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A mathematical model for the generation and transport of gas and heat in a sanitary landfill was developed based on earlier work on the Mountain View Controlled Landfill Project (MVCLP) in California, U.S.A. The present model incorporates... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringHeat TransportWaste Management
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      HistoryLawInternational RelationsPolitical Economy
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      Stochastic ProcessEconometricsStatisticsEconometric Theory
We study the turning point problem of a spherical pendulum. The special cases of the simple pendulum and the conical pendulum are noted. For simple initial conditions the solution to this problem involves the golden ratio, also called the... more
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      PhysicsHigher EducationProblem SolvingClassical Physics
The present discourse is directed toward the community that wishes to generate or use flow reactor data from complex chemical reactions as kinetic model development and validation targets. Various methods for comparing experimental data... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringUncertainty QuantificationBoundary Conditions
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      Star FormationMonte Carlo MethodsUncertaintyMultiplicity
This work presents a mathematical model for the two-phase flows in the mortar systems and demonstrates the application of approximate Riemann solver on such model. The mathematical model for the two-phase gas-dynamical processes in the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringAerospace EngineeringCombustion
We consider a class of elliptic-hyperbolic degenerate equations
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsEntropyHyperbolic Equations
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      EngineeringMicrostructureHeat TransferDiffusion Tensor Imaging
The objective of this paper is showing how global safety arguments can be fruitfully used to interpret experimental results of a pendulum parametrically excited by wave motion. In fact, the results of an experimental campaign developed... more
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      Applied MathematicsRobustnessAttractorsInitial Conditions
For the first time, the charge state distribution inside the MEsskammer für FlugzeitInStrumente und Time-Of-Flight (MEFISTO) electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma and in the extracted ion beam was successfully simulated. A... more
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We propose a simple and effective iterative procedure to generate consistent initial conditions for the lattice Boltzmann equation (LBE) for incompressible flows with a given initial velocity field u0. Using the Chapman-Enskog analysis we... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsComputational Fluid DynamicsIterative Methods
We prove local well-posedness of the initial-boundary value problem for the Korteweg-de Vries equation on right half-line, left half-line, and line segment, in the low regularity setting. This is accomplished by introducing an analytic... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsShock WavesNumerical Simulation
Blood velocity and pressure fields in large arteries are greatly influenced by the deformability of the vessel. Moreover, wave propagation phenomena in the cardiovascular system can only be described considering wall deformability since... more
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      EngineeringMembranesFinite element methodApplied Mechanics
The global linear stability of the flat-plate boundary-layer flow to three-dimensional disturbances is studied by means of an optimization technique. We consider both the optimal initial condition leading to the largest growth at finite... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyFluid MechanicsBoundary Layers
Blood velocity and pressure fields in large arteries are greatly influenced by the deformability of the vessel. Moreover, wave propagation phenomena in the cardiovascular system can only be described considering wall deformability since... more
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      EngineeringMembranesFinite element methodApplied Mechanics
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      MathematicsEconometricsStatisticsTime Series
In this paper, we estimate a model of labor market dynamics among individuals in Romania using panel data for three years, 1994 to 1996. Our motivation is to gain insight into the functioning of the labor market and how workers are coping... more
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      EconomicsPanel DataLabor MarketRandom-Effects Models
Dimensionality Reduction (DR) has found many applications in hyperspectral image processing. This book chapter investigates Projection Pursuit (PP)-based Dimensionality Reduction, (PP-DR) which includes both Principal Components Analysis... more
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      EngineeringMathematicsImage ProcessingData Analysis
Numerical stochastic integration is a powerful tool for the investigation of quantum dynamics in interacting many body systems. As with all numerical integration of differential equations, the initial conditions of the system being... more
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      Quantum OpticsDifferential EquationsBose Einstein CondensationNumerical Simulation
The nature of cosmological solutions for a homogeneous, anisotropic Universe given by a Bianchi type-I (BI) model in the presence of a Cosmological constant Λ is investigated by taking into account dissipative process due to viscosity.... more
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      Applied MathematicsPhysicsCosmology (Physics)Cosmology
To study the local Hubble flow, we have run constrained dark matter (DM) simulations of the Local Group (LG) in the concordance ΛCDM and OCDM cosmologies, with identical cosmological parameters apart from the Λ term. The simulations were... more
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      Dark MatterGalaxy ClustersDark EnergyCosmology
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      MathematicsPartial Differential EquationsMesh generationConvergence
We undertake a comprehensive and rigorous analytic study of the evolution of radial profiles of covariant scalars in regular Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi dust models. We consider specifically the phenomenon of "profile inversions" in which an... more
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      PhysicsBig BangCosmologySingularity
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      EngineeringMicrostructureHeat TransferDiffusion Tensor Imaging
The transport equations for the second-order velocity structure functions AE(du) 2 ae and AE(dq) 2 ae are used as a scale-by-scale budget to quantify the effect of initial conditions at low Reynolds numbers, typical of grid turbulence.... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringDecaySecond Order
This paper examines the development of the University of Rhodesia (UR) and identifies a pattern that developed in a path dependent way. Path dependency captures the notion that choices, that are made when an institution is being formed,... more
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      Higher EducationResource-based viewHigher Education PolicyCompetitive advantage
In this paper, we investigate both theoretically and empirically the numerical bias due to the truncation of structurally infinite time forward-Iooking models, by the means of various terminal conditions. We shed light on the difficulties... more
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      Computational EconomicsEconometricsLarge ScaleInitial Conditions
In this paper a sliding-mode observer based on the equivalent control method for discontinuous functions for a class of non-linear systems is proposed. The observer structure and its existence conditions are presented. Besides, a class of... more
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      ConvergenceRobust controlNonlinear SystemsMathematical Model
Please cite this article as: Michel, P., Delbo, M., Orbital and thermal evolutions of four potential targets for a sample return space missionto a primitive Near-Earth Asteroid, Icarus (2010),
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A systematic study of HBT radii of pions, produced in heavy ion collisions in the intermediate energy regime (SPS), from an integrated (3 + 1)d Boltzmann + hydrodynamics approach is presented. The calculations in this hybrid approach,... more
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      Quark Gluon PlasmaEquations of StateMolecular DynamicsPhase Transitions
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      MathematicsEconometricsStatisticsTime Series
This paper presents a convenient shortcut method for implementing the Heckman estimator of the dynamic random effects probit model and other dynamic nonlinear panel data models using standard software. It then compares the estimators... more
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      EconomicsPanel DataRandom-Effects ModelsSimulation experiment
When the frequencies of the elastic and pendular oscillations of an elastic pendulum or swinging spring are in the ratio 2:1, there is a regular exchange of energy between the two modes of oscillation. We refer to this phenomenon as... more
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      Applied MathematicsDynamicsWave EquationsOscillations
The evolution of grain mantles in various interstellar environments is studied. We concentrate mainly on water, methanol and carbon dioxide, which constitute nearly 90 per cent of the grain mantle. We investigate how the production rates... more
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      Carbon DioxideMonte Carlo MethodsMolecular CloudsCarbon Monoxide
An individual's a priori talent can affect movement performance during learning. Also, task requirements and motor-perceptual factors are critical to the learning process. This study describes changes in high bar swing performance after a... more
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      PsychologyEvidence-Based Practice (Psychology)Young AdultFeedback
Taking a wide range of the initial conditions, including spatial density distribution and mass function etc, the dynamical evolution of globular clusters in the Milky Way is investigated in detail by means of Monte Carlo simulations. Four... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringStellar EvolutionMonte Carlo Simulation
The entanglement dynamics of an anisotropic two-qubit Heisenberg XYZ system in the presence of intrinsic decoherence is studied. The usefulness of such system for performance of the quantum teleportation protocol T0 and entanglement... more
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum TeleportationQuantum InformationMagnetic field
The area of stable motion for fictitious Trojan asteroids around Neptune's equilateral equilibrium points is investigated with respect to the size of the regions and their shape, subject to the inclination of the asteroid's orbit. For... more
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      EccentricityCelestial MechanicsAsymmetryNumerical Integration
We estimate the electromagnetic effect of the spectator charge on the momentum spectra of π + and π − produced in peripheral Pb+Pb collisions at SPS energies. We find that the effect is large and results in strongly varying structures in... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsNuclear PhysicsSpace TimeInitial Conditions
Some exact solutions of boundary or initial conditions formulated for Bogomolny equations (derived by using the strong necessary conditions and associated with some ordinary equation and some partial differential equations), have been... more
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      Cauchy ProblemMethods of solutions of nonlinear partial differential equationsInitial ConditionsSkyrme model
A local level model has a deterministic level when the signal-to-noise ratio q is zero. In this paper we investigate the properties of the maximum likelihood estimator of q , paying particular attention to the case where its true value is... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsTime series analysisInitial Conditions
In this paper we investigate theoretically the numerical bias due to the truncation of structurally infinite time forward-looking models, by the means of various terminal conditions. On a general multivariate optimal growth model, we... more
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      Computational EconomicsEconometricsLarge ScaleInitial Conditions
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      Field TheoryQuantum Field TheoryModelsMathematical Sciences
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      Computer ArchitectureEvolutionary ComputationGenetic AlgorithmsBack Propagation
We study the asymptotics of solutions of the Boltzmann equation describing the kinetic limit of a lattice of classical interacting anharmonic oscillators. We prove that, if the initial condition is a small perturbation of an equilibrium... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsKineticsPure Mathematics
We study an evolutionary version of the spatial prisoner's dilemma game, where the agents are placed in a random graph. For lattices with fixed connectivity, α, we show that for low values of α the final density of cooperating agents... more
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      Applied MathematicsStatistical MechanicsGame TheoryCellular Automata
We predict the biasing and clustering properties of galaxy clusters that are expected to be observed in the catalogues produced by two forthcoming X-ray and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect surveys. We study a set of flat cosmological models... more
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      Galaxy ClustersCosmologyX RaysProbability Distribution & Applications
The description of the abundance and clustering of haloes for non-Gaussian initial conditions has recently received renewed interest, motivated by the forthcoming large galaxy and cluster surveys, which can potentially yield constraints... more
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      Galaxy ClustersCosmologyGravitational CollapseAbundance
A systematic study of HBT radii of pions, produced in heavy ion collisions in the intermediate energy regime (SPS), from an integrated (3+1)d Boltzmann+hydrodynamics approach is presented. The calculations in this hybrid approach,... more
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      Quark Gluon PlasmaEquations of StateMolecular DynamicsPhase Transitions