Human enhancement debate
Recent papers in Human enhancement debate
Abstract. This paper proposes an ordering of ideas to create politics that distinguishes itself from conventional politics. It is called extrapolitics. To define extrapolitics, the concept of politics, transhumanism and dialectic -... more
Interview pour le magazine "Apunto - Revue des membres Employés Suisse"
Science-Fiction in Literatur und Film kann uns Impulse geben, eine post-humane Ethik zu entwickeln, sagt Johann Roduit. Zum 50. Geburtstag des Filmes «2001: A Space Odyssey» hat der UZH-Ethiker eine Veranstaltungsreihe lanciert.
In Truly Human Enhancement: A Philosophical Defense of Limits, Nicholas Agar contributes once more to the debate regarding the ethics of human enhancement, after his 2004 and 2010 books, Liberal Eugenics and Humanity’s End. The main... more
John Harris’ newest book examines the ethics of moral enhancement. The book focuses on whether new biotechnological interventions on our brain could be used as a means to moral enhancement. Put it simply, could we just take a pill to... more
The ethics of human enhancement has been a hotly debated topic in the last 15 years. In this debate, some advocate examining science fiction stories to elucidate the ethical issues regarding the current phenomenon of human enhancement.... more
When considering the use of enhancement in the world of sport, we should contemplate not only the enhancement of particular traits, but also that of the athlete (as a human) as a whole. In most sports, we are interested in comparing the... more
Quelles limites poser à l’amélioration humaine? Un débat au cœur duquel règne une question centrale: qu’est-ce que l’être humain?
Martijntje Smits en Silke Vermeulen, Rathenau Instituut 2011
This is a paper in Dutch about human enhancement. In dit paper onderzoek ik het onderwerp human enhancement nader. De mens probeert de wereld rond hem heen aan te passen. Vanzelfsprekend heeft dit gevolgen voor mens en samenleving.... more
The author critically examines what role the notion of perfection should play in the debate regarding the ethics of human enhancement. He argues that the concept of «human perfection» needs to be central when morally assessing human... more
The upcoming concept of converging technologies accentuates the coalescence of originally separated branches of science and technology. Tendencies of real technological convergence go along with a convergence of futuristic visions.... more
Abstract Doping in elite-sport is a topical issue that polarizes public opinion. This dissertation outlines crucial, fundamental questions that go unasked in general discourse about doping in elite-sport and that through being answered... more
Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert die aktuellen, eng miteinander verbundenen Kontroversen über "Human Enhancement" und "Converging Technologies" sowie christliche Reaktionen auf diese. Aus bioethischer Perspektive stellen beide... more
This poem reflects on the possibility of human enhancement. It shows that if enhancements are embraced step-by-step, without any long-term vision, one might get lost along the way.
Coeur artificiel, implants cérébraux ou encore œil bionique… La fusion entre la technologie et le corps donne lieu à de nombreux questionnements. C’est la combinaison des nanotechnologies, des biotechnologies, de l’informatique et des... more
Faciliter les ruptures amoureuses au moyen d’un médicament qui estomperait le sentiment d’attachement, jugé néfaste et «addictif». Neutraliser chimiquement nos tendances les plus agressives dans le but de pacifier les relations humaines.... more
A l’ère de l’Homme augmenté, nous assistons à une individualisation des responsabilités et à une diminution de la solidarité entre individus. Pourtant, ce qui fait la force de l’humanité, c’est sa capacité à coopérer.
In contemporary philosophical thought, the ethical consequences of new technological developments are discussed and evaluations are carried out to develop these technologies in a more ethical way. Human enhancement technologies (HET), the... more
Davis (2014) called for "extreme caution" in the use of non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) to treat neurological disorders in children, due to gaps in scientific knowledge. We are sympathetic to his position. However, we must also... more
Gehört die Zukunft den Cyborgs und intelligenten Maschinen? Der Literaturwissenschaftler Philipp Theisohn und der Ethiker Johann Roduit über die Weiterentwicklung des Menschen und unserer Gesellschaft. 60 UZH magazin 2/18
L’augmentation des facultés psychiques est un aspiration humaine très profonde. Depuis quelques décennies, une nouvelle réponse a vu le jour avec la banalisation des « smart drugs » aux Etats-Unis et des « psychostimulants » en France.... more
resumen El término «eugenesia» está lleno de connotaciones negativas, por lo general debidas a su asociación con los crímenes cometidos por los nazis y con prácticas tales como la esterilización forzosa. Al mismo tiempo, su significado es... more
Defensores de concepções bem-estaristas sobre o melhoramento humano em geral consideram que a distinção entre melhoramentos e tratamentos não tem valor moral. Se tratamentos forem compreendidos como uma subclasse de melhoramentos, dizem... more
L’objectif du projet de communication scientifique « » est d’informer et de dialoguer avec des collégiens et des étudiants professionnels sur les questions bioéthiques concernant l’utilisation des technologies émergentes... more
Conventional medicine already made great progress in fighting diseases and extending average life expectancy; but now, previously unimaginable developments have been achieved in biotechnology, including preimplantation genetic diagnosis,... more
Examining how stories can enrich the ethical discourse, especially in a posthuman world. All of this on the occasion of the 50th birthday of the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Artificial heart, brain implant and even bionic eye… Merging technology with the body has given rise to several issues. This is the combination of nanotechnologies, technologies, information technologies and cognitive sciences (NBIC)... more
Face à différentes singularités technologiques, sécuriser un revenu de base inconditionnel pour tous prendrait tout son sens, estime Johann Roduit, Managing Director du Centre d’Humanités Médicales de l’Université de Zurich
A new chapter in the history of technology seems to be unleashed. Until recently, man-made technologies basically functioned as prostheses, as external prosthetic extensions of human bodies, directed towards the outside world, allowing us... more
Bioconservative view holds that we should prevent dissemination of biomedical inteventions enhancing human capacities. One of arguments against this view shows that it is based on status quo bias which gives unjustified preference for... more
Améliorer les performances ou la santé d’une personne avec un œil bionique ou un oreiller high-tech comporte-t-il des risques pour l’être humain et la société? Interview
This doctoral dissertation critically examines what role, if any, the notion of perfection should play in the debate regarding the ethics of human enhancement. After distinguishing between the concept of perfection and different... more