Recent papers in Flora
A database on Antonio Bertoloni’s Flora Italica – The structure and content of a database on Antonio Bertoloni’s Flora italica are described. This was the first Italian general Flora, issued between 1833 and 1856, and is still useful for... more
In the last decades of the twentieth century the small and medium-sized nations of East and South-East Asia have begun a process of potentially enormous political and economic transformation. Explosive growth has occurred already in many... more
Twenty-five rangeland sites were monitored over two decades first to assess the impact of the 1983-1984 droughts on fodder resources, then to better understand ecosystem functioning and dynamics. Sites are sampled along the south-north... more
In this paper adaptive morpho-anatomical traits are described of the species Teucrium fruticans, T. arduini, T. scordium, T. botrys, T. chamaedrys, T. flavum, T. montanum and T. polium in Serbia and Montenegro (Balkan peninsula). These... more
Biological Flora of the British Isles: Cirsium dissectum (L.) Hill ( Cirsium tuberosum (L.) All. subsp. anglicum (Lam.) Bonnier; Cnicus pratensis (Huds.) Willd., non Lam.; Cirsium anglicum (Lam.) DC.) Summary 1
A check list vascular plants in the Villahermosa Farm was made. Approximately 274 herbarium vouchers were collected represented in 232 species, 94 genera and 74 families. The angiosperm group was most representing. The families most... more
Aim The paper has four major objectives: (1) to determine whether diaspore mimics accurately represent dispersal dynamics of real diaspores in a free-flowing river; (2) to estimate distance travelled and reasons for stranding of floating... more
Resumen La cordillera Chongón Colonche conocida por su alta diversidad y endemismo presenta vacíos de información biológica así como la deforestación que amenazan la biodiversidad del sitio. Se determinó la composición, estructura y... more
This paper highlights the importance of adopting culture-based strategies in addressing certain issues of environmental conservation and management in Sri Lanka, a country where links between nature and culture have historically been... more
Phytogeographical study of the forest massifs of Kefrida, a neglected sector of the Babors important PLANT area (Northeastern Algeria).― In order to provide a better knowledge of the flora of Little Kabylia (Bejaia, Algeria), with an... more
The present study uses differences among frugivore faunas of the southern hemisphere landmasses to test whether frugivore characteristics have influenced the evolution of fruit traits. Strong floristic similarities exist among southern... more
A família Iridaceae possui 66 gêneros e cerca de 2030 espécies, com distribuição cosmopolita e centro de diversidade na África do Sul, seguido pela América do Sul (Goldblatt et al. 2008). O presente trabalho baseia-se especialmente no... more
The Lower Nhecolândia subregion of the Brazilian Pantanal is part of a large continuous tropical wetland that exhibits a high biodiversity of flora and fauna species, and many threatened habitats. The spatial distribution of these... more
The study deals with the influence of land use and abandonment on species composition of vegetation and seed bank in grasslands and oldfields. We wanted to explore:
Landschapsbiografisch, Historisch ecologische studie Boxmeeer, Maasheggen deel 14. Excursie KNNV 19 januari 2021. Flora, fauna, fytocoenologie, aardkunde, edafologie.
Abstract Opening Lecture III Simposio Internacional de Agave / III International Symposium on Agave, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, 3. - 5. Noviembre 2016, http://isa.proagave.mx/programa-de-orales-finales
The root tubers of Asphodelus aestivus consist mostly of enlarged fleshy storage tissue. They are bounded by a multiple-layered velamen, responsible for rapid water uptake, water loss reduction, osmotic and mechanical protection. In the... more
During the last years in the Ruhr area and in the Rheinland area several fern species have been detected new to the wild flora of Germany. These are the neophytic taxa Adiantum raddianum, Pteris cretica, Pteris cretica var. albo-lineata,... more
1. This account presents information on all aspects of the biology of Primula veris that are relevant to understanding its ecological characteristics and behaviour. The main topics are presented within the standard framework of the... more
Medicinal plants are traditionally used worldwide for primary healthcare. Documentation of such traditional ethnomedicinal knowledge is essential because it might be lost after the loss of knowledgeable people. This study was conducted to... more
This paper deals with the chemical composition of the lake water and its effect on this wet ecosystem witnessing the interplay among the sea, the river and the man. The Lake Idku and its coasts is a characteristic ecosystem with a high... more
This book presents 70 boards with 1,400 photographs of 1,002 species of plants, fungi and lichens photographed in São thome das Letras, Minas Gerais, Brazil in these 06 years by 66 plant-loving photographers. 802 species of angiosperms... more
У довіднику наведено інформацію про сучасний стан та подальші перспективи збереження рідкісних та зникаючих трав’янистих рослин у Національному дендрологічному парку «Софіївка» НАН України. Охарактеризовано 72 види рослин, серед яких... more
Resumen La cordillera Chongón Colonche conocida por su alta diversidad y endemismo presenta vacíos de información biológica así como la deforestación que amenazan la biodiversidad del sitio. Se determinó la composición, estructura y... more
Recopilación a corta escala de información acerca de la flora, fauna e historia acerca de los hornos de cal ubicados al norte del DM Quito, específicamente en la zona de Infiernillo a un costado de la Reserva Geobotánica Pululahua.
The synanthropic flora of the Lviv city was studied. It includes 663 species of vascular plants which belong to 382 genera and 103 families of four divisions. The families which are the most saturated of synanthropic species: Аsteraceae... more
Materials and Methods Study site Balaghat Ranges are located from 18°47′40.26″ to 18°32′29.28″ N and from 75°20′26.90″ to 76°48′56.18″ E latitude, mainly spread over Ahmednagar, Beed, Latur, Osmanabad and Solapur districts of the... more
Cities contain a diverse range of habitats that support plant establishment and persistence. This study focuses on a particular vertical artificial habitat: masonry retaining walls in Hong Kong. We explored the diversity and coexistence... more
The Philippines is highly regarded as one of the top biodiversity “hot spot” areas of the world supporting 1.9 percent of the world’s endemic plants and vertebrates species (Mittermeier et al. 1998). In fact, the Philippines is one of the... more
Tillandsia spp. (Bromeliaceae) use their epidermal trichomes for absorbing atmospheric water, mineral and organic nutrients. The absorbing trichome in Tillandsia has a nail-like shape, formed by an axis (stem) connected to the internal... more
The essay takes it starting point from the question, how women Surrealists depict sexuality. Images of female erotic fantasies have been far less analyzed than the erotic fantasies of their male Surrealist colleagues. The essay puts... more
El trabajo de esta comunicación se encuadra dentro del trabajo de investigación etnobotánica desarrollado por sus autores en el Valle de Roncal (Navarra). A través de la propuesta aquí expuesta se pretenden interrelacionar dos ámbitos en... more
We report the discovery of the Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile var. aegyptiaca in Qatar for the first time. According to the national biodiversity reports and national and international literatures, there are no record for the species in... more