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      Music HistoryMusicologyHistory of Turkish Music
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      Music HistoryOttoman HistoryEthnomusicologyHistorical Ethnomusicology
ÖZET Tarih sahnesinden, farklı biçimlerde yorumlanan, mirası farklı boyutlarda değerlendirilenler yalnızca siyasi kişilikler ya da Napolyon gibi askeri portreler değildir. Çoğu zaman kültürel aktörler, müzisyenler örneğinde olduğu gibi... more
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      HistoryMusicologyImprovisationPerforming Arts
The Master’s thesis titled “Beginnings of Musical Performing Arts in Turkey- Before and After Dikran Çuhacıyan,” focuses on western performing arts in the Ottoman Empire during the westernization movement in the Tanzimat (reformation) and... more
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      Performing ArtsOttoman HistoryOttoman-Turkish WesternizationTurkish music
Bu çalışma, Türk musiki geleneğinde ve bu geleneğin önemli bölümünü oluşturan Osmanlı saray çevresinde kadının yerini ve musiki kimliğini, yazılı ve görsel belgelere dayanarak incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde genel... more
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      Women and Gender Issues in IslamWomen Composers And MusiciansMusic and GenderWomen and Music
This paper investigates the influence of alla turca style in music by W.A. Mozart and F. J. Haydn in the 18th and early 19th centuries. It begins by tracing the origin of the style back to the Ottoman janissaries and their formation in... more
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      European StudiesOttoman HistoryPercussionOttoman Studies
Lirik-Dramatik Karakterli Azerbaycan Operalarında Koro Sahnelerinin Rolü Babayeva, A. 1037- 1042 Sâhibzâde Mehmed Şevket Efendi’nin Medhal-ı Mûsikî Ve Telhîs-i Mûsikî Eserlerinde Yer Alan Ilâhiler Çamlı, Ş. 889-902 Cahangir Cahangirovun... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusic TheoryMusicology
Articles/Makaleler Axundova, E. (2016). Əl-Fərabi Yaradıcılığında Elmi-Tətbiqi Musiqi Nəzəriyyəsi. Rast Müzikoloji Dergisi, 4(2), 1254-1258. doi:10.12975/rastmd.2016.04.02.00084 Əhmədov, Ə. (2016). Azərbaycanda xanəndəlik sənətinin... more
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      MusicologyEthnomusicologyTurkish Music in Early Republican PeriodTurkish music
Articles/Makaleler Arslan, F. (2016). Muhibban’ın “Nefes”leri. Rast Müzikoloji Dergisi, 4(3), 1396-1423. doi:10.12975/rastmd.2016.04.03.00095 Avşar, M., & Kolukırık, K. (2016). Tokatlı Halk Şairi Ve Mahallî Sanatçı Eşref Tonbuloğlu’nun... more
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      MusicologyEthnomusicologyHistorical EthnomusicologyApplied Ethnomusicology
Almost all of Köprülü’s works are scientific answers to the biased judgments of the Western orientalists on Turkish history. These prejudices are not limited to the general orientalist attitude of the West which defined the non-Western... more
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      Sociology of MusicTurkish Music in Early Republican PeriodHistory of Turkish MusicTurkish makam maqam classical music
I am happy to announce the Fall Issue of the Rast International Musicology Journal (RMJ) 2014. With this issue RMJ aspires to have major contributions particularly to the field of Historical Musicology with its content that has been... more
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      MusicologyEthnomusicologyHistorical EthnomusicologyCultural Musicology
Özet Osmanlı insanı için 19. yüzyıl, evveliyatında yaşanan zor süreçlerin artık sona erdiği, rahatça nefes alınan bir dönem değildir. Gerek siyasî gerek içtimaî alanda yaşanan zorluklarla beraber devletin ihtişamlı günlerinin arkaik... more
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      Popular Music StudiesPopular MusicTurkish and Middle East StudiesHistory of Popular Music
This study presents a catalog of the music manuscripts that are preserved in the İstanbul Üniversitesi Nadir Eserler Kütüphanesi (İstanbul University Rare and Manuscript Collections Library). This library is especially important for its... more
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      Music HistoryEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpireIslam and MusicOriental Studies
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      Music HistoryOttoman HistoryEthnomusicologyOrganology
The change of “traditional” music patterns transformed forms according to the new, rational world vision of the 20th century made permanent with the signature of the composers. Especially, composition for a string instrument filtered the... more
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      HistorySociologyCultural StudiesMusic
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      Historical EthnomusicologyMiddle Eastern MusicMaqamHistory of Turkish Music
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      Cultural StudiesSociology of CultureHistorical EthnomusicologyOttoman Studies
The living traditions of monodic Orthodox chant were going through innovations, as the music theory and its notation were created starting from 1814. They are the results of a reform finished under the third generation or the “4th music... more
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      EthnohistoryMusicChurch MusicMusic History
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      Turkish CultureHistory of Turkish RepublicTurkish Music in Early Republican PeriodHistory of Modern Turkey
This book is a collection of 5 essays. The first is an introduction into the basics of chant transmission, the modal framework within the eight-mode system, differentiated according to Western and Eastern chant genres. The second is an... more
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      GnosticismMusicEarly MusicMusic History
The Mahur sound which is one of the determinative colors of today's Turkish music has been an aesthetic fact, towards which musical composers, who lived in different societies and periods, approached with their own specific manners. The... more
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      HistoryMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusic Theory
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      History of Turkish MusicHistory of Turkish and Ottoman music
In the Early Republican period, several strategies were employed to exclude the Ottoman music tradition from the field of cultural legitimacy. However, the attempts to exclude this music completely from the social life through... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCultural StudiesSociology of CultureMusic History
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      Music HistoryOttoman HistoryEthnomusicologyHistorical Ethnomusicology
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      Music HistoryMusic and LiteratureHistory of Turkish Music
Türk musikisi icra geleneğinde ney çalgısı ölçülerinden hareketle bir akort sistemi haline gelen oniki ahenkten ancak dördü, üç telli klasik kemençenin akordunda değişiklik yapılmadan seslendirilebilmektedir. Bolahenk, Sipürde, Kız ve... more
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      Turkish Music in Early Republican PeriodTurkish musicTraditional Turkish MusicTurkish folk music
Modernization; developed by Western sociologists, which describes economic development, socio-cultural diversity, understanding and realization of the democratic process of social change, with the stages of "traditional society",... more
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      Music and PoliticsTurkish ModernizationHistory of Turkish Music
Ruhi Kalender Cumhuriyet döneminde Türk Din Musikisi alanında hizmetleriyle tanınmış önemli şahsiyetlerden biridir. Bu alanda bir çok kitap yazmış ve öğrenci yetiştirmiştir. Tezde Kalender'in hayat hikayesi kendi ifadelerinden yola... more
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      Music And ReligionTurkish musicHistory of Turkish MusicSufi Music
Ruhi Kalender, Türk Din Mûsikîsi alanında önemli hizmetler vermiş, birçok talebe yetiştirmiş, bu alanda çalışmalar yapmış önemli dinî mûsikî hocalarından biridir. 78 yaşında olan Ruhi Kalender bu yaşına rağmen bir köşeye çekilmeyip,... more
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      Music And ReligionTurkish musicHistory of Turkish MusicSufi Music
Samuel Benaroya was perhaps the last representative of a 400-year-old tradition of Turkish Jewish cantors who were experts in the singing of liturgical music according to Ottoman court music, said Edwin Seroussi, Professor and Director of... more
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      Jewish StudiesOttoman HistoryJewish MysticismHistorical Ethnomusicology
Ayas, O. G. (2016, Doi:10.12975/rastmd.2016.04.01.00064). Turkish History Thesis as a Legitimizing Instrument in Music Debates of Early Republican Turkey. Rast Müzikoloji Dergisi, 4(1), 1057-1075. Turan, N. S., & Işıktaş, B. (2016). The... more
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      Music HistoryMusicologyEthnomusicologyTurkish Music in Early Republican Period
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      Sociology of MusicTurkish Music in Early Republican PeriodTurkish musicTraditional Turkish Music
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      BiographyHistory of Modern TurkeyHistory of Turkish MusicTurkey's Struggle for National Independence
İsminden de anlaşılacağı gibi Kitâbü Keşfü'l-Hümûm ve'l-Kürab fî Şerhi Âleti't-Tarab (Musikî Yoluyla Dert ve Tasanin İzâlesi - Mûsikî Âletlerinin Şerhi) mûsikî âletleri üzerine te’lif edilmiş bir eserdir. Ana başlıklar halinde yedi... more
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      Music HistoryOrganologyHistory of musicTurkish music
Türk Musikisinin önde gelen bestekârlarından biri olan Hâfız Post hakkında yapılan çalışmalar gayet sınırlıdır. Bu duruma Hâfız Post ile ilgili elde mevcut tarihi vesikaların az oluşunun sebebiyet vermesi bir gerçektir. Hâfız Post’un... more
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      Ottoman HistoryManuscript StudiesOttoman LiteratureTurkish music
If the history of Patriarchal Chant at Istanbul was based on the medium of sound recordings, it would have to start with the Arhon Protopsaltes Iakovos Nafpliotis. He was the first Orthodox chanter, whose art was documented... more
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      Anthropology of MusicOttoman HistoryEthnomusicologyHistorical Ethnomusicology
Türk musikisi repertuar tarihini aydınlatabilmenin en başta gelen yolu, güfte mecmualarını derinlemesine incelemektir. Türkiye ve dünya kütüphanelerindeki binlerce yazma ve Osmanlı devrinde basılan yüzlerce matbu güfte mecmuası göz önüne... more
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      Music HistoryTurkish musicHistory of Turkish Musicselim III
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    • History of Turkish Music
Yazı adında özetlendiği gibi nevbet-i müretteb müzik biçiminin tarihi gelişimini ve Mevlevi Ayinlerine dönüşünü ele almaktadır. This paper aims to show the history of navbat-i murattab music form.
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      Music HistoryMusicologyIranian musicHistory of Turkish Music
Müzik sosyolojisi alanında çalışanların görevlerinden biri, beğeni hiyerarşilerinin hangi tarihsel-toplumsal bağlam içinde oluştuğunu, nasıl ifade edildiğini, hangi söylemlerle meşrulaştırıldığını, bu meşruluğun hangi kurumlarla... more
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      Sociology of MusicTurkish Music in Early Republican PeriodHistory of Turkish MusicTurkish makam maqam classical music
Abstract: The late period Ottoman intellectual and writer, Aḥmad Ṣāfī’s one of the extant works is an encyclopedic study consists of eighteen volumes. The original copy is lost but there is a microfilm record at Suleymaniye Manuscript... more
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      Turkish musicMusikHistory of Turkish MusicOud
The goal of the early republican elite was to form a new national identity supporting westernization and the consciousness of secular Turkishness while excluding the Ottoman- Islamic legacy as much as possible. Turkish History Thesis was,... more
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      Sociology of MusicTurkish Music in Early Republican PeriodTurkish musicHistory of Turkish Music
Israel and Turkey are, no doubt, the vivid centers of popular music cosmopolitanism. Both realities are interesting and puzzling at the same time, reflecting their challenging geography and history. To name their geographical location as... more
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      Music HistoryPopular MusicWomen's HistoryTurkish and Middle East Studies
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      Music HistoryMusicologyOttoman HistoryEthnomusicology
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      Music HistoryMusicologyHistory of Ottoman MusicHistory of Turkish Music
Hayatı net olarak bilinmeyen Yusuf Kırşehri'nin 1410'da yazdığıeserin arka planını araştırıken, hayatı hakkında ortaya çıkan panoroma ışığında durum. Hayatı hakkında yeni söylenebilecek bilgiler. Eserini ilk tercüme edenler, yazdıklarını... more
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    • History of Turkish Music
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      Music HistoryMusicologyOttoman HistoryHistory of Turkish Music