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RESUMEN En 1778 la ciudad de Granada se ve agitada por numerosos seísmos que preocupan a la pobla-ción. Directamente relacionado con la literatura generada desde el terremoto de Lisboa de 1755 en la ciudad surgen numerosas teorías que... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryHistory of ScienceEnlightenment
Il libro si pone a conclusione di una ricerca avviata già nella seconda metà degli anni Novanta e proseguita dopo il terremoto del 2009, in occasione del restauro del palazzo (lavori ultimati nel 2016). Gli approfondimenti conoscitivi... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationHeritage ConservationArchitectural ConservationConservazione e restauro
When considered in light of contemporary seismological and volcanolo-gical research, an abundance of literary, archaeological, and epigraphic information can illuminate the natural and historical circumstances marking a series of natural... more
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      Pompeii (Archaeology)NaplesHerculaneumVesuvius
The earthquake that hit Zagreb on 9th November 1880 was one of the most important breakpoints in the history of architecture and urban planning of the city. It was estimated that in its epicenter, which was northeast of Zagreb, earthquake... more
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      PhotographsArt HistoryPhotographyNineteenth Century Studies
X Convegno di Storia dell’Ingegneria – 5th International Conference
Napoli, 16 e 17 maggio 2022, Centro Congressi dell’Università degli Studi Federico II.
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      Medieval Ecclesiastical HistoryHistory of architectureAngevin ItalyHistory of earthquake studies
Knjiga donosi uvid u stradanja građevina i obnovu grada Zagreba i drugih okolnih mjesta nakon potresa 1880. i 2020. godine.
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      Earthquake EngineeringCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage ConservationSeismology
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      HistoryOttoman HistorySocial SciencesOttoman Studies
Potres koji je pogodio Zagreb 9. 11. 1880. godine, čija se jačina procjenjuje na 6,1-6,3 stupnjeva prema Richterovoj ljestvici jedna je od najvećih prirodnih katastrofa koja je kroz povijest pogodila ovaj grad. U arhitekturi i urbanom... more
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      Historic ConservationCroatian HistoryCultural History of Central EuropeStructural Earthquake Engineering
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyVolcanologyPottery (Archaeology)
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      Modern TurkeyHistory of Modern TurkeyHistory of earthquake studies
Özet: Bu makale 19 Nisan 1938 tarihinde meydana gelen Kırşehir depreminin etkisini, felaketin ardından alınan tedbirleri ve sonrasında yapılan çalışmaları, arşiv belgeleri, süreli yayınlar ve ilgili literatür kullanarak incelemektedir.... more
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      HistoryTurkish and Middle East StudiesEarthquakeTarih
In 1982, in Smolenice, Czechoslavakia, and in the wake of the 1970 energy crises, ICOHTEC decided to focus on ‘energy in history’ at its 1984 symposium. The meeting in Lerbach, Germany, inaugurated energy as a subject of interest in... more
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      History of TechnologyEnvironmental HistoryEnergy historyTechnology And The Environment
Storia e immagine della diversità urbana: luoghi e paesaggi dei privilegi e del benessere, dell’isolamento, del disagio, della multiculturalità / History and image of urban diversity: places and landscapes of privileges and welfare, of... more
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      Modern HistoryContemporary HistoryLandscape History And ConservationMonastic Studies
Take advantage of disaster. Habsburg intervention in Ragusa earthquake (1667). On 6 April 1667, an earthquake destroys Ragusa, the current Croatian city of Dubrovnik, while the Eastern Mediterranean attends the last period of the conflict... more
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      Disaster StudiesEnvironmental HistoryHabsburg StudiesEarly Modern Europe
The paper analyses news from the Zagreb press and the archival sources (from institutions of the Croatian Provincial Government and the City of Zagreb) on how the damaged buildings were repaired immediately after the earthquake that... more
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      Earthquake EngineeringCroatian HistoryCultural History of Central EuropeEarthquake resistant design
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpireNatural Disasters
Članak govori o problemima s kojima se suočava obnova Zagreba nakon potresa 2020. godine.
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      Art HistoryArchitectureCultural HeritageCultural Heritage Conservation
Članak govori o načinu na koji su tijela vlasti reagirala na potres 1880. godine i na koji bi trebala reagirati 2020.
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      Earthquake EngineeringCroatian HistoryCultural History of Central EuropeEarthquake
Članak govori o oštećenjima građevina Srpske pravoslavne crkvene općine u Zagrebu, osobito Preobraženjskog hrama i zgrade u Ilici 7. Tekst na latinici priložen je na kraju PDF-a. (The article talks about the damages caused by the March... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectural HistoryCroatian HistoryHistory of Art
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      HistoriaXVII centuryHistoria ModernaSiglo XVII
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      Roman HistoryByzantine StudiesLate AntiquityBithynia
Članak govori o rušenju jednokatnice kja je stajala na uglu Đorđićeve i Petrinjske ulice u Zagrebu a koja se ubrajala u najoštećenije građevine u zagrebačkom potresu 2020. godine.
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      Art HistoryArchitectureArchitectural ConservationHistory of architecture
The article is on damages caused by 22 March 2020 earthquake in Zagreb. It was translated to Slovenian by Franci Lazarini.
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      Art HistoryCroatian HistoryHistory of ArtEarthquake resistant design
SOMMARIO: L'articolo analizza le procedure di gestione dell'emergenza adottate dalle istituzioni del Regno di Napoli all'indomani dei maggiori eventi sismici del XVII secolo. Attraverso il confronto tra sei diversi casi, si ipotizza che... more
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      Spanish empireHistory of earthquake studies
Članak govori o stradavanju kupola, tornjeva i drugih arhitektonskih elemenata na krovovima zagrebačkih zgrada u potresu 22. 3. 2020.
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      Art HistoryArchitectureCentral European historyArchitectural History
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      HistorySocial SciencesEarthquakeNatural Disasters
espanolEn 1778 la ciudad de Granada se ve agitada por numerosos seismos que preocupan a la poblacion. Directamente relacionado con la literatura generada desde el terremoto de Lisboa de 1755 en la ciudad surgen numerosas teorias que... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryHistory of ScienceEnlightenment
Članak govori o nalazima nakon potresa u Zagrebu, ponajprije nalazu dijela spomenika Luke Baratina.
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      Art HistoryHistory (Architecture)Croatian HistoryHistory of Art
Riječ je o intervjuu u listu Telegram vezanome za pristup obnovi Zagreba nakon potresa od 22. 3. 2020
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      Art HistoryArchitectureCultural Heritage ConservationCentral Europe
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      HistorySocial SciencesEarthquake EngineeringEarthquake