable to fluids, surface water, in most... more
This thesis investigates the use of a Helical Steel Pile (HSP), as an in-ground heat exchanger for a Ground-Source Heat Pump (GSHP) system. A multi-layered soil conductivity dataset was created to quantify thermal performance across a... more
Recent studies on the Uganda geothermal systems have focused on three geothermal prospects, Katwe, Buranga and Kibiro, all located in the tectonically active and Recent volcanic belt in the Western Rift valley along the border of Uganda... more
Energija unutar Zemlje ima veliku toplotnu snagu koja se savremenim tehnologijama pretvara u upotrebnu energiju, valorizovanu kroz uštede drugih energenata, ekološke aspekte, smanjenje zagađenja, kao i na prilagođavanje klimatskim... more
Geographic information systems (GIS) are increasingly being used in environmental impact assessments (EIA) because GIS is useful for analysing spatial impacts of various development scenarios. Spatially representing these impacts provides... more
ÖZET Sürdürülebilir enerji türü olarak jeotermal kaynaklardan elektrik üretimi Ülkemizde gün güne yaygınlaşmaktadır. 2006 yılından günümüze işletmeye giren 25 Jeotermal Elektrik Santralı (JES) kurulu gücü 713,61 MW e 'a ulaşmıştır.... more
Geothermal energy has a potential for several applications including geo-exchange, direct thermal application and power generation. Whereas the untapped capacity is over 100 GW globally, its growth realizes only 3-4% growth per year while... more
This table summarizes data on 167 geothermal springs and wells in the study area. The data includes:
Telomoyo geothermal area is created in a volcano quarter complex, Semarang, Central Java. Telomoyo geothermal areas have two locations that have the potential for geothermal energy, which are located in the Umbul Temple and Dukuh Temple.... more
The current research deals with renewable energy sources for the energy independence of Zakynthos Island in Greece. In order to define the most efficient renewable energy source, a multi-criteria analysis was used. The main criteria that... more
Indonesia is highly rich in natural resources. Volcanoes are spread over the Sumatra, Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara islands in connection with a Mediterranean circumferential. The rest are volcanoes in Sulawesi, the Maluku archipelago and... more
Heating greenhouses with geothermal energy is widespread practice and economically proven solution in agriculture. However, designing proper technical and economically feasible heating system is rather complicated and requires... more
In this paper, a thermal model for heating of greenhouse by using different combinations of inner thermal curtain, an earth-air heat exchanger, and geothermal heating has been developed. The analysis incorporates the study of thermal... more
The existing renewable electrical generation industry at the Salton Sea Geothermal Field has tremendous potential to become a world-class producer of lithium and other critical metals, which can be extracted from geothermal brines. The... more
Heating greenhouses with geothermal energy is widespread practice and economically proven solution in agriculture. However, designing proper technical and economically feasible heating system is rather complicated and requires... more
Helium is a remarkable element possessing a broad bandwidth in the field of its application. It plays an indispensable role in many areas of fundamental research (cryogenics, nuclear science, material science), cutting edge technologies... more
In seeking to understand the way in which heat is transferred from hotter to cooler regions of the Earth, it is important to have a general understanding of the physical composition of the Earth and, its various regions in which heat is... more
The world's progress towards net-zero ambitions will bring down fossil fuel utilization and imports over time. However, crises such as COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine conflict have raised questions about the reliability of nonrenewables... more
Andis Faza Fauzana (071001700016) I. Latar Belakang Setelah lapangan geothermal dikembangkan dan produksi telah dimulai, manajemen produksi dan operasi injeksi untuk menjaga power plant pada kapasitas penuh menjadi prioritas utama. Hal... more
Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. Edited by Wilmer Bunker, Group A 4 This work was supported by the U.S. Agency for International... more
This paper deals with an energy and exergy evaluation and modeling of geothermal district heating systems for their system analysis, performance evaluation and optimization. As a comprehensive case study, the Afyon geothermal district... more
Against the global warming that is problem for world in high scale and for Turkey in little scale. Importance of the renewable energy sources that is called green energy has been displayed. Depending on the use of fossil fuels,... more
Design parameters and calculation for pipeline
Berechnungen von Rohrleitungen
Boru hattı basınç kayıpları,sürtünme katsayısı,reynold sayısı,laminar,türbülant,basınç kaybı,sürtünme katsayısı,pürüzlülük katsayısı
Berechnungen von Rohrleitungen
Boru hattı basınç kayıpları,sürtünme katsayısı,reynold sayısı,laminar,türbülant,basınç kaybı,sürtünme katsayısı,pürüzlülük katsayısı
about the progress of Geothermal development in Indonesia until year 2014
Ancora ai primissimi del Novecento, i soffioni della zona di Pomarance venivano sfruttati unicamente per la produzione d'acido borico: attività inaugurata dall'ingegnere ed imprenditore François Jacques de Larderel (1790-1858) nel 1818, e... more
ABSTRACT Flores Island is designated as Geothermal Island in 2017. The determination of the island which locates in the province of East Nusa Tenggara is ratified by a Ministerial Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.... more
Geothermal investors need to be confident with the methods and results of exploration programs. Also cutting the upfront cost of geothermal exploration will further encourage investors to consider investment in this emerging clean energy... more
Bu araştırmanın amacı termal otel işletmelerinde jeotermal kaynak kullanımının nereden ve nasıl temin edildiği, kullanım alanları, avantajları ve ikincil suların nerede ve nasıl değerlendirildiği açısından incelenmesidir. Araştırmanın... more