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      Media StudiesPublic OpinionJournalism HistoryCivil Society and the Public Sphere
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      Experience of WW1 for artists and intellectualsWorld War IFirst World WarCentral and Eastern Europe
El comunismo, uno de los movimientos político-ideológicos cruciales del siglo xx, dotó de una identidad y una cultura política a millones de hombres y mujeres alrededor del mundo; no solo a trabajadores y campesinos, sino también a... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCommunismArgentinaNew Left and the 1960s
Pourquoi Freud, mort depuis 1939, fait-il encore régulièrement scandale dans les grands médias ? Plus encore que la psychanalyse, c’est sa personne qui est régulièrement attaquée. Dernier éclat en date : la parution en 2010 du Crépuscule... more
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      Critical TheoryIntellectual HistoryCultural StudiesPsychoanalysis
The facts, figures and experience of the world have established beyond doubt the impossibility of any given society being perfect, in complete equilibrium. In fact, to use a term popularized by Prof Radhakrishnan, we live in an "uneven... more
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      Critical TheoryPostcolonial TheoryEdward SaidPublic Intellectuals
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      European StudiesCultural SociologyItalian StudiesRace and Racism
В статье анализируется определение и специфика употребления понятия «gli intellettuali» («интеллектуалы») в философии А. Грамши, соотношение этого понятия с понятием интеллигенции, сущностно связанной с русской революционной традицией.... more
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      Intellectual HistoryIntellectualsPublic IntellectualsHistory of Intellectuals
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      History of CommunismCommunist Secret PoliceHistory of IntellectualsHistory and Biography
Mémoire - Master d'Histoire, option recherche.
Research paper - Masters in History.
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      Lebanese HistoryHistory of the Modern Middle EastIntellectual and Social HistoryHistory of Intellectuals
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      Intellectual HistoryNazismHistory of Intellectuals
Resumo: Partindo de uma análise das representações dos letrados na cronística medieval portuguesa, esta dissertação pretende aprofundar o conhecimento acerca do papel dessas personagens na construção do discurso cronístico, analisar as... more
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      Portuguese Medieval HistoryPortuguese Medieval ChroniclesHistory of Intellectuals
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      Intellectual HistorySocial MovementsHistorical SociologyPolitical Theory
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      Intellectual HistoryMedia StudiesCensorshipPublic Opinion
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      FascismState TheoryFrancoismHistory of Intellectuals
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      History of IdeasHistoriographyBiographical MethodsSociology of Intellectuals
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      Intellectual HistoryHistoriographyBiographical MethodsBiography and Life-Writing
Dal "Politecnico" di Vittorini ai "quaderni piacentini" e ai "Quaderni rossi", passando per "Discussioni" e "Ragionamenti", l'articolo ricostruisce la genesi e le traiettorie di un'area di intellettuali di sinistra che, ai margini o... more
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      Sociology of IntellectualsNew LeftNew Left and the 1960sContemporary Italian History and Politics
A selection of essays in Estonian about ten major intellectuals in the 20th century: Roland Barthes, Walter Benjamin, Georges Duby, Michel Foucault, Johan Huizinga, Tony Judt, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Juri Lotman, Georges Perec, George Steiner.
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory of IdeasIntellectualsHistory of Intellectuals
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistoriography
La littérature comme expression représentative de la nation ; la fonction critique de la littérature ;l'importance de la litérature après 1789 ; la qualité ittéraire des sciences sociales ; les hommes politiques et la littérature ; la... more
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      French LiteratureGénéral De GaulleHistory of IntellectualsGeorges Pompidou
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      Intellectual HistoryIntellectualsRelações De Poder, Os Intelectuais E O EstadoHistória Dos Intelectuais
На протяжении нескольких десятилетий обсуждаются вопросы природы интеллектуалов как социального явления, их функций, отношений с властью, их ответственность перед обществом. Утвердившаяся в национализмоведении конструктивистская парадигма... more
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      Russian NationalismNationalismNationalism And State BuildingIntellectuals
Having emerged, exhausted but triumphant, from the bloody and divisive Russian Civil War, V. I. Lenin and his colleagues turned to eliminating perceived ideological foes from within. In On the Ideological Front, Stuart Finkel tells the... more
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      Soviet HistoryRussian intelligentsiaRussian HistorySoviet Union (History)
This paper explores, briefly, the circulation in the River Plate (and Chile) of the discourses and concepts elaborated by Giuseppe Mazzini in the context of his Giovine Italia movement, with an emphasis on the concept of "nation", and its... more
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      Intellectual HistoryConceptual HistoryGlobal Intellectual HistoryNationalist Discourses
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      Film StudiesFilm SoundDocumentary (Film Studies)Newsreels and Cinemagazines
Chi è il dotto? Qual è il suo ruolo nella società? Quali sono le sue com-petenze specifiche e la sua funzione? E cosa s'intende quando si parla di una sua missione o destinazione? Sono queste le domande che Fichte affrontò in un corso di... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory of IdeasGerman IdealismJohann Gottlieb Fichte
Journée d'études MOBILITÉS qualifiantes au Maroc et Ailleurs Rabat, 8 décembre 2017 9h00 – 18h30 EGE-CRESC Rabat Argumentaire Cette journée d'études, organisée par le groupe CRESC Mobilités internationales d'étudiants et diplômés :... more
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      African StudiesAnthropologyEducationSocial and Cultural Anthropology
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      HistoriographyMicrohistoryBiographical MethodsHistory of Everyday Life
This article examines the social work of maintaining middle-class status in multiple national contexts, focusing on university-educated Senegalese in Paris. Once considered elite African intellectuals, these... more
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      AnthropologyMigrationRace and EthnicityMigration Studies
SUMMARY: The question of Gregory's of Tours awareness of the persuasive potential of his learning he demonstrates in his works is discussed. The Touronian bishop's high evaluation of the erudition of other men is clearly shown and... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryHagiographyAsceticismIntellectuals
This article is part of a broader study about the Brazilian Academy of Letters under the military regime (1964-1979) and the behaviour of its members during this period. The central question that guided this research was to determine to... more
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      História Dos IntelectuaisBrazil: Military regimeHistory of Intellectuals
The French journal ARGUMENTS (1956-1962) was founded after the Budapest insurrection by a team of young Leftists disapppointed with the PCF's stifling Marxism and the reality of Soviet communism. Main editors Edgar Morin and Kostas... more
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      History of IdeasMarxismPost-MarxismHistory of Political Thought
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      Italian CinemaItalian fascismGuf (University Fascist Groups)History of Intellectuals
The Soviet Union is often presented as a largely isolated and idiosyncratic state. Soviet Internationalism after Stalin challenges this view by telling the story of Soviet and Latin American intellectuals, students, political figures and... more
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      International RelationsSoviet HistoryCold War and CultureLatin American History
PDF AVAILABLE HERE: https://lares.cfs.unipi.it/media/full-text/lares-2020-3-rossi-monti.pdf The literature on the COVID-19 pandemic is expanding daily. This essay explores a diverse range of texts written by Western intellectuals of... more
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      History of IdeasDeath StudiesIntellectualsInternet & Society
in terms of breadth unprecedented analysis of Spanish writers taking sides when faced with the 1936-1939 civil war. While previous works usually discuss some 15-40 names, this study provides segmentation of 250 authors into... more
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      Spanish LiteratureCivil WarSociology of IntellectualsSpanish Civil War
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval HistoryMiddle AgesJacques Le Goff
(research article) Utilizzando inesplorati materiali d’archivio londinesi e romani, questa ricerca individua nei dipartimenti di Italian Studies in Gran Bretagna un perno della propaganda del fascismo all’estero. Affiancandosi a filoni di... more
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      British HistoryPropagandaFascismCultural Diplomacy
This working paper explores what I consider to be a tenuous but persistent form of “public culture” extending between Inner Asia and Europe over the course of the eighteenth and, especially, nineteenth centuries. This “stranger... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesTibetan StudiesSociology of KnowledgeMongolian Studies
This essay is not an attempt to provide a comprehensive historical or sociological treatment of the subject of intellectuals and their role in revolution; rather, it is a conceptual contribution that aims to produce knowledge through... more
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      RevolutionsSociology of IntellectualsPublic IntellectualsHistory of Intellectuals
The heritage of the so-called axial breakthrough is assessed in relation to the role and habitus of the intellectual, seen as an interpreter of social and historical phenomena, a descendant of the intellectuals who inaugurated the axial... more
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      Sociology of KnowledgePeter SloterdijkSociology of IntellectualsAxial Age
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      Indigenous StudiesLiberalismIndigenous PoliticsIndigenous Knowledge
Cet article vise à établir des pistes pour une histoire de la génération d’anthropologues africanistes français nés dans les années 30. La notion de génération intellectuelle est prise au sens de Sirinelli, pour qui une nouvelle... more
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      History of AnthropologyMarxist theoryStructuralism/Post-StructuralismDecolonialization
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      Intellectual HistoryContemporary HistoryIndustrial DesignItalian Literature
Quote as: Bamyeh, Mohammed A. and Armando Salvatore. 2018. “The Role of Intellectuals within Late-Colonial and Postcolonial Public Spheres,” in The Wiley Blackwell History of Islam, ed. Armando Salvatore, Roberto Tottoli and Babak Rahimi,... more
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      ReligionIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryHistorical Sociology
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      Critical TheoryHistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
Ce chapitre entend restituer l’engagement de Jean-Paul Sartre au sein du Rassemblement Démocratique Révolutionnaire en 1948 et le réinscrire dans sa trajectoire politique, sociale et intellectuelle. Occupant alors une position dominante... more
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      Cold WarIntellectualsJean Paul SartreSociology of Intellectuals
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      Intellectual HistorySociologyCanadian StudiesCanadian History
El trabajo analiza los planteos de Augusto Bunge, intelectual y dirigente partidario del socialismo argentino, en torno al “ideal” socialista como una misión histórica de regeneración de la humanidad y la concepción de este ideal como una... more
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      Intellectual HistoryIdealismGreat WarIntellectuals