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Чай и чайная торговля в Российской империи в XIX – начале ХХ вв.
Sokolov I.A. Tea & tea trade in Russian Empire in XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries
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      MarketingReligionHistoryCultural History
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      PsychologyAnthropologyArtModern Art
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      FolkloreHoly WellsHoly Wells & Spas Northern EnglandCustoms
The decision made by a slight majority of voters in the UK to leave the EU, based on a non-binding referendum, sent initial shockwaves across the globe. The separation of the UK from the EU is still a process in the making, as there is no... more
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      BusinessInternational TradePolitical ScienceFree trade agreements
Произходът на стоките следва да се разглежда като сложна икономическа категория, която от митническа гледна точка предопределя наличието на специфични насоки за осъществяване на контрол. Многообразието от споразумения за свободна търговия... more
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      ControlEuropean Foreign PolicyFree TradePreferences
Contents: 专题论文 宋代潮州陶瓷之路   ——以笔架山窑瓷器生产与外销为中心【黄 挺】/3 日本出土的宋代潮州窑产品与相关问题   ——以福冈市博多遗址群出土为主【田中克子】/20 潮瓷下南洋:19世纪以来潮瓷与东南亚潮人陶瓷业【李炳炎】/32 海洋、宗教与女性研究   ——以近代潮汕地区的信教妇女为例【蔡香玉】/54 “海洋亚洲”的废婢运动... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologySoutheast Asian StudiesMaritime HistorySoutheast Asia
Nel caso in cui la revisione dell’origine doganale scaturisca da un’indagine Olaf, incombe sulla Dogana l’onere di provare che l’informativa sia direttamente e specificamente riferibile ai beni sottoposti a rettifica.È illegittimo... more
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      TaxationInternational trade lawInternational Customs LawInternational and European Tax Law
Article encompasses Christian processions in Tržič (Slovenia).
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEtnographyProcessions
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This is a qualitative investigation to analyse native dance in Northeastern Thailand. There were three objectives for this investigation, which were to study the history of Isan folk dance, current dance postures and ways to conserve the... more
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Using objective measures of investor protections in 170 countries, I establish that the level of investor protection matters for cross-country differences in GDP growth: countries with stronger protections tend to grow faster than those... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipIndustrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)
The development of information technology has a significant impact on global distribution channels. In recent years, e-commerce has grown steadily in terms of both volume and value. As part of the supply chains, the customs... more
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      International Customs LawCustomsCustoms UnionCustoms Procedures
LA ORGANIZACIÓN MUNDIAL DE ADUANAS Esta obra lo hará recorrer el pasado, conocer el presente y adentrarse en el futuro de la institución emblemática de la comunidad aduanera internacional: la Organización Mundial de Aduanas (OMA).... more
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      Técnicas del Comercio ExteriorContrabandoInternational Customs LawComercio Electronico
Easter is major holiday in Poland, and Easter celebrations are not limited to Easter Sunday. Easter-related traditions take place for more than a week in Poland. From Palm Sunday to Wet Monday, this period is marked with religious rites... more
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      EducationCultureClassical TraditionsPoland
Dla jednych to po prostu dzień wolny od pracy, dla innych obowiązek kojarzący się z dbaniem o groby zmarłych osób z rodziny, dla jeszcze innych czas wspomnień o tych, którzy odeszli i refleksji nad życiem, śmiercią i tym, co może być po... more
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      History of Roman CatholicismCustomsHistory of spiritualityVirgin Mary, Assumption of
" Te pedig olvasó, ha látsz egy szemlészt, aki megbosszant, mert sovány lénungjáért az államkincstár pénzét keresi rajtad, ne felejtsd el, hogy még vigyázóból szemlésszé lépett elő néki sok mindent meg kellett tanulnia. Így tanulnia... more
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Supply chain security and logistics management in private and public sectors is dependent on accurate, comprehensive data from trusted, compliant companies. Among all involved in supply chain and logistics Customs plays an important role... more
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      Supply ChainSupply Chain Risk ManagementCustoms
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityInternational LawHuman Rights
Il sistema doganale è un sistema complesso, condiviso nella comunità internazionale, che richiede un'elevata specializzazione degli interpreti. Il fulcro degli scambi commerciali con l'estero è costituito dal passaggio fisico delle merci... more
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      International TradeInternational Customs LawCustomsEuropean Customs Law
This book will take you through the past, the present and into the future of the flagship institution of the international customs community: the World Customs Organization (WCO). Our purpose is to present to you, in a comprehensive,... more
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      International TradeWTO lawTrade FacilitationImport
This work focuses on the competitiveness seen by the customs procedures involved. Customs can be considered as a bottleneck in international logistics in some countries. Through an exploratory and bibliographical research, we could... more
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      International BusinessCustoms
The memory of old centuries. Symbols of time in the Romanian Orthodox calendar. Abstract: https://books.google.pl/books?id=YO7_CgAAQBAJ&lpg=PP1&ots=MNfpHVxmch&dq=ewa%20koc%C3%B3j&hl=pl&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q=ewa%20koc%C3%B3j&f=true The... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritagePopular CultureSocial and Cultural Anthropology
SPIS TREŚCI WSTĘP 5 I. W STRONĘ HISTORII 7 Wojciech Dudziak WĘDRÓWKI BLISKIE CZY DALEKIE? Początki badań nad pasterstwem karpackim 9 Iveta Zuskinová BACOWIE I JUHASI Z LIPTOWA ORAZ ICH KONTAKTY Z OWCZARZAMI Z PODHALA 14 Danuta Blin-Olbert... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageSocial and Cultural AnthropologyPastoralism (Social Anthropology)
SUMARIO: I.- Introducción. II.- El Acuerdo de Facilitación del Comercio. Antecedentes históricos. Evolución. III.- Principales aspectos. IV.- El rol de las Aduanas en su desarrollo e implementación. V.- Beneficios. VI.- La Facilitación... more
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      International TradeInternational trade lawTrade FacilitationExport-Import
W Kościele Zachodnim obchodzony 2 listopada Dzień Zaduszny, choć treściowo połączony jest obecnie z poprzedzającą go uroczystością Wszystkich Świętych, to jeszcze niedawno w zaskakujący dla przeciętnego człowieka sposób, nawiązywał w swej... more
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      History of ReligionPolish HistoryHistory of Roman CatholicismFolk Culture
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreFolk ChristianityTraditional Culture
Futja e një sistemi menaxhimi të riskut do të ndikojë në heqjen e procedurave të kontrolleve për çdo ngarkesë dhe në uljen e kostos së doganave dhe tregtarëve, rritjen e nivelit të vullnetarizmit në deklarim, si dhe rritjen e të ardhurave... more
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      TaxationRisk ManagementAlbaniaCustoms
A critical analysis of posthumous conception African style (“PPAS”) and posthumous conception Western style (“PPWS”) reveals inconsistencies between the two practices and sheds light on similarities in practices across cultures and... more
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      Human RightsAfricaInternational Human Rights LawWest Africa
Международные экономические отношения, Международная экономическая интеграция, Таможенный союз, Польша в ЕС, Беларусь в ЕврАзЭС
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Russian Customs Academy
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      CustomsImport and Export Customs Clerance
Newmark, contemporary linguist theorist, is dividing cultural elements to five categories, and he proposed 17 methods for translating of this elements. He tries to give better solutions to translators. The authors at this paper try with... more
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Карпенко А.С. Принцип «єдиного вікна» на митниці: сутність, проблеми практичної реалізації та перспективи удосконалення. − Рукопис. Досліджено історичні передумови становлення принципу «єдиного вікна» в Україні. Виявлено основні... more
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      FEACustomsCustoms ClearanceCustoms Control
Пропонований словник митно-прикордонних термінів є практичним втіленням спільної ініціативи представників різних державних установ та освітніх закладів таких двох країн, як Україна та Польща, основною метою якої є інтенсифікація... more
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      HistoryEuropean EthnographyEuropean EthnologyCustoms
The paper deals with the relationships between judicial practices and the feud, which acquires interesting relevance both in customary systems and in systems governed by the legal process. First is described the crucial transition from... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryLegal AnthropologyEarly Modern Europe
Customs Risk Management (CRM) aims to put balance between the growing need for global trade facilitation and, security and control obligations by customs authorities. In this study, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework is used to... more
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      LogisticsTrade FacilitationCustoms
Рахно К.Ю. Горшок каши: жертвы домашнему духу в обрядности татарских этнографических групп Поволжья и Приуралья // Этнорелигиозная идентичность татарского народа в условиях глобализации: Материалы II Международной... more
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      DemonologyTraditional KnowledgeCharming TraditionsTatars
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      CultureYoruba StudiesCustoms
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    • Customs
Support de cours ULB 2010. Présentation de l'état du droit douanier dans l'Union européenne en 2010
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      European Union LawCustoms
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    • Customs
Flera 1700-talsförfattare nämner att dofttickan användes av allmogen i norra Sverige som krydda i olika maträtter och för att skapa en trevlig lukt i klädkistan. Linné noterade sommaren 1732 därtill att den anisdoftande svampen begagnades... more
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      Folk MedicineEthnomycologyScandinavian StudiesSámi Studies
Indian writings in English have always presented India, its culture and people in most of the works. These works always had a sense of longing for one’s motherland. India can be seen presented with all its shades, bright or dull. The... more
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The Republic of Botswana, approximately the size of Texas or France with an area of 231,803 square miles, is one of the most sparsely populated countries in Africa, with just 1.6 million inhabitants. The capital city, Gaborone... more
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      Material Culture StudiesPopular CultureIdentity (Culture)Culture
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    • Customs
The paper examines the currently existing VAT and customs control mechanisms stipulated in the EU and international legislation and assesses to what extent they effectively tackle fraud and evasion in the context of e-commerce, while at... more
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      Tax LawInternational Tax LawEU tax lawInternational Customs Law
Support de cours à l'ULB. Partie relative à la politique douanière au niveau international et dans l'Union européenne
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      European Union LawCustoms