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La Bibbia ha un naso di cera che può essere plasmato a proprio piacimento, scrive Alano di Lilla. Paradigma di identità politica e religiosa, dalla seconda metà del secolo XI, la Bibbia si rinnova attraverso il formato del libro, la... more
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      Biblical StudiesGregorian ReformMedieval ArtMedieval illuminated manuscripts
"The main objective of the first crusade was to wrest the Holy Land from the Muslims, and subject it to Christian rule." (The Making of the West, Pg. 355) What this quote does more than anything, it breaks down the objectives meant to be... more
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      HistoryEuropean StudiesGregorian ReformHistory of Roman Catholicism
This paper, given at the 2020 Virtual International Medieval Conference (Leeds) addressed two later manuscript copies of Hrabanus Maurus's "carmina figurata," In honorem sanctae crucis and examined how visual alterations to the poems... more
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      Word and Image StudiesGregorian ReformMedieval ArtMedieval Manuscripts
Na segunda metade do século XI, um áspero conflito entre a igreja romana e a corte germânica levou o papa Gregório VII a decretar a deposição e excomunhão do sucessor imperial. Tido pelos historiadores como o capítulo central da... more
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      ReligionHistoryLawCanon Law
La période post-carolingienne a donné lieu ces dernières décennies à des approches très différentes des deux côtés du Rhin : cette période, longtemps très étudiée en Allemagne selon une approche institutionnelle, y a été globalement... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval HistoriographyEarly Medieval Archaeology
Les conséquences de la réforme grégorienne sont comprises de manière très différente par les historiographies francophone et germanophone. Ce volume renouvelle le dialogue en dressant un bilan interdisciplinaire et comparatif des... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistoriographyMedieval Church History
Here is a draft translation of the letter that started it all! This letter is the immediate cause of the breakdown of relations between Rome and Constantinople.
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      Gregorian ReformByzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryChurch History
C et ouvrage collectif examine les relations entre la réforme dite « grégorienne », mise en oeuvre par le pape Grégoire VII (1073-1085), et la production artistique contemporaine, en France et dans la péninsule Ibérique. Depuis plusieurs... more
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      Gregorian ReformArt and Gregorian Reform
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      Gregorian ReformRomanesque ArtPatronage (Medieval Studies)Hercules
This paper will examine the correspondence of Gregory VII with Bolesław the Generous and Iziaslav of Kiev in an attempt to reconstruct the ecclesiastic and strategic policy of Hildebrandt towards both Poland and Ruthenia.
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      GeopoliticsPapacy (Medieval Church History)Gregorian ReformRuthenian history
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      Gregorian ReformRomanesque ArtMedieval Crown of AragonRomanesque architecture
After summarizing what is known about the life of the Arabic-into-Latin medical translator Constantine the African, I explore the cultural distance Constantine bridged between Islam and Christianity by examining the nexus of ethical... more
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      History of ChristianityContraceptionGregorian ReformAbortion
Clérigos e laicos se confundem no ardor da batalha. Mitras e elmos se fundem. Não se sabe ao certo o tom das orações, porém a motivação é uma só: que caiam apenas os inimigos. Mas como discerni-los quando a cor de cada flâmula é o... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryViolenceHistory of Religion
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      Gregorian ReformRomanesque ArtMonasticismRomanesque architecture
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryGregorian ReformDauphiné, France
The plan and elevations of the Romanesque transept at Saint-Remi church in Reims present a number of significant structural and decorative anomalies in both the ambulatory aisle of the ground level and above in the tribune level. The... more
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      Gregorian ReformRomanesque ArtRomanesque architectureRomanesque and pre-Romanesque sculpture
Книга представляет собой авторское расследование известной проблемы астрономической некруглости дат и сезонов нашего календаря. Затронуты вопросы юлианской и григорианской реформы и показано, в результате действий каких факторов весеннее... more
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      Gregorian ReformCalendarsChronologyBible chronology
"Houve um tempo em que a história política era considerada um campo de estudos em declínio. Ao longo das últimas duas décadas, na Europa Ocidental, nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil, os trabalhos sobre a história política da Idade Média... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryHistory of ReligionPortuguese Studies
An Account of How the Gregorian Calendar was introduced, or nearly introduced, into the Churches of Russia, Greece and Romania
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchGregorian ReformRomanian StudiesOrthodox Christianity
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      Cultural StudiesMedieval HistoryCultural HeritageMedieval Studies
Neste trabalho apresentamos uma tradução bilíngue, latim-português, de um importante documento medieval, a bula Ad extirpanda (1252). Usualmente qualificada como um dos “textos fundadores da Inquisição”, essa bula é um documento valioso... more
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      ReligionChristianityLawCanon Law
La Iglesia de la Alta Edad Media llegó a niveles bastante oscuros en cuanto a moralidad y rectitud de vida, que afectaron de forma generalizada a los laicos, los monjes y toda la jerarquía eclesiástica hasta el Papa. El problema básico... more
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      HistoryMedieval Church HistoryGregorian ReformChurch History
Cet article traite des premières formes de l'architecture romane dans l'espace aquitain et de leur évolution au tournant des XIe et XIIe siècles. Il interroge l'identité artistique d'un vaste territoire au moment où s'installe la réforme... more
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      Gregorian ReformRomanesque ArtRomanesque architectureAquitaine
Plano de ensino da disciplina "Política, Instituições e Relações de Poder", ministrada no primeiro semestre de 2023 para o curso de pós-graduação em História, no Instituto de Ciências Humanas da Universidade de Brasília, Campus Darcy... more
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      HistoryViolencePoliticsPolitical Institutions
A Brief Account of how Old Rpme fell away from the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in the period 1003-2004.
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      Orthodox TheologyGregorian ReformHistory of Roman CatholicismHistory of Crusades
La famille de Lusignan est à la fin du XIIe siècle une des quatre plus grandes familles de Poitou. Sa puissance s'appuie sur des bases solides héritées de l'aristocratie carolingienne et sur plusieurs réseaux familiaux notamment un groupe... more
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      Gregorian ReformHistory of saltFeudalism and LordshipMedieval Aristocracy
Musical critical edition of the prose "Gratulemur et laetemur" contained in the Codex Calixtinus
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      Reception StudiesLiturgical StudiesCultural HeritageMedieval Studies
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      Pilgrimage RoutesGregorian ReformRomanesque ArtPatronage (Medieval Studies)
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      Gregorian ReformFilosofía medievalFilosofia do DireitoHistoria Medieval
Over the 10th and 11th centuries, the dioceses of Florence and Fiesole were governed by important bishops. Their charisma and political power, however, did not prevent them being consigned to obscurity. This paper describes how and why... more
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval HistoryHagiographyMedieval Studies
"'Colunas de São Pedro' divide-se em duas partes que, de acordo com o título, dão sustentação à própria instituição da Ecclesia: territorialidade do poder e o poder sobre o tempo. Embora essas duas colunas de sustentação sejam... more
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      ReligionHistoryMedieval HistoryHistory of Christianity
The Augustinian canons have never enjoyed the level of scholarly attention afforded to the monastic and mendicant movements of the central middle ages. This disparity has been particularly acute in the British Isles, despite being its... more
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      HistoryHigh Middle AgesScottish HistoryMonastic Studies
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      HistoryArt HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)Gregorian Reform
Blending innovative art historical analysis with archaeology, epigraphy, history, liturgy, theology, and landscape and memory studies, The Medieval Monastery of Saint Elijah: A History in Paint and Stone is the first comprehensive... more
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      Art HistoryMedieval StudiesMedievalismMedieval Theology
Cet article ne prétend pas apporter une solution au thème complexe de « l’interprétation » de la sculpture romane, mais plutôt offrir de nouvelles pistes de réflexion quant à sa perception de la part du spectateur médiéval. On tentera de... more
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      Performance StudiesVisual SemioticsGregorian ReformHermeneutics and Narrative
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      Eschatology and ApocalypticismGregorian ReformVirtues and VicesBook of Daniel
C et ouvrage collectif examine les relations entre la réforme dite « grégorienne », mise en oeuvre par le pape Grégoire VII (1073-1085), et la production artistique contemporaine, en France et dans la péninsule Ibérique. Depuis plusieurs... more
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      Gregorian ReformTraditio legisPolitical Iconography
Mitos Papais é um livro sobre uma disputa pela verdade. Entre 1870 e 1950, um intenso combate foi travado para definir o lugar cabível ao Vaticano no mundo atual. Assolados pelo declínio político, os papas já não eram capazes de fazê-lo... more
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      ReligionChristianityMythology And FolkloreHistory
Approaching the subject from an interdisciplinary point of view, in the present article I will suggest an interpretation of several capitals in the Romanesque church at the monastery of San Martín de Frómista (Palencia) in light of the... more
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      Gregorian ReformRomanesqueAesopRoman Sculpture
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      Gregorian ReformLiber gomorrhianus
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      Medieval Church HistoryGregorian ReformArchaelogyCanonicity
This paper explains the Julian Calendar, the Gregorian Reform and its adoption, astronomical year numbering, the Julian and the Gregorian Proleptic Calendars, and the accuracy of calendars.
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      Gregorian ReformCalendarsGregorian calendarJulian Calendar
Già da molti decenni gli storici delle istituzioni ecclesiastiche, soprattutto italiani, tedeschi e americani, contestano il valore euristico del concetto di Riforma gregoriana, scaturito da ambienti di ricerca di ambito cattolico e... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesImperial History
A partir del s.II las comunidades cristianas comienzan a expandirse desde la zona oriental del Mediterráneo, y cuando los primeros cristianos llegan a Roma, sorprenden negativamente a sus ciudadanos, pero no suponen un problema importante... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of ReligionEarly ChurchPapacy (Medieval Church History)
FOR THE FORMATTED VERSION WITH KENTRIDGE'S DRAWINGS GO TO: https://eternaltiber.net/triumphs-and-laments-research/ This is a guide to the iconography of William Kentridge’s Triumphs & Laments, the 500-meter-long frieze of colossal... more
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      ReligionRoman HistoryIconographyArt History
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      Gregorian ReformEucharistic TheologyMarmoutierVisual Arts and Neoplatonism
In the general field of cultural exchanges during the Middle Ages, this paper reasonably aims to review the more substantial repertoire of tropes and sequences in the church of Toledo, from its reinstatement in 1086 to the 16th century.... more
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      Cultural StudiesEarly MusicMusicologyLatin Literature
In the Middle Ages the abbey in Monte Cassino played a marginal role in the fight against heretics, limited to the monk Alberic’s participation in the Lateran Council convoked against Berengarius of Tours. Yet, as many as four manuscripts... more
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      Manuscript StudiesGregorian ReformDialecticHeresy
The Augustinian canons have never enjoyed the level of scholarly attention afforded to the monastic and mendicant movements of the central middle ages. This disparity has been particularly acute in the British Isles, despite being its... more
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      HistoryHigh Middle AgesGregorian ReformEarly Medieval Scotland
Inserito in un trittico che comprende lo studio anche dei casi di Cencelle e di Corneto/Tarquinia, condotto rispettivamente da P.F. Pistilli e M. Ficari, questo lavoro si concentra sulla decorazione pittorica dell'Immacolata di Ceri,... more
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      Papacy (Medieval Church History)Gregorian ReformChurch HistoryMedieval Iconography