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Cím / Title: Egy tanúságtevő hitvalló, szolgáló, tudományos és papi pálya lezárult: Petrasevics Nikefor József eperjesi görög katolikus kanonok és tudományos kutató (1915–2013) Passed a Wittness of the Faith, Scientist, a Servant of... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryCultural HistoryFolklore
„Indivisibiliter ac Inseparabiliter”. „Feloszthatatlanul és elválaszthatatlanul” : A kiegyezés 150. évfordulója alkalmából rendezett tudományos konferencia előadásai
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      HistoryEthnic minoritiesGreek Catholic Church in HungaryDualism
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      Immigration HistoryGreek-Catholic ChurchesPennsylvania HistoryRussian America
Making the sources and authentic Latin-origin documents about the Christians of the Eastern Rite has been going on for several years. This process appears to be very important because the intensity and frequency of unwarranted attacks by... more
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      Catholic ReformCalvinismNationalismNational Identity
Many will come from the east and west The Subcarpathian East in the Archives of the Latin Church According to archival documents, the Latin Church under the Carpathian Mountains never urges to do Latinization the Eastern Christians. The... more
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      Cultural HistoryGreek-Catholic ChurchesChurch History19th Century (History)
The research deals with the religious and patriotic discourses produced by the Order of St Basil the Great of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church at the turn of the 20th century in Galicia. The internal reform of the Basilian Order at the... more
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      Catholic Church HistoryHistory of the Ukrainian Catholic ChurchUkrainian Greek Catholic ChurchHistory of Greek Catholic Church
The Ethnic and Religious Policies of the Tsarist Regime in the Kingdom of Poland: the "Kholm Question" as a Case of Russian Nation-Building (1831-1912) This study aims to provide an analysis of Russian nationalism and of the policies of... more
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      Russian intelligentsiaMemory StudiesMental MapsUkrainian Nationalism
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      Polish-russian relationsUkrainian, Russian and Polish HistoriyPolish-Ukrainian relationsKrólestwo Polskie
In: Byzantinoslovaca VI. Eds. Martin Hurbanič – Vratislav Zervan. Bratislava: Byzantologický seminár Alexandra Avenaria pri Katedre všeobecných dejín FiF UK, 2017, pp. 269-284. (ISBN 978-80-8127-201-1) [With an extensive English summary... more
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      EcclesiologyGreek-Catholic ChurchesSecond Vatican CouncilEcumenical Ecclesiology
Írásomban a Lembergben 1882-ben megtartott ruszin hazaárulási pert kívánom bemutatni a korabeli magyar sajtó tudósításai alapján. 1881-ben a Galícia Hnilicski nevű településének görögkatolikus egyházközsége kinyilvánította azt a... more
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      Austro-HungaryOsztrák-Magyar MonarchiaCarpatho-RusynsHistory of Greek Catholic Church
Latinizzazione, le sue ragioni e circostanze. Con particolare riguardo all'ambiente dell'Eparchia di Mukačevo. In: Medzikultúrne vzťahy východnej cirkvi s latinskou v Uhorsku do konca 18. storočia. Eds. Šimon Marinčák – Peter Žeňuch.... more
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      EcclesiologyGreek-Catholic ChurchesHistory of Eastern ChristianityGreek Catholic Church in Hungary
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      Balkan HistoryChristian Orthodoxy and NationalismEastern ChristianityChurch History
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      Greek-Catholic ChurchesHistory of Greek Catholic ChurchMukachevo Greek Catholic DioceseUnion of Uzhhorod
A „Barokk. Történelem-Irodalom-Művészet” interdiszciplináris, nemzetközi hatókörű folyóirat, mely 1994 óta félévente jelentkezik új számokkal. A különleges periodika elsősorban kulturtörténeti, irodalomtörténeti, művészeti, zenei és... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMusic HistoryArt History
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      History of Greek Catholic ChurchHistory of Romanian Greek Catholicism
The following article, published in the volume "Religiöse Erinnerungsorte in Ostmitteleuropa" (2013), depicts the history of the Greek Catholic Church in Transylvania from its beginnings in Alba Iulia (1697) until the present, discussing... more
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      History of ReligionLieux de memoireHistory of RomaniaHistory of the Romanian Orthodox Church
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      Greek-Catholic ChurchesGreek Catholic Church in HungaryHistory of Greek Catholic Church
The article is published in: Наукові записки Ужгородського університету. Серія: Історично-релігійні студії. – Вип. 5. – Ужгород: Науково-дослідний центр історично-релігійних студій «Логос», 2016. – С. 282-296. The article examines... more
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      ReligionSoviet RegimeSoviet HistoryHistory of Religion
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      Romanian HistoryReligion and PoliticsRomanian StudiesPolitics and Religion
When Bishop Stefan Pankovych (1866-1874), who succeeded VasyL Popovych (died in 1864) was inaugurated, he was almost unknown to the Rusin clergy of the Greek Catholic Eparchy of Mukachevo. The new bishop maintained good relations with... more
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      RusynGreek-Catholic ChurchesRusinCarpatho-Rusyn history
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      History of HungaryGreek-Catholic ChurchesChurch HistoryHistory of Vatican Diplomacy
The paper discusses history of the Dalmatian Vicarage through six periods beginning with the establishment and initial growth, the period of decline until the suppression during Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the terror during the Second World... more
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      Croatian HistoryGreek-Catholic ChurchesChurch HistoryDalmatian history
В данной статье предпринята попытка проанализировать документ нового для современной историографии письма экзарха российских католиков византийского обряда Леонида Федорова, в котором сообщается о положении дел в католической общине с... more
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryHistory of Roman CatholicismChurch History
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      Greek-Catholic ChurchesGreek Catholic Church in HungaryByzantine RiteGreek Catholics
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      Carpatho-Rusyn historyUkraine (Church History)History of Greek Catholic ChurchUkrainian Greek Catholic Church, Ukrainian minority in Poland, western and northern Polish lands
Лекцію присвячено історії УГКЦ другої половини ХХ ст.: від її формальної ліквідації сталінським режимом під час так званого Львівського собору 1946 року до виходу з підпілля наприкінці 1980-х – початку 1990-х рр. Причин, чому радянське... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistorySociology of Religion
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      History of HungaryGreek-Catholic ChurchesChurch HistoryGreek Catholic Church in Hungary
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      ReligionHistoryGreek-Catholic ChurchesChurch History
In: Szabo Iren (szerk.) Katolikus megujulas Eszakkelet-Magyarorszagon: Művelődestorteneti konferencia a jezsuita rend sarospataki megtelepedesenek 350. evforduloja alkalmabol. Konferencia helye, ideje: Sarospatak, Magyarorszag,... more
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      Jesuit historyHistory of HungaryChurch HistoryGreek Catholic Church in Hungary
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      Jesuit historyHistory of HungaryGreek-Catholic ChurchesChurch History
Christian teaching book, edited by Ioan Bob Greek-catholic bishop, Part Three, Blaj, 1805. General analysis of volume and information on the copy from Museum of Romanian Spirituality, Sfântu Gheorghe, Covasna County In 2013 was... more
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      HistoryRomanian HistoryGreek-Catholic Churches19th Century (History)
Fealty to Rome or Loyalty to the Empire? The Uniate Question in the Kingdom of Poland (1831-1863) The article describes the policies that the Tsarist authorities pursued towards the Chełm Greek-Catholic eparchy in the Kingdom of Poland... more
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      Russian NationalismHistory of Nationalism and Nation-BuildingTsar Nikolai Ihistory of Poland
Iconography of the Passion of Christ in the icon painting of the Carpathian region
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      IconographyArt HistoryByzantine and Postbyzantine icon-paintingHistory of Greek Catholic Church
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      HistoryEthnographyGreek-Catholic ChurchesChurch History
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      Polish-russian relationsReligious, Politics, HistoryUkrainian, Russian and Polish HistoriyPolish-Ukrainian relations
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchPolish-Ukrainian relationsUniate ChurchPolish-Ukrainian War
Bishop Vasyl Popovych. Brief biography. 220 years since the birth.
The article biographical sketch of Bishop Mukachevo Greek Catholic Diocese Basil (Popovich)
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      Greek-Catholic ChurchesChurch HistoryGreek Catholic Church in HungaryCatholic Church History
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchPolish-russian relationsUkrainian, Russian and Polish HistoriyPolish-Ukrainian relations
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      Polish-russian relationsUkrainian, Russian and Polish HistoriyPolish-Ukrainian relationsKrólestwo Polskie
Праця присвячена історії василіянського монастиря у селі Боронява теперішнього Хустського району Закарпатської області. Минувшина цієї обителі, заснованої у 1716 р., реконструюється й аналізується на тлі історії василіянської Провінції... more
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      ReligionHistoryEastern European StudiesHistory of Religion
The process of social and economic changes that took place in the Central and Eastern Europe at the turn of 19th and the beginning of 20th century is usually described as modernization. Galicia, the province of the Habsburg empire,... more
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      History of Greek Catholic ChurchGalicia (Habsburg Austria)
Nyíregyháza: Szent Atanáz Görög Katolikus Hittudományi Főiskola, 576 p., (Collectanea Athanasiana II. Textus/Fontes; 5.), 2014. A kötet az Esztergomi Prímási Levéltárban őrzött, a Connotio Proventuum Annuorum Venerabilis Cleri Graeci... more
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      Greek-Catholic ChurchesGreek Catholic Church in HungaryGreek Catholic ChurchesHistory of Greek Catholic Church
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      History of HungaryChurch HistoryGreek Catholic Church in HungaryGreek Catholic Churches
[Book review] Vasile Alexandru Barbolovici, Conciliul de la Ferrara-Florența (1438-1439). Istoria și ecleziologia unirilor, Cuvinte-înainte de Liviu Petru Zăpârțan și Virgil Bercea, Studiu introductiv de Cesare Alzati, Traducere din limba... more
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      Eastern Catholic ChurchesCouncil of Ferrara-Florence (1438-1439)History of Greek Catholic ChurchRomanian Greek Catholic Church
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      Catholic Church HistoryRussian Imperial HistoryPolish-Ruthenian BorderGalicia (Eastern Europe)
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchPolish-russian relationsUkrainian, Russian and Polish HistoriyPolish-Ukrainian relations
In this article the author tries to explore the everyday life of the Greek Catholic clergy after World War II, based on microhistory analysis of the Stephen Bendas diary. In this article studied the prison routine, everyday life in... more
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      Greek-Catholic ChurchesChurch HistoryGreek Catholic Church in HungaryHistory of Greek Catholic Church
The text presents how metropolitan Sheptyts'kyj saw the role of Greek Catholic Church as a power to guide and unite the Ukrainian nation. It was presented at the international conference in Gdańsk, 16 May 2015 „Dziedzictwo św.... more
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      Ukrainian HistoryAndrei SheptytskyHistory of Greek Catholic Church
On the Question of Status and Vocation of the Eastern Catholic Churches.
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      EcclesiologyGreek-Catholic ChurchesEcumenical EcclesiologyEcclesiology, ecumenism, history of the Second Vatican Council.