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The supervisory authority possessed by the Internal Oversight Unit (SPI) at State Religious Universities in Indonesia is the main focus of this research. Research on the reconstruction of SPI's authority in the Prevention of... more
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      Philosophy of AgencyPolitical ScienceLanguage ChangeAttribution
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This paper provides data that show the role of the Kosovo Security Force in Emergency Management. Assessing the problems that arise from this topic, the paper intended to present the role of emergency management within the KSF as an... more
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      BusinessComputer SecurityEmergency ManagementUse of Force
The explanations so far show us that the state is the bearer of security in any society. It realizes its function through legitimate powers, which its executive bodies possess and are authorized to protect public and legal order. These... more
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      CriminologyArtificial IntelligenceCriminal LawPolice Science
How to cite this paper: Ibraimi, X. (2021). An institutional approach to governance and corruption in Kosovo [Special issue]. Journal of Governance & Regulation, 10(2),
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      Regulation And GovernanceCorporate GovernancePolitical ScienceLanguage Change
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Me këtë punim synojmë të paraqesim dhe argumentojmë rëndësinë që ka implementimi i ligjit për pagesën e TVSH-së në brendi të Kosovës për bizneset në përgjithësi e sidomos për bizneset që merren me importimin e produkteve. Edhe pse kanë... more
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Sektori i bujqësisë në Kosovë ka një rëndësi të madhe në zhvillimin ekonomik të vendit, pasi që përmes tij mund të sigurohet një pjesë e madhe e punësimit të përgjithshëm si dhe rritja e Bruto Prodhimit Vendor. Por, pavarësisht rëndësisë... more
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Reforma e administratës publike në Kosovë është një pjesë thelbësore e procesit të shtetndërtimit. Me reformën administrative qeveria synon të modernizojë administratën publike, për të forcuar kapacitetet e saj dhe për ta bërë atë më... more
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    • Reforma
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    • Integrity
The objective of this study was to assess the occurrence of streptomycin residues of locally produced and imported honey collected from individual apiaries and retail markets during 2017 from six different regions (Gjilan, Mitrovica,... more
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    • Streptomycin
Kjo është veprimtaria ime botuese profesionale. Këtu duhet shtuar edhe artikujt shkencorë e profesional si dhe prezantimet e botuara në revista jashtë vendit.
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    • Geodesy
Kjo është veprimtaria ime botuese profesionale. Këtu duhet shtuar edhe artikujt shkencorë e profesional si dhe prezantimet e botuara në revista jashtë vendit.
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    • Geodesy
This paper provides data that show the role of the Kosovo Security Force in Emergency Management. Assessing the problems that arise from this topic, the paper intended to present the role of emergency management within the KSF as an... more
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    • Business
Kjo është veprimtaria ime botuese profesionale. Këtu duhet shtuar edhe artikujt shkencorë e profesional si dhe prezantimet e botuara në revista jashtë vendit.
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    • Geodesy
The Kosovo Security Forces, the Kosovo Police, the President of Kosovo and the Municipalities are the most trusted public institutions in Kosovo, with over 50 percent of respondents declaring that they trust or completely trust these... more
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      SecurityKosovoPublic PerceptionSecurity Institutions
This paper provides data that show the role of the Kosovo Security Force in Emergency Management. Assessing the problems that arise from this topic, the paper intended to present the role of emergency management within the KSF as an... more
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    • Business
The purpose of this paper is to argue the need for the approval of law focused on the prevention of nepotism in Kosovo, the legal rationale behind it and to propose possible legal formulations. Various measurements of the public opinion... more
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      LawNational SecurityNepotism
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      BusinessEuropean Public Health PoliciesPublic health systems and services research
Fundamental rights and freedoms are constitutional category of democratic states whereas the standards for guaranteeing these rights have been determined in the highest international acts of the United Nations. Promotion of equality and... more
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    • Iliria
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    • Organizational image
Az 1998–1999-es fegyveres konfliktus óta Koszovó biztonságának és stabilitásának a nemzetközi katonai jelenlét a letéteményese. Sem az egykori Koszovói Felszabadítási Hadsereg „átalakításával” 1999-ben létrehozott Koszovói Védelmi... more
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      KosovoState-BuildingKosovo Security ForcesKosovo Armed Force
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Published by: Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) Title: Kosovo Security Barometer - Ninth Edition Author: Donika Marku Date: December 2019 The Kosovo Security Barometer (KSB) is a distinctive tool through which the Kosovo... more
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      KosovoPublic PerceptionCustomsSecurity Institutions
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      ManagementAlbanian StudiesSecurityMilitary
Published by: Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) Title: Multiethnicity destruction tendencies - Massive resignations of Serbian members from the Kosovo Security Force and Serbia's Role Authors: Shpat Balaj and Taulant... more
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      SecuritySecurity StudiesKosovoArmed Forces
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ublished by: Kosovar Centre for Security Studies Title: Kosovo Security Barometer - Special Edition Citizens' perceptions on Police Integrity in Kosovo Author: Plator Avdiu Date: September 2017 This special edition of the Kosovo Security... more
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      SecurityKosovoPolicePolice Integrity
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      SecuritySecurity StudiesIntegritySecurity Institutions
Published by: Kosovar Centre for Security Studies Title: Monitoring and Assessing the integrity and internal governance in the Ministry of Kosovo Security Force and the Kosovo Police Authors: Plator Avdiu and Skender Perteshi Date: 26 May... more
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      Security InstitutionsKosovo Security ForcesKosovo Police
U ovom radu autor analizira stepen usklađenosti odbrambene saradnje Srbije i Turske od 2004. do 2014. godine sa spoljnopolitičkom koncepcijom Ahmeta Davutoglua, iznetoj u njegovom delu " Strategijska dubina ". Radi toga je u članku... more
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      KosovoTurkeyTurkish Foreign PolicySerbia
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Abstrakt Sfida që akoma mbetet brengë e shoqërive në tranzicion e posaçërisht asaj kosovare e të traumatizuar në përgjithësi, pas parasysh të kaluarën e këtyre shërbimeve, mbetet sfida më kryesore e krijimit të mirëbesimit ndërqytetarë... more
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      SecurityDemocratizationSecurity StudiesNational Security
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      SecuritySecurity StudiesKosovoLegal argumentation
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This publication was originally developed as part of the research project “Civil Society Capacity Building on Mapping and Monitoring the Security Sector Reform in the Western Balkans, 2009-2011”. This regional project involved 7 regional... more
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      KosovoPoliceSecurity sector ReformGender and Security
Security Sector in Kosovo has gone through three phases of development: First phase (1999-2005) includes the phase of establishing the security sector from scratch where international presence had executive role; Second phase (2005-2008)... more
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      SecurityKosovoArmyKosovo Security Forces
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