Jewish dialogical philosophy
Recent papers in Jewish dialogical philosophy
Von »Ich und Du« bis zum Nachwort zu den diesbezüglichen Schriften versammelt der Band Bubers Grundtexte zum dialogischen Prinzip. In ihnen geht es um Begegnung, den Dialog zwischen dem Ich und dem Anderen, zwischen Mensch und »ewigem... more
Questa tesi è un tentativo di riflettere sul cammino filosofico di Martin Buber, in particolare di pensare alle conseguenze e le acquisizioni che il nuovo paradigma relazionale, inaugurato dalla sua filosofia dialogica, ha originato nel... more
Martin Buber, Religione come presenza, Morcelliana, Brescia 2012. Italian translation of: Religion als Gegenwart. Foreword, pp. 5-36. Reviews: Nunzio Bombaci: in: FilosoficaMente; Paola Ricci Sindoni: Buber e la difesa della religione... more
While much has been written about the dynamics of inter and intra-religious dialogue in the philosophical writings of R. Soloveitchik, this discussion has not been put before the lens of the philosophy of tolerance and pluralism. After... more
Review of "Dialogical Thought and Identity" in Theologische Literaturzeitung
In this chapter I explore how Friedrich Nietzsche’s work The Anti-Christ inspired not only an unexpected charitable reading of Jesus’s life and thought in the New Testament, but also an unlikely sense of “holy envy.” I will examine how... more
The idea of dialogue in philosophical and theological anthropology emphasizes the dignity proper to each human being as a person, and also the human social nature. In the 20th century many humanists rediscovered the idea of interpersonal... more
В сборнике: Актуальные проблемы гуманитарных и социальных исследований . Материалы XI региональной научной конференции. Новосибирск: изд. НГУ, 2013. С.161-163.