Comic Book History
Recent papers in Comic Book History
Nel saggio si dimostra quale sia stata la fonte originaria della speculazione sul ridicolo e sul comico in Leopardi, ovvero l'opera di Paolo Costa, e come la retorica sul ridicolo sia stata percepita in Leopardi anteriormente alla stesura... more
El conocido por algunos teóricos y editores como boom del cómic adulto, fue el último momento en que el cómic pensado para quiosco tuvo un carácter masivo en España, gracias a revistas como El Víbora, Cairo o 1984. Durante las décadas de... more
Reprenant partiellement mon mémoire de master II, ce dossier aborde l'histoire des éditions Lug, principal importateur des comics Marvel entre 1969 et 1989 en France, évoquant à la fois la biographie de ses membres fondateurs, la pression... more
Reviewed August 2014, updated October 2015 To commemorate his 75th year in 2013, this is the fascinating true story about the "birthplace" and "parents" of Superman. Not Krypton. Not Jor-el and Lara. Not even Jonathan and Martha. But the... more
Time traveling / time travel in comic strips (in Dutch) [ ‘Tijd, continuïteit en teletijd in strip - Het fenomeen tijdmachine’ ] Published in: Kees Ribbens & Rik Sanders, Getekende tijd. Wisselwerking tussen geschiedenis en strips... more
Sport annually mobilizes millions of people across Europe: as practitioners in a wide variety of competitive, educational, or recreational contexts, and as spectators, who are physically present or following events through the mass media.... more
Neste artigo são abordadas características temáticas e formais presentes nas histórias em quadrinhos do período conhecido como Era de Ouro, bem como rupturas estéticas surgidas em consequência ao Comic Code Authority, que levou ao... more
Un año después de su aparición en Francia durante el 2016 -coincidiendo, apropiadamente, con el centenario de la mentada batalla-, ha llegado a nuestras librerías El último asalto de Jaques Tardi (Valence, 1946), la tercera parte de la... more
Jerusalem is the frontline and a microcosm of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In recent years, comic artists have turned their attention to the Middle East, including the ‘Holy City’. Scholars, however, have yet to study how comics... more
The article deals with the beginnings and the background of the interaction between European comic culture and American comic history. The successful establishment of American comics in Europe in the mid-1930s is closely connected with... more
Through this paper, the idea of Batman as a literal father to Damian Wayne, and the figurative father to modern comics. The focus will be on how Damian Wayne reflects the darker tone comics took post Dark Knight Returns, and how Batman... more
Syllabus for a one credit honors course I taught at Villanova in the fall of 2015
Co-edition of the section of the Official Proceedings of the ICLA Conference 2016, Vienna, presented by the ICLA Research Committee "Comics Studies and Graphic Narrative".
"El presente estudio busca el encuentro del personaje histórico "la Gaitana", a partir de un cómic o novela gráfica en un intento de visibilizar cómo este personaje, con el paso de los años, se ha convertido en una leyenda, así como un... more
ENG: Published in the Autumn 1979 issue of CoEvolution Quarterly, ‘A Short History of America’ is possibly Robert Crumb’s most widely known work outside the scene of underground comics fans. ‘A Short History of the 20th Century’ pays a... more
Discussion about the basic essentials of art comprehension, complexity and consequently appreciation as well.
(Originally posted on:
(Originally posted on:
Review of Jillian Tamaki's Boundless.
Español: Cuando la industria del comic book dio sus primeros pasos en los primeros años treinta del siglo pasado, la forma de producir cómics se asemejaba a la de una cadena de montaje, con el personal creativo diferenciado y separado en... more
Die Bildergeschichte um den verspäteten Kreuzfahrer Ritter Runkel von Rübenstein und die Digedags erschien vom Mai 1964 bis Juni 1969in der DDR als fünfte Hauptserie der Zeitschrift »MOSAIK von Hannes Hegen«. Obwohl sie »nur« Comicfiguren... more
Ediciones La Cúpula, fundada por Josep María Berenguer el mismo año de edición de El Víbora, y la propia publicación, optaron en la década de los noventa por nuevas vías. Una de ellas fue sumarse a las tendencias pornográficas, y otra su... more
In the early 1950s, horror titles published by EC Comics forever changed the conventions of the genre. In Tales from the Crypt, The Haunt of Fear or The Vault of Horror evil was seldom punished and justice often came in the form of undead... more
(Chapter) A Glimpse Behind the Screen: Tijuana Bibles and the Pornographic Re-imagining of Hollywood.
Without a doubt Chris Ware is one of the preeminent creators of comics today. He is a brilliant figure in a generation of extraordinarily talented people. Granted, there are a lot of innovators in the field right now, but no one else in... more
A consideration and overview of the rise in depictions of the Middle Ages in continental European comics and graphic novels over the last decade.
Комиксите с главен герой „Астерикс“ се превръщат със феномен по света. 35 албума с постоянни герои Астерикс, Обеликс и техните приятели са преведени на повече от 100 езика. В България в периода на прехода са издадени 10 албума, които имат... more
This essay establishes a graphic history pertaining to Franciszka Themerson's UBU Comic Strip (1970). A product of her extensive engagement with Alfred Jarry's play Ubu Roi (1896), this work invites us to consider Themerson's vanguard... more
¿Es el cómic un medio válido para recuperar la memoria histórica de nuestro país? Esta es la cuestión que inicia un estudio de 4 obras en particular: Paracuellos, de Carlos Giménez; El arte de volar y El ala rota, de Antonio Altarriba y... more
Writer/artist Dan Jurgens first entered the comic industry in 1982, penciling Warlord no. 63 for DC Comics. His first writing credit followed three years later on DC’s Sun Devils maxi-series (1985). Over the three decades since then he... more
A brief discussion of some of the crucial elements of art comprehension and creation. While primarily pertaining to comics per se, I try to be philosophically comprehensive and holistic both in terms of subject matter as well as life in... more
Introducción Existen pocas figuras con mayor resonancia en el imaginario colectivo que el legendario conde Drácula. A medio camino entre el folclore, el arte, la cultura popular, el mito y la historia, la figura del vampiro ha cautivado... more
Geralt in the captivity the of frame. Adaptation strategies and reception of polish comics about The Witcher The comic A Road of No Return from 1993 was the first attempt to bring the prose of Andrzej Sapkowski to other media. The authors... more
In this article, I argue that the late-seventies comic book battles between the X-Men and Alpha Flight illustrate different versions of multiculturalism. Through their displays of immoral, aggressive, and ultimately self-destructive... more
Auf einer transatlantischen Reise in den 1950ern entdeckt Michalis Pechlivanidis, einer der drei Gründer des griechischen Verlags „Atlantis“ die amerikanische Serie der Classics Illustrated. Kaum in Amerika angekommen, strebt er ein... more
ESPAÑOL: El presente libro analiza las transformaciones que se produjeron en Marvel Comics entre 1968 y 1980, que convirtieron a la editorial en la principal compañía de cómics estadounidense. A lo largo del libro se analiza el contexto... more
The goal of this project is to identify, analyze and historicize the operation of embodied multiplicities within superhero comics from the postwar era using the example of comics produced by the Marvel group between 1961 and 2005. This... more
Part of the front material provided in Amatl Comix #1: MORE THAN MONEY--a graphic novel by the Mexican cartoonist Claudia Dominguez. MORE THAN MONEY: A Memoir by Claudia Dominguez is a graphic novel/memoir that recounts the true story of... more
ESPAÑOL: Jack Kirby sigue siendo aún hoy The King, el rey de los cómics. Durante medio siglo desarrolló con gran éxito comic books, tiras de prensa e incluso animación televisiva, cocreando personajes como el Capitán América, los Cuatro... more
""UEA Thesis (2011) In this thesis I draw upon recent formulations of fantasy theory, from Rosemary Jackson’s psychoanalytic analysis to the socio-historical approaches of José Monleon and Mark Bould, and the poetics of fantasy... more