Recent papers in Iberia
The rare discovery of a Phoenician shipwreck off southeastern Spain is providing new information about their centuries-long dominance of the sea
A cylindrical container at San Isidoro in León is the only Viking object known from the Iberian Peninsula. Here the León piece is compared to other Viking artifacts of similar style and similar materials to place it in its context. The... more
Scholars universally acknowledge the eleventh century as the turning point in medieval Iberian history. Léon-Castile did not ally with the papacy until 1080 at the Council of Burgos when their liturgical practices were forcefully changed... more
The aim of this paper is to analyze large-sized domestic architectures dated in the early medieval period attested in some areas of North-western Iberia, de ned as longhouses. This term has been used implicitly by different archaeological... more
The archaeological study of ingots has gained in importance in recent years due to their links with metallurgical production, pre-monetary exchange and the emergence of weighing systems. However, in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula,... more
Fernando Pessoa. Iberia. Introducción a un imperialismo futuro. Traducción, introducción y notas de Antonio Sáez Delgado. Nota filológica de Jerónimo Pizarro. Epílogos de Humberto Brito y Pablo Javier Pérez López. Valencia. Pre-Textos,... more
Se presentan piezas y fragmentos que salen a Ia Iuz con Suroeste o sólo se conocen hace poco tiempo. Se refiere la biblioteca particular de Fernando Pessoa, en cuyos anaqueles sólo se encuentran doce "pobres" volúmenes en español, "entre... more
El Rebollosillo es una pequeña cueva kárstica situada en el centro de la Península Ibérica utilizada para la disposición de enterramientos secundarios en la mitad del III milenio AC. Presentamos resultados bioantropológicos, isotópicos... more
In Iberia there are 51 officially recognized cattle breeds of which 15 are found in Portugal and 38 in Spain. We present here a comprehensive analysis of the genetic diversity and structure of Iberian cattle. Forty of these breeds were... more
El Rebollosillo es una pequeña cueva kárstica situada en el centro de la Península Ibérica utilizada para la disposición de enterramientos secundarios en la mitad del III milenio AC. Presentamos resultados bioantropológicos, isotópicos... more
The Neolithisation of the southern Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean Maghreb, here termed “Alboran territory”, must be considered as the same integrative process. By the mid-8th millennium calBP, both sides of the Western... more
The archaeological study of ingots has gained in importance in recent years due to their links with metallurgical production, pre-monetary exchange and the emergence of weighing systems. However, in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula,... more