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      GeneticsArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyClimate Change
by Fages, Antoine, et al In Brief Genome-wide data from 278 ancient equids provide insights into how ancient equestrian civilizations managed, exchanged, and bred horses and indicate vast loss of genetic diversity as well as the... more
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    • Horse Domestication
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      EurasiaUkraineKazakhstanHorse Domestication
This paper presents direct radiocarbon measurements on horse skeletal remains from the Beaker period settlement at the site of Newgrange in Ireland, finds which have previously been argued as the earliest domestic horses in Ireland. The... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyArchaeozoologyHorses in Prehistory
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During the Early Bronze Age, populations of the western Eurasian steppe expanded across an immense area of northern Eurasia. Combined archaeological and genetic evidence supports widespread Early Bronze Age population movements out of the... more
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      ArchaeologyDairy ScienceBronze Age ArchaeologyMedicine
"Ces Actes des Journées d’étude internationales (Strasbourg, 6-7 novembre 2009) sont l’aboutissement d’un programme de recherche (2007-2009), mené au sein de l’UMR 7044 (Étude des civilisations de l’Antiquité : de la Préhistoire à... more
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      Military HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
There is a period of some 5000 years or so in the prehistory of Europe when horse populations were greatly depleted and perhaps even disappeared in many places. Before this time, during the Upper Palaeolithic, wild horses were common;... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyEcologyNeolithic Archaeology
This paper is an introduction to the issue of the journal Arabian Humanities no 8, devoted to the horse in Arabia and in Arabian culture. The setting of the following contributions is detailed from specific viewpoints: • The al‑Maqar... more
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      Horse cultureSaudi ArabiaArabian GulfDomestication (Zooarchaeology)
This paper reviews the genetic history and prehistory of domesticated horses. It finds that several bottleneck events have resulted in sequentially reduced genetic variability in modern horses. During the Classical Era and Iron Age,... more
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      Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Ancient Dna (Biology)Horse DomesticationArchaeology of Horse and Riders
If H2a1 Mitochondrial DNA (MtDNA) bearers suddenly appeared in Eastern Europe in late 6th millennium BC and were omnipresent during Eurasian Copper and Bronze Ages, their modern dispersion's pattern seems to indicate they consciously... more
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      GeneticsMedical AnthropologyHomerInfectious disease epidemiology
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      Secondary Products RevolutionHorse DomesticationCavalry in Ancient WorldOrigin of Horseback Riding
This groundbreaking study established that modern domesticated horses (the clade DOM2) evolved in the Pontic-Caspian steppes. However, it also made claims that are in my estimation unsupported. “Our results reject the commonly held... more
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      Pastoralism (Archaeology)Ancient Dna (Biology)Horseback RidingHorse Domestication
Peptides from human dental calculus indicate that Eneolithic populations in the Volga steppes did not milk their domesticated cattle, sheep, or goats, or horses; while in Yamnaya populations dairy foods were ubiquitous, indicating a... more
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      Pastoralism (Archaeology)Horse DomesticationArchaeology of Eurasian SteppeDairy foods production, nutrition
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Nous tenterons dans cette étude de montrer dans quelles conditions, par quels moyens les japonais ont développé lʼéquipement du cheval utilisé pour la monte, voir dans quelle mesure cet équipement du cheval est différent ou... more
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      Japanese StudiesArchaeologyJapanese ReligionsJapanese History
During the Early Bronze Age, populations of the western Eurasian steppe expanded across an immense area of northern Eurasia. Combined archaeological and genetic evidence supports widespread Early Bronze Age population movements out of the... more
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      ArchaeologyDairy ScienceBronze Age ArchaeologyMedicine
Horses have long been an essential component of the identity of the inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula. Nevertheless, neither the date of its introduction in the Peninsula nor the origins of the Arabian breed can be agreed upon. What is... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Mamluk StudiesHorse cultureSaudi Arabia
Before the development of firearms, the horse wascrucial to warfare and before the invention of thesteamengine,itwasthefastestandmostreliableformof land transport. Today its importance has scarcelydiminished in parts of South America,... more
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      GeneticsArchaeologyGenomicsIranian Archaeology
Horseback riding was a transformative force in the ancient world, prompting radical shifts in human mobility, warfare, trade, and interaction. In China, domestic horses laid the foundation for trade, communication, and state... more
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During the Early Bronze Age, populations of the western Eurasian steppe expanded across an immense area of northern Eurasia. Combined archaeological and genetic evidence supports widespread Early Bronze Age population movements out of the... more
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      ArchaeologyDairy ScienceBronze Age ArchaeologyMedicine
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyNear Eastern StudiesZooarchaeologyAssyriology
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      Ethiopian StudiesHorse cultureMammalogyBiodiversity
Annexe du mémoire Le harnachement du cheval au Japon
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      Japanese StudiesArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyExperimental Archaeology
"Scopul lucrãrii este punerea în circuit ştiinţific a unui ornament de frâu din epoca bronzului, descoperit întâmplãtor la Mihãileni (Csíkszentmihály, judeţul Harghita). Studiul prezintã datarea discului din corn de cerb şi cautã analogii... more
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      Horse cultureBone and AntlerBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Late Bronze Age archaeology
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      Naval EngineeringNaval ArchitectureReligionHistory
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      GeneticsArchaeologyGenomicsIranian Archaeology
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      UkraineEneolithicHorse DomesticationDereivka
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      GeneticsArchaeologyGenomicsIranian Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyEurasian PrehistoryWorld PrehistorySecondary Products Revolution
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
The modern genetic and biomolecular studies advanced significantly the state of knowledge on origin of domestic horse and gave general outlines of the process of horse domestication. Nonetheless, some important details, like, for... more
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      Horse cultureEquids (Archaeology)Iron AgeEarly Iron Age
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      ZooarchaeologyStable Isotope AnalysisArchaeozoologyArchaeological Chemistry
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      ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)
ISBN 978-84-941099-7-3 Desde tiempos inmemoriales Asia ha sido la cuna de numerosos imperios pero, de entre todos ellos, llegando a abarcar desde el Pacífico hasta el Mediterráneo y desde Siberia hasta el Índico, los mongoles crearon el... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyZooarchaeology
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyDomestication (Zooarchaeology)Central Asian ArchaeologyEneolithic
During the Early Bronze Age, populations of the western Eurasian steppe expanded across an immense area of northern Eurasia. Combined archaeological and genetic evidence supports widespread Early Bronze Age population movements out of the... more
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      ArchaeologyDairy ScienceBronze Age ArchaeologyMedicine
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      GeneticsArchaeologyGenomicsIranian Archaeology
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      GeneticsArchaeologyGenomicsIranian Archaeology
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      GeneticsArchaeologyGenomicsIranian Archaeology
Horse domestication revolutionized warfare and accelerated travel, trade, and the geographic expansion of languages. Here, we present the largest DNA time series for a non-human organism to date, including genome-scale data from 149... more
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      ZooarchaeologyAncient DNA (Archaeology)Subsistance Strategies (Archaeology)Animal domestication
Genome-wide data from 278 ancient equids provide insights into how ancient equestrian civilizations managed, exchanged, and bred horses and indicate vast loss of genetic diversity as well as the existence of two extinct lineages of horses... more
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      GenomicsHorses in PrehistoryHorse Domestication
During the Early Bronze Age, populations of the western Eurasian steppe expanded across an immense area of northern Eurasia. Combined archaeological and genetic evidence supports widespread Early Bronze Age population movements out of the... more
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      ArchaeologyDairy ScienceBronze Age ArchaeologyMedicine
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      GeneticsArchaeologyGenomicsIranian Archaeology
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      GeneticsArchaeologyGenomicsIranian Archaeology
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      GeneticsArchaeologyGenomicsIranian Archaeology
This research aims to use an ancient DNA approach to genetically characterize ancient horse remains(400~120 BC)from Shirenzigou site in Barkol County,Xinjiang,China. Excavated in 2006~2007,Shirenzigou site(43° 31'12.8''~43° 34'28.9''N,93°... more
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      ZooarchaeologyBioarchaeologyArchaeogeneticsAncient DNA (Archaeology)
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      GeneticsArchaeologyGenomicsIranian Archaeology