Newsreels and Cinemagazines
Recent papers in Newsreels and Cinemagazines
Este artigo argumenta, assumindo uma perspectiva geopolítica, sobre o papel dos media cinematográficos como arma ideológica, política e cultural durante o período da Guerra Fria. Uma primeira abordagem, pretende esclarecer o conceito de... more
Συνοπτική ιστορία των κρατικών ελληνικών επικαίρων, τεκμηριωμένη από αρχειακές και άλλες πηγές.
The cinematographic and photographic production generated during the Spanish Civil War is one of the most striking aspects of the intense media and propaganda fight that this conflict unleashed. We know a lot of the historical... more
Media syndicate William Randolph Hearst utilized fictionalized and dramatized newsreel accounts in order to sway American public opinion in support of military action during the Mexican Revolution. Hearst's primary motive was his radical... more The Family Firm presents the first major analysis of the public projection and reception of the... more
In the emerging 'video-first world' of the last decade, global fashion brands have made the moving image an integral component of their digital marketing strategies. As a result, both the industry and popular perceptions of fashion film... more
Dai primissimi anni del Novecento, il cinema e la fotografia divennero tra i mezzi più popolari per rappresentare le terre d’oltremare nei centri metropolitani. "Vedere l’impero" ricostruisce organicamente l’intreccio tra storia... more
This article provides introductory remarks on the concept of ‘alterity,’ which could stimulate the discussion on newsreels/media and their representation of the Other. Starting from the observation that ‘alterity’ has often been... more
The video series of original British Pathé News, gives an illusioned feeling as handling the captured world history. British Royal family also, has a large part in the stage of popular history captured in these videos. Royal family... more
Introduction to News Parade: The American Newsreel and the Mediation of the Public Sphere, 1927-1945, a book manuscript currently under review at the University of Minnesota Press
El título de este ensayo alude a dos manifestaciones culturales experimentales, de vanguardia en torno al Congreso Cultural de La Habana de enero de 1968: la exposición Del Tercer Mundo, una intervención colectiva realizada en el Pabellón... more
Molti degli autori che hanno scritto sulla storia del fumetto, si sono sbizzarriti a cercarne le origini in manifestazioni grafiche d'ogni sorta. Lo scopo sembrava quello di radicare quest'arte povera, che si manifesta su supporti... more
From the establishment of the Irish Free State in 1922, and over the next two decades, arose great efforts in Ireland to augment political independence from Britain with enhanced cultural separation. During this period the Gaelic Athletic... more
This essay centres on how filmic and media representations of colonial Asmara resounded in contemporary documentaries on postcolonial Italy (namely Aulò and Asmarina). In doing so, I engaged two main theoretical standpoints: I try to... more
Если размышлять о советском кино как об индустрии, судьба украинской студии кинохроники во время войны (1941–1945) показательна с двух точек зрения. С одной стороны, Украина находилась на самой линии фронта, и потому работавшие там... more
Resumo Em 1989, quando a Europa se transformava com a Queda do Muro de Berlim e a expansão das comunicações via satélite, surge La Sept, o canal de televisão franco-alemão. Histoire Paralèlle, programa apresentado por Marc Ferro com os... more
This paper is about the semi-official Hungarian newsreel series, The Hungarian News-report (Magyar Híradó and later Magyar Világhíradó/The Hungarian World News). The series was – or should have been – shown in almost every Hungarian... more
This article analyzes how Catholicism had a central role in the identity-creation process after the War. The study employs the online archive of the national agency ‘Istituto Luce’ to analyze 261 newsreels about religion released between... more
This a review of the DVD edition of Portuguese newsreels Jornal Português: Revista Mensal de Actualidades 1938-1951, edited by the Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema, in December 2015.
A tanulmány leírja a filmhíradó műfaját, és részletesen tárgyalja a Horthy-kori filmhíradók történetét, kitérve a propaganda és közönség elérésének kérdésére is. Bemutat néhány lehetséges kutatási-vizsgálati szempontot, valamint egy... more
Il paper indaga sulla volontà politica e sulla struttura istituzionale che governava l'attività del Reparto Africa Orientale dell'Istituto LUCE. Creato direttamente da Benito Mussolini nel settembre 1935, il Reparto LUCE A.O. era chiamato... more
Os estudos de cinema têm vindo a construir-se em torno do filme de ficção, dentro de um paradigma predominantemente estético, autoral e nacional. Apesar de constituírem a maior parte da produção mundial, os filmes de não-ficção – uma... more
The official news reel of the Franco's Spain era, NO-DO present two types of news that reveal a split in the documentary, especially in its early years. On the one hand, those which refer to past events of the regime, memories of civil... more
"Vera Inez Elkan: The problems of early female embedded war correspondents. Vera Elkan went to Spain in 1936 as an embedded photographer and filmmaker. The improvised, radical and libertarian nature of the response to Franco’s... more